The planet Augur's space port was home to successive ships of allies.

I watched from the bridge of the mother ship, and I was sitting in a chair frustrated.

"Your approach has been brilliant. Above this, let us eat through the front breakthrough - Isel, Prince of King Gudwar. - Klaus, you're highly regarded."

The reason I'm frustrated is because Klaus is more prominent than I am.

He has also been active in the Great War against the United Kingdom, and Klaus is a namesake.

That also seems extraordinary in the reign.

- How is Klaus getting famous, not me? Plus, it's worth more than Calvin! I'm angry at the reaction of an enemy like that.

Klaus was looking away somewhere.

"In the fight against the United Kingdom, Master Liam did not participate. I was wondering if I could spread Liam's name in this battle."

Last time I didn't even bother to go out to the United Kingdom, I didn't participate, but now I regret it a little bit.

But Klaus is right.

I'm glad I put this guy on my side because I get a decent opinion. If this was Tia or Marie, I'd say, "They'll kill you!," and does not present a fundamental solution.

Good thing I made the lead knight Klaus.

"So is that. Prepare Avid for launch. And what about the fleet?

"Thirty thousand ships of the Banfield family are ready to go, but the fleet of Major Generals dispatched by the Imperial Army has refused to go out with Augur defense as a shield"

As the great fleet of the reigning kingdom approached, it was in the escape support without marching out.

Well, 3,000 ships would be meticulous.

Even I run away.

Klaus was waiting for my order.

"- Keep a record that you refused this request."

"Aren't you going to let me go?

"I don't need it because it gets in the way. Connect me to the command fleet."

A number of small windows appeared around me in my words, all shown were military men in the Banfield family general class.

I give my men a speech in front of me, but originally - I can't listen to a great guy long enough.

I try to make you laugh with a joke, but if I fail, I care more about making a loving laugh.

But whoever likes to speak is even comfortable with it.

I can feel my power.

What can I say and how can I tell you? I don't care about that. Ask the men in front of you to work for your pay.

And you can laugh at me lovingly.

"Good news for you guys who lost your arms because of all the pirate exorcisms. He came out this way from the reigning kingdom. It's not me, it's Klaus here."

Klaus is faceless, but I ignore the reactions of my men.

You don't have to make sure you're listening properly or anything. I'm sorry about the guy I haven't heard, and I'm not going to tell you a lot in the first place.

The great guy said, "Good luck! I said," It's a handful of people who succeed. Many great guys don't even realize they're failing.

Except for the famous speech, I'm not going to give the famous speech.

That's fine if you feel good about it.

"Waiting is not for sex. It's an all-arms assault."

When I saw the soldiers salute me, I realized, "Oh, these guys are just about to end it".

Don't rush me!

I'm angry, so I'll ignore you and continue my speech. I'm gonna keep telling you meaningless stories!

"The enemy is the king! They are the ones who have invaded the territory of the Empire without any cause. Give those guys the punishment they deserve! - Everybody, look at the planet Augur."

A politely reduced stereoscopic footage of the planet Augur comes to my attention.

I used to support the planet Augur.

It feels like you're holding the fate of one planet.

"This is the planet I took care of. I mean, this is... this is my territory! If you are a deputy, it is noble to defend your own territory!

It is a lie. If the flag gets any worse, it's the Imperial nobility who runs first.

"You are my men. It's my sword and it's my shield!

He took the soldiers as swords and shields with the meaning of using them like tools.

"Don't defy me. Obey! Then I will give you victory. Run and this planet will be ravaged by the enemy. That's all I'm gonna do, I'm gonna stop you at anything!

I'm sure these guys will look like great lords who won't abandon their territory if I'm a deputy. But I'm not who I really am.

I have invested in the planet Augur and have also taken time. I can't allow that to take away or anything like that. It's not about the residents of Augur being important or anything.

Ravaging the place I ruled or something is a felony!

And there's no way I'm gonna lose.

There's no way I'm going to lose with the guidance.

Then, a flash must not be lost.

You must let them know you are the strongest.

"Let the king know my name. Tell them who's the strongest!

The soldiers don't even move with Pickle. - Is this what it is?

I'm sure these guys won't be finished soon - or better yet with a message? I would think like that.

If I'm in a position to listen, I agree.

I'm pressing for time, so that's it for today?

"- All troops out. Crush the fleet of kings."

The fleet moves out in my words.

It is the planet Augur that the fleet of the reigning kingdom aspires to.

The fleet on that path could not move because there were no orders from HQ - Calvin.

The commander screams.

"What is the General Command doing! The enemy is on the verge!

I'm not actually at a visual distance, but when I gathered the information, I was approaching an engagable distance.

Where did you gather that number from, 600,000 ships?

They couldn't storm the whole army because they were staring at the Imperial Army elsewhere.

But the king has attacked with 600,000 ships where there are no hundred thousand.

We don't have Commander-in-Chief Calvin, we don't have an important base.

The planet Augur is still in preparation.

When I seriously targeted a place like that, the Imperial Army didn't even think about it.

"The people of the reigning kingdom, aim for the neck of Lord Klaus, not the neck of His Highness Calvin"

With Liam's right arm, Klaus is also famous for his vibrant victory over the United Kingdom. That arm was supposed to be learned, and Klaus' name was spreading in the Imperial Army.

Assemble less than 100,000 fleets and the commander will figure out how to move.

"What's going on with the request for reinforcements to our allies?

To the commander's words, the operator looked like he was about to cry.

"I'm calling from earlier, but the noise is terrible and I can't connect"

How can it not be connected? Are you blocked by the enemy?

In that case, the King's kingdom moves too fast.

