Time goes back a little.

There was a large fleet moving around the stars.

It was Rosetta's SS.

A fleet of current and stable primary weapons rather than state-of-the-art equipment like Liam.

It was spectacular to have 20,000 Starships with the Claudia family crest on them.

As Rosetta watches from the bridge, she sits uncomfortably on a dedicated seat.

To be Liam's wife, the dedicated seat is as luxurious as a queen sitting.

Function-oriented sheets are decorated.

"Was it good to have so many?

It was Siel who wore the maid's clothes that distracted Rosetta from placing her hand on her cheek.

"No problem!This is also evidence of a lot of admirers of Rosetta!

Looking at Sierre with a bitter face was Euresia, who supported Rosetta militarily.

"I've had enough budget, but it's too much."

When I heard Euresia's story, Rosetta felt sorry for the boulder.

"That's right. It's a little too much."

"It's not a bit.It's more powerful than the poor Earls. "

Corrected by Ulysses, Rosetta shrinks.

"Should I go to training like this?

This time, we will lead the entire army on a massive journey.

In a sense, the aim is to show Rosetta's military power.

It was Siel who planned this.

"No problem.Do you know how wonderful Rosetta's SS is?

At that time. Sil stopped talking and looked around.

Euresia puts her arms together.

"What happened suddenly?

"Yes, no. I felt like I heard a dog bark."

Euresia sighed with a stunned face.

"If you're a chino, you can leave a message at the Mansion.

Dog chinos are made in the mansion.

She was told that she was not there and she shakes her clothes.

"No! It's like a real dog howling."

Then the operators made a noise.

"Dear Rosetta, Our fleet is receiving a rescue request."

Rosetta changed her expression.

"Rescue? Which fleet?

"It exists in the data, but no further information will be disclosed"

"Disclose it under my authority."


According to the information disclosed, it was a special fleet formed by Liam.

"This is Master Liam's fleet!


The operator checks the situation.

"They have entered a state of battle with Calvinist aristocracy.More than 60 times the difference in power!

The noisy bridge.

Euresia rushed to get in touch.

The commander aboard Rosetta's mother ship was giving the order.

"Request help from this planet!

Rosetta stood up.

The SS are on their way to rescue Darling on all ships.


When the Commander was surprised and tried to persuade him to return to the planet immediately, Rosetta shook her head.

"It was my decision.We're on our way to help!

The Commander is ready for Rosetta and the SS are on their way to help Liam.

She thought.

(Ah, that? Why would Liam be saved by my plan?

--This is wrong.

I wanted to complain in front of the 20,000 big fleets that showed up.

"Chi, no.This isn't it, Conductor!

I cut off communication with Marie, and I was holding my head in Avid's cockpit.

"Why is Rosetta coming out at this time!I hope it's someone else!

I didn't think Rosetta could help me.

I was so agonized, I squeezed the lever.

"If this happens, we'll win eight!

I set off Avid to defeat the Calvinist aristocrats.

The pilot later talked to Liam about the day.

"I still dream about that day.- It's a nightmare. "

The pilot was being destroyed and wandering through space before Liam could launch.

They said they were running away and watching the battlefield from afar.

"The cockpit monitor was alive.I've been watching you outside, but no one will believe that battlefield story.I don't want to believe it either. "

Even if there were videos left, they would say it was a synthesis.

It was such an incredible sight.

"When that Avid passes through, his allies explode a little later.Cut and carved, your allies are swallowed by the explosion.After he came through, there was an explosion that pulled his tail. "

The pilot drank alcohol.

"As the Earl's fleet attempted to retreat, the traitorous mercenary regiment blocked the retreat and there was no escape.He offered to surrender.It also arrived in my cockpit.- But what do you think they said?

Marie, who leads Liam's fleet against the Earl's fleet offering to surrender, looks cold.

Surrender is not acceptable.You're done here. "

The pilot is laughing with tears.

That's funny, isn't it? There were 50,000 traitors out there.And yet, the enemy is less than half twenty-four thousand.There's more than twice the difference, and we've been ravaged.I... I could only see it. "

Ask the pilot why the battle occurred.

