I'm the driver in Apocalypse

I am at the end of the world's drivers section 415

The officers, you and Zhang Shangcai immediately organized all the troops in the Pangu Base, and the fire fell to the homeland line, and be sure to block these monsters outside the high wall;

Zhao Zhigang, Feng Chu ... You inform the drone brigade and the ancient fighters immediately boost, provide firepower strikes and cover for the ground forces;

Director Wu, you will immediately notify the subordinate base of the Panka base in my name? Command them from the northeast, southeast and Zhengbei direction to attack this group of monsters? Be sure to play the role;

There is also a secretary for Zhang, I will prepare a summary of information on all parties in two hours, I will report to No. 1 No. 2.

Today? I ordered all the troops in the name of the highest military general in the ancient base.

Homeland is a key defense line of Pangu Base. It is an important material base for survival and even counterattacks. All troops have to win the twelve thousands of spirit, do not hesitate to pay the monsters of this group of people, ensure that the home is safe? Action ! ! ! "

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task !!!"

As a whole, the whole is, and the crowd has a military order, and the commander will start to execute the military order. The command hall suddenly is busy.

At this time, Zhou Sudi suddenly hurriedly came from outside the door, he looked at the big screen on the eye? Amazing:

"It's so fast? Professor Wang only arrived before, I can't think of so soon,?"

Huang Lao expression said:

"We have never thought that they have chased them outside the homework on the high wall only after three days! And you see the numbers next to these lights, they have sneaked the abandoned coal seam holes, trying to seep it from the ground into the home ... "

Zhou Lao heard in the heart, he was the biological information received by the headquarters to come here, and I would like to discuss some research progress in these days.

But he didn't expect that these monsters have begun to attack the city!

When the Li commander command used a missile to bomb the young zombie, Zhang Shangcai took the opportunity to pick up the other and other people like Wang Tu No.2, and Professor Wang.

Subsequently, I went straight to the retreat, until I walked up the transportation machine again, and a heart hailed in Zhou was slowly put down.

For Zhou Lao, he all hoped that Professor Wang can live.

Professor Wang is his old friend, and more than a period of time in his hand, it must have a large number of information and information about the corpse variation.

Don't underestimate this information information, as long as the research is proper, Zhou can build a biocological simulation system to calculate the zombies and the transition passwords of these peeling monsters!

"Zhou Lao, you come over is what is the study of the corpse research?"

Huang Lao finally reacted, immediately asked.

Zhou Lao affirmatively nodded: "Yes, according to the information provided by Professor Wang and the blood sample of the zombie, my team has achieved some progress!"

At this point, Li commander who is not exhibited, and he and Huang Lao ask:

"Talk about what progress?"

When I talked about my professional field, Zhou Lao Li appeared in the spirit, he stared very waist:

"Two heads, I came over this time, I was telling you.

Three days ago, the zombie blood samples taught by Professor Wang, as well as other blood samples of all local immunization, ordinary zombies, and high-grade zombies, through these days overnight, we have successfully built a set of genetic simulation systems !

This system is based on genetic transformation, mainly using human and ordinary zombies gene sequences to be main targets, through the body, physiological indicators, layers of high-grade zombies, and to speculate on the overall process of the corpse ! "

Zhou's old look excited and started talking.

"Studies have found that every surviving ordinary man, they are both corpse immunity, also carrying and communicating!

I express this, two heads may be very worried, in fact, there is no need!

For example, it is the most common in our human beings, and it is also the most susceptible epidemic virus!

This influenza virus is based on international standards, which is basically divided into three types of methylene, which can infect various mammals such as humans, poultry, and believe that the two heads have also been heard before.

Through our research, we have found that we will infect this influenza virus, is not completely exposed to contact or pollutants.

The most critical point is: our ordinary person even if there is no cold, there is also a type of viral primer in the body.

That is to say, like this influenza virus, some of its part is hidden in our body, just activated by some external factors.

This also explains, why all the world will be at a particular point in time, while breaking down the corpse of the corpse! "

The 542th chapter is hoping

Zhou Lao is an expert in the field of biochemical. His argument is that the two heads of China are of course not thinking about it.

Li Commander is anxious, ask: "Zhou Lao, can you do any flu virus? Then these peeling monsters are going on, can our bullets come to the bottom?"

Zhou Lao hooks: "The first is long, don't move, I will mention these changing creatures right away!

As I said in the past, the corpse is very similar to the influenza virus. Its pathogen is in the human body, but it is only activated.

According to the reverse logic of pathology, since there is this virus in our human body, or it is a flaw, then what happened to the immunity?

