I'm the driver in Apocalypse

I am at the end of the world's drivers section 412

So, I opened its head with the stone ... "

Li Wei said red light, the next narrative is a little uncomfortable, even if the big nerves are like Ma De, I also listen to a lot of pump, nausea.

Finally, after this paramount, Li Wei finally said:

"... I and the brothers swallowed the zombie into the belly, everyone has the strength, and the things that packed the top of the mountain will again vain.

In this this, we got the news of the ammunition library from the nearby survivors. Unfortunately, we will be palained by the people in Tianquan Mountain. We not only didn't get the benefits, but also gave a slave. .....

Hey, there is a sentence in the past, called the rich, relying on science and technology, and the poor relies on variation!

This sentence really didn't say wrong. After returning to Chicken Mountain, I had a very low time. I didn't have a weapon. I didn't have a weapon. Even food is not enough to support us, and Ji Gongshan will destroy once. .

Old days or I am not thin, the variation is finally coming to our head!

I am the first to find yourself has superobies. At that time, I met a few zombies when I founded food. They didn't catch up with me, and I didn't rush myself, but I ignored me as the air!

This finding made me happiness, I immediately thought of the body of the zombie, I thought that this is certainly a certain change, some kind of super power, I finally also rose a day! !

After returning to the top of the mountain, I started to organize people who specialize in killing zombies, collect the corpses of zombies, and try to cook them with various methods.

Finally, I found that the way to steamed and the barbecue is great, add some commonly used seasoning accessories to remove the dead corpses on their body, can also make their dry skin soothing.

In this way, we have to survive until ... today! "

The 537th chapter sad facts

Li Wei said that it was a lot of feelings. It was only a bloody and reddish eyes, it seems to be told that he made efforts and sacrifices for survival.

All people are silent in the room.

They listened to Li Wei's story, and thinking about comparing and changing with their own experience.

Do they do when they are in the same difficult situation as Li Wei?

Is it live-starved, or like him, go to eat trees, or zombies?

There is no answer, and there is no answer, because no one can predict how powerful it is.

And this power is to build on the cornerstone of crazy, metamorphosis and loss of humanity ...

Zhou Dahai is silent. He has recognized that although it can suppress his desire, don't go to the zombies, do this.

But he can't do it, watching Huang Xing, a relative friend, is hungry in front of him!

Zhao Qingshan and others are also silent, because they have experienced hungry tastes, although not as long as Li Wei.

Eat the zombies, sound the creepy, but once you put yourself, no one can say that you will not eat zombies!

The silence of killing the pigs and the biece is different from others.

Killing the pigs listened to Li Wei's voice, and both admire and appreciated, there is a kind of ability to have a self.

Killing, killing the pigs have long been here, nothing more than a white knife, the red knife is coming out, and then a few throats.

For so many years, the pig cattle and sheep who have been slaughtered by his hand will not fight.

So in his opinion, killing pigs and killing, and even killing people, there is no great difference in essence, you have to say people than pig noble.

But he is holding the knife of the slaughtering livestock, and may have a higher level of life, holding a knife of the slaughter.

The idea of ​​the binalt collar is slightly different from killing sags.

For a small boss, he certainly understood the truth of "weak meat", and I walked out without the way, he did countless back.

Only, in his opinion, Li Wei's luck is too back!

"Not found by the zombies", this is a tempting magical ability!

He is, if you can have this ability.

You can use super capabilities to build a small shelter, and then attract other survivors to live together, and then do not sound the zombie meat into the belly of the survivor.

At that time, the people in the shelter had the ability to discovery from the zombies. Only this? I feel completely to dominate the whole city!

And Ma Debu is the only one in the audience, and does not think about the guys of "eating zombies".

He is thinking about "super ability" itself, and the frown monster.

In Madebu eyes? Eat zombies may have some disgusting metamorphosis, and some difficult to swallow? It is not a thing that is difficult to teeth.

I remember the time he just married, because there was nothing in the evening, my wife, Xiao Xiaoting, I like to talk to him some history and anecdote.

Eat similar? This kind of thing is not a patent for animal or insects? It has already been there in humans.

Ancient Year, war, natural disasters, etc. Is it just like it? As long as it affects chaos that grow food, eat with the same class will appear!