"Why did you fight? It was decided by the superior.I have no way of knowing that.--But rumors have spread.It seems that the Count's foolish son has captured Liam's master.There, that flash.And Liam, who was furious, came aboard.That's impossible, isn't it?

Everyone denied the rumors.

It is impossible for Count Banfield, then a leading nobleman in the Empire, to deliberately cross the border.

There must be another reason - the pilot thinks so.

"There will be an explosion of light in the allied fleet.On the other hand, the enemy does not see such light.Our fleet is a tiger of tension, but I didn't think it was that weak.I was too proud to win if the numbers were right. "

The pilot remembered what he saw then, but his hands were shaking.

"The Banfield family has the Knights of Javet.Rumor has it.But I couldn't feel it until I saw the real thing on the battlefield.They're quite capable, too.But the scariest thing is that I'm fascinated by combat.They're the ones who aren't afraid to die.The name that came out on the way out was particularly bad.It's a change. She used to run wild on the battlefield with no enemies.That's one of Liam's biggest loyalists, right?Can you believe it?

Since then, Liam has been victorious in a situation of disadvantage.

Ask if you didn't know that.

"If you believed me, you wouldn't have challenged me from the beginning, right?I thought it was about Yota on the battlefield.Somewhat strongly, I thought we had a tail on the story.Still sixty times that.We were so vigilant, we got the numbers, but we were ravaged. "

Ask the pilot about Liam on the battlefield.

"Liam? For the Banfield family, I'm sure you're a famous man.I'm getting jealous and tears are coming out.Our lord was a terrible man. "

He was a terrible man - a man of the past.

What happened?

"--he's dead. When we returned to the realm, the Count and all the candidates were dead.Rumor has it that the mouth is sealed, but we don't know what happened.However, it seems that the way he was killed was pretty bad. "

When the pilot still tries to ask questions, he takes a seat.

"That's enough. I don't want to remember this story.I've decided never to have anything to do with House Banfield or Liam again.I've seen a lot on the battlefield, but that's a real monster. "

The battle was over and my men took care of it. I wasn't relaxed aboard.

When the battle is over, Marie takes care of me crying.

"There's a wound on Liam's body - a wound - and this Marie regrets her indecency.I apologize for dying. "

Are you stupid or what?Just keep looking after him. "

Even if you say this, Marie, who is loyal, takes the liberty of saying in her brain, "Liam, you forgive me. Nice!".

I vomit on great company animal guts.

I hated company animals because I was a company animal for a while in my previous life.

Simplicity is the best thing in the world.

Pay only what you work for without expecting it.

That's it. This is good.

When I'm done, I'll sit on the tatami mat I've got dressed correctly.

Feng and Feng Hua were already seated, and Ellen followed me to the seat.

The master and his family are facing each other.

"Master, thank you for being safe."

When I lower my head, Feng and Feng Hua also lower their heads.

For some reason I just felt reluctant with Ellen - this will have to be scolded later.

Master An is laughing.

"Ahahaha - I appreciate your help."

A generous master.

But we had something to worry about.

It is Fenghua who opens his mouth first.

"Master! How did you get caught by the original flash!If you were a master, you'd be a big knife for all those fish!

- Yes. How did Master get caught?

And Feng was worried about Master Anshi.

"What do you mean you can't fight it!? Why is a teacher so strong?

In addition to the two questions, I ask one more question.

"Master, unfortunately the original flash master has escaped.I thought I was with the deputy, but I couldn't find out where Kukli and the others were looking. "

The master who listened to our questions closed his eyes with his arms closed.

What bothers me even more is that giant octopus.

"And that monster.I was blind to the flash.Is something wrong?

I was supposed to meet him.

And yet they knew me.No, I knew the flash.

A giant octopus that was outcrying hostility that must not exist.

Master Yasushi opens his eyes and answers our questions.

"It seems like the time has come to tell you everything."

Master starts telling us the secret of the flash.

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