There was also the possibility that allies were surrounded. If you escape poorly, you could be targeted there and wiped out.

"Keep calling your allies for help! HQ should be grabbing their moves too!

If the big fleet moves, I'll notice.

HQ should be sending reinforcements quickly or ordering them to withdraw.

Nor did the commander come to a decision as to why this was happening. However, commanders who know how to do the nobles, imagine nasty.

(Break through us and you'll be right on to the planet Augur. No way, the nobles abandoned us to use us as pawns?

The military also know that Calvin and Liam are in contention and find themselves caught up in a political dispute for that reason.

An operator shouted at the commander.

"Enemy Fleet Warp Out! That number, that's more than we assumed!

The commander waves his fist down his elbow.

"All armies -"

A different operator shouts out when he tries to order an operation that thoroughly buys time. The voice was just a little bright.

"My allies are warping out! Or the number is - thirty thousand! This family crest!?"

Keep moving forward as your allies warp out one after the other from the rear.

Street the Imperial Army and form formations as you travel.

With the movement of the fleet, the commander understood the level of proficiency.

Few troops have high proficiency in the aristocratic private fleet, not the Imperial Army. I can't even say there are many Calvinists, but I remember who exists behind us.

"The Banfield family!

Immediately in noise-mixed communication, Liam is shown.

There's just something wrong with Liam's background.

"He said it was a manoeuvre knight cockpit!?"

When the commander squeals in surprise, Liam raises his mouth and makes him laugh.

"Are you still safe? Just fine - follow me. All orders are given by Klaus."

That's all the communication breaks down.

How aristocratic it may be, it takes a lot of procedure to order the Imperial Army.

The sights of the bridge crews gather at the Commander. The commander looks bitter, but gives orders to connect to the Banfield family's total flagship.

That comes from the decision that you will destroy all your allies yourself.

"You can't fight hardly in this fleet."

As an Imperial Army, they had gathered a fleet of low proficiency and weapon quality due to their low importance. It was a fleet of just a few pairs.

The commander thinks.

(Were we positioned to be stoned from the beginning)

Total flagship of the Banfield family.

There, Klaus was giving one order after another at the bridge.

"Request support from the Imperial Army fleet!

(Mulli Mulli!? The quality of such a fleet dissolves in the fleet opponent of the King!!)

Knowing the strength of the Imperial Army, he hastily decided to turn it to support.

Because I wanted to be a restraint on my enemies.

"Assault on the enemy fleet and simultaneously launch all manoeuvre knights! Don't ever let Master Liam go out. Even if we go out later! The SS will never let Master Liam go out!

(Why does the Commander-in-Chief get into the manoeuvre knight?!? I can't believe he stormed the King's opponent or anything!!)

Klaus was confused while ordering.

Anyway, because Liam's orders were terribly simple.

In other words, it's a “raid” that's becoming a Banfield family art.

It was Liam's operation to storm with all his armies, targeting enemy generals.

(Says I can't! Normally you fight and you lose, but you can't fight the king!

Only the army is a bee! and a reputable reign.

No matter how hard a nation would be to understand, only the strength of the army was real.

Liam is thinking of storming such an opponent.

But a communication from the SS arrives.

"My apologies, Master Klaus"


"Master Liam said," I'm the spear, "and he pushed the SS out."


If you look in front of you, a manoeuvring knight appears at the head of the family Banfield fleet.

That look with a big shield mounted on both shoulders was definitely Avid.

Klaus' cheeks snap.

(What are you doing, Master Liam!! - I can't do this anymore)

- I'm glad you wrote your will, Klaus.

I feel nostalgic for Avid's cockpit.

"You've had less of a ride lately."

If you talk to him like that, he roars up like Avid's engine replies.

Pirate opponents were unable to perform at full capacity, and they didn't turn up these days.

Even if it was, it was too far over, and I guess Avid wasn't rampaged enough.

Grip the joystick.

The monitors show the enemy fleet and the manoeuvring knights marching out.

A family of Banfield fleets are about to storm the enemy fleet.

And concentrate the attack on Avid, who will take the lead.

Battleships, a number of light and live ammunition weapons emitted from manoeuvring knights.

They mist or explode and disappear before they reach Avid.

Avid moves on like nothing is going on in it.

"You've improved your performance again. Be glad, Avid, that your opponent in the kingdom might be able to take you seriously."

Avid's twin eyes emit light and hold a laser blade in its hand.

Shaking down the blade of light was an enemy battleship a few kilometers away.

It's no different in space from close range.

But it wasn't the distance the laser blade would reach. - Normally, yes.

"Avid, tell him your name and mine to the reign. Punch them in the head to see who's strongest in the empire!

If Avid waves the laser blade down, its output causes the blade of light to follow the slash as the fan opened.

Three manoeuvring knights were involved and exploding as they broke off enemy battleships.

Enemy ship explosions cause massive debris and splashes.

That hit Avid's field and he was sparkling.

The sight of the king is nailed to Avid, who slashed the battleship.

"It's Liam Sella Banfield. I'll take care of them. Call me."

When Avid gestures to call with his left hand, the angry enemy's manoeuvring knights flock.

Basic proficiency is higher than that of the Imperial Army, but too direct.

All of them were slashed and ripped by Avid with a laser blade in order to come together as funny.

Dozens of planes exploded and an allied attack poured down from the rear of Avid onto the fleet of the reigning kingdom.

"Gentlemen of the reigning kingdom. Enjoy me."

A number of magic formations appear behind Avid, from which the weapon appears.

Spraying fire in unison blows up all the enemies around you.

- I'm gonna make sure you guys don't forget my name.

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