After we added a corpse disease in human living cells, it was found that each immunity was spontaneously formed by spontaneously forming an antibody before they were not activated by the corpse, and formed a slight balance with a cold virus or corpse. Didn't let them become zombies.

And want to activate the corpse, you must make the host body into a fake state, then wake up, change into ordinary zombies! "

Huang He listened to here, suddenly realized:

"No wonder, no wonder that people who have bored by the zombies are not a zombie! They will pause so dozens of seconds, when we thought it was a corpse invasion, it took time, it turned out to be activated!"

Li Commander frown asked: "What virus is activated in our body?"

Zhou Lao smiled: "Ask, in fact, in the perspective of human beings, this latent corpse is nothing harm to our human body, and there is nothing benefit, it is the same as a cold virus, just a microbe!

And according to our targeted research, it has basically determined it is actually a non-cell microorganism consisting of multi-component!

We know that compared to large animals, microorganisms have extremely high growth and reproductive speed, some special microorganisms can even grow in extreme environments, such as cold or high temperatures, such as hosts enter the death state.

Therefore, it will only rapidly transform the human body after being activated, thus breaking the original biological system balance of human beings, and creates the strange creatures of zombie!

As far as the peeling monsters outside, we should act as part of the zombie in the genetics of the young zombies!

They are neither a gear generated by genetic defects, but a new type of genetic defects, but similar to the workers in the bee group, a group specializing in a particular type of work, such as ... guard and attack! "

Li Commander is a femaper: "What you mean is that the zombie This population has new other ethnic groups in the future."

"Not bad!"

Zhou old silent road.

"Moreover, according to the sample research of dozens of human human human human beings, we have also found that these humans are not completely immune or evolution to corpse. What they have been affected by zombie electric waves? Gradually toward zombies Is it close to? Form another new ethnic group! "

The two heads heard the heart.

As early as two or three months old? The enemy-occupied area has passed many human survivors to evolve some super capabilities? Some of these super-ability carriers can manipulate ordinary zombies, can some of them can be discovered? The foundation of countless sizes is established.

At the beginning of this news, the two heads included No. 1 No. 2 is still very happy? After all, this represents human beings nor there are no battles, maybe these super powers can still play in the future war. effect!

It is like a basin cold water. It completely casts the fire in their hearts.

The super powers and the peeling monsters outside, in fact, a group of zombies ...

This inference is simply like a spike. It is stab that they are in the blood.

"Zhou Lao, is we can't overcome the corpse? Is it a part of a person who turned into a zombie? Is it from internal to?"

Huang Lao finally asked him that he was most wanting to make.

If the inference of Zhou Lao is correct, then the seriousness of the death of the zombies has exacerbated.

If the super power in humans will become a zombie one day, how many survivors have been infringed by the zombies in the vast land? Ultimately completely occupied the entire planet?

No one dares to think in this direction, because the result is only one

Humans will ultimately destroy!

After the old age, I was caught in the Queen's question. After a while, I will open:

"According to the results of the simulation, there is a big probability of 99%, and human beings will be infiltrated by zombies and even extinction!

However, there is a small probability of a little. This little probability will exist, because the uncertainty of human gene itself, or is unique!

For example, these super powers have a strong over-capacity, but also variety?

For example, so far, the ability of the super power is applied to the ordinary zombie, but does not extend to the high-grade zombie or even zombies?

According to the principle of probability, only the genes of each humanity can be explained!

And if there is a human super subject, he can retain human high IQ, which can compatibility with the unique ability of zombies, and constantly maintain corpse cell activity, not fully phagocytosis

Then, he will be between human and zombies, have a complete new human gene that is compensated for complete!

And this human beings are the possibility of one percent! "

The two dresses were silent. Of course, the super powers in the enemy-occupied area have been admitted, and they understand the possibility of this percent, how small and precious.

So far, all the bases of the Pangu base, as well as all survivors bases that can be contacted, have not reported the existence of such a strange super power.

Most super capabilities, their capabilities are only limited to control ordinary zombies, induction zombies, and mixed into the zombie group.

The very few of them, has a supportible ability of physical strength, and great strength, and there is no one who can extend this ability to other zombies in the old mouth ...

For a long time, Li commander sighs:

"Forget it, we still take care of your eyes. Only in this battle, we can then send a search team to find one percent.

Lao, you have made progress on these peeling monsters, they ... have weaknesses? "

The last sentence of Li Commander is a lucky question.

As early as a few days ago, the person of the special forces had more than these peeling monsters, the bullets were basically invalidated to them, and even the last missile did not kill them, and he did not make him no matter what this defense war. confidence.

As the highest military head of the Pangu Base, Li commander can't reveal the slightest and out of loss, it is really a torment.

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