Yan Xiaoting told him how it is a Zhoukou store in the prehistoric era, and our old ancestors have the wind of eating people.

At that time, human life is too short. It may not be able to live in adulthood, and there is a beast flood, and you want to survive to eat some animals and similarity.

And in addition to our old ancestors, there are still many records about the eating people, saying that it is "the history of people".

For example, if you can't eat the soul, the Song people who eat their sons, the Song people who eat, Yi Zi, and the Qi State Warrior eat each other, and the Jinyang people have been helpless, and people have to eat each other ..... .

Until the Qing Dynasty Tongzhi New Year, some places still have a phenomenon of eating, and even put the same kind of flesh and blood, and set the price according to the fat and thin parts, and sell money.

Therefore, Ma Debu and Yan Xiaoting believe that today's human beings have not evolved to the point where they can defeat themselves.

Sorrow, but it is a fact.

As for the "super ability" and the explosive monster in Li Wei, it is the focus of Madexiao.

Not found by the zombies, this superior ability may be very attractive in Li Wei, you can mix into the corpse to kill kills, and even build a huge survivor base.

It can be seen in Madao that this superior ability is compared with Wong Xue, but it is a little witch!

Can you discover from ordinary zombies, may you escape the sight of red-eye-growing zombies?

It is necessary to know that the end of the world is now, the threat of ordinary zombies is far less than the high zombies and zombie dogs.

The advantages of the group are reflected in group warfare and melers, while the advantages of advanced zombies and zombie dogs are stronger, reflecting in strategies and fixed-point raids.

The former is like a small soldier, the latter is the real leader and killer!

Thinking of this, Madu stared at Li Wei and suddenly asked:

"I ask you, after you eat the zombie meat, why should I continue to eat zombies? Is it only such a superior power?"

Li Wei listened to some panic, because Mademun's problem fell to the secret impact of his heart and had a zombie!

Of course, he did not dare to say this secret, because that is his last killer.

It's low to avoid the eyes of Ma De, Li Hao sighs:

"Since you guessed, I don't lie to you! After I ate the zombies, I found that the zombies no longer hit me, as if I got the same kind of similarity to me.

Later, I wanted some way to test this ability. I found that if I don't eat zombie, I will no longer turn it out of us for a few days, this ability will disappear! "

Madei stared at him: "Is it really so, if I found you?"

Li Wei's head is shrinking, and I replied again: "I dare not dare. I have nothing to hide now."

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"Hehehe!" Ma Dezi waved again.

"Then this matter will be awarded the first to say, what is the explosion monster? It is like a monster?"

For the explosive monsters in Li Wei, Madei is completely not believed, so he asked with ridiculous tone.

And Li Wei did not care about his ridicule, just shake his head and dignified his head:

"From its body shape, it is not like people, too thick! It seems that the skin is like who is tearing, there is no intact, exposed flesh and blood and bones are also convex, like .... .. just like a gorilla that is lived! "

The voice just fell, I saw Li Wei brought it to the face under the hand.

The Madi heart captured this detail was tight, and then frowned.

Li Wei can now tend to compose a monster.

But he must never pass in advance, and use this unbelievable creature to play.

Is there a monster in this world?

The 538th chapter is steep

"You say" Mademia is sinking.

"From the appearance of the monster to leave, let all what you see, including the details!"

Li Wei is too self-reliant, since Ma Biao is so concerned that the monster is so concerned, then he has basically put down the things that he eats zombies, and you may have a hope.

Although Li Wei appeared very fearful to the explosive monsters, he can face the death threat in front of him, he still chose frank.

"I don't know how the monsters come, I only know that we are sleeping at the time!

First of all, I found that I was two sons. He had a habit of peeing in half night. I didn't sleep in a puppy that night, I went to him to be a monster zombie.

I thought it was dreaming, this is also usually, because everyone is escaped from the zombies, there is more zombies during the day, and dreams in the evening are not very unrest!

I can wait until I ran away from the house to see it. It is indeed a monster zombies: it is more than two or three times more than our ordinary people, and only a bloody muscle fiber is high. Running, a pair of red eyes are extra obvious in the night!

I was scared, until it suddenly grabbed someone, I woke up him directly into two petals.

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