I'm the driver in Apocalypse

I am at the end of the world, the driver, Section 300

He fairy is brought by his movement, followed by an extremely dangerous breath, and a moment is shrouded.

"The dead stinky man !!! I have ate you!"

There is no doubt that this dangerous breath is a trap and can have her life.

In the anger, He Xianzi no longer scruples Mademan's life and death, her waist is twisted back to Madu, and the hands hold down the neck.

Ma Debu is difficult to breathe, and the giant force from the neck has made him want to turn his head, and the skeleton of "magnetic magnetic" is also issued.

"Finally, have you dying?"

"Xia Ting, Tian Tian ... come to see again ..."

I don't know how long, he has gradually begun to blur, the head feels a donation, and the face of the fairy in front of him began to stay away ...


Just as Madegue's conscious door is to turn off, the roaring in the deep soul is surprised, and the sea!

Then, Madei, which is endangered in the eyes of He Xianzi, suddenly rising his eyes, and a violent fierce beast is blowing.

She still has no time to scream, and she was turned over, then

"Bang !!!"

Thunder, two grenades exploded!

" !!!"

" ... No !!!"

The two groups were in an instant, and the dramatic airflow disrupted everything around.

In the middle, Madu feels that he seems to have been sent to the cloud, and then fall into the abyss, deeply falling ...

Chapter 376 sitting in the town base

In the excitement, explosion and whistling, Madei fainted into the depression of the cliff outside the hanging brick.

" ..."

Seeing this scene, Zhou Dahai and Huang Xingying shouted.

"The sea, the brother is left to save me! No, we will save him"

"Go on? The brother fell from such a high place to live ... you are waiting, I will go to the electric gate!"

"You go! I will notify the following" below the way! "

"No! Our hill has a traitor, and now it is absolutely unique to another, saying that there is still a traitor in them!"

"This death !! Then we can only keep confidential ..."

In the scream of two people anxious, the hanging brick electrodes turned on electricity, Zhou Dahai and Huang Xing immediately ride the hanging basket slowly to the cliff bottom road.


The news in the top of the mountain is until the sunset Xishan, who has passed the huge vibration through Zhou Dahai to the ear of Zhao Qingshan and others.

Originally zero casualties, the army is a good news, and the team members even gathered together to discuss the problems of the next time!

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But this emergency has made some people's hearts:

"Only said that the top of the mountain, but didn't say anyone who did something ... would there be a zombie to touch the top?"

"It is possible! ... I am afraid that I am more fierce!"

"Is it impossible? The hill is except that the lift is the rope of the hill mountain!

"This is possible! You think about it, the head of the base is not showing now, and maybe it is broken to the top of the mountain!"

"Ah, isn't it bad? Let's support ..."

"Not allowed to say! What kind of people are them, they don't know if you are still unclear? As long as you investigate the truth, you will definitely tell us! You don't want to guess, keep the base prisoner!"

"Hehe, Zhao Shi Long don't be angry, is we not chatting!"

The players have spoken, guess the wings, basically cover all the possibilities.

This kind of suspicion is actually normal:

Now Tianquan Mountain is like a big company, now the high-rise suddenly said that the company's headquarters is in an accident, but did not say anything, it is inevitable that the employees are constant, guessing!

Of course, the old teams must have been to Ma Dezi, the sea and others, but the trust of the end is the most precious, and it is also the cheapest thing, and it is absolutely unable to be a last straw.

I also referred to the front of the brothers and brothers and brothers. I can drink alcohol, after a moment, I can regenerate the food, even if you die, each of them have a similar experience.

Yes, Ma Dezheng is indeed a savvy leader, what is the resort and even the head of the Base.

No one can guarantee that this leader will always survive, but don't change the initial heart, never change!

People's heart, human nature, is the most difficult, and the most difficult thing!

At night, the new players suspiced that the old players were inneatically, Huang Xue finally came from Tianquan Mountain.

What she is carrying on her back, she is extremely slow, seemingly easy to go in the wild.

If the person is Mademan or Zhou Dahai, the team members will move around, and they will ask one to leave.

Although Madei is known as "smile tiger", it is a man as they are, and the language is easy to close, although it is never a loss of unlucky.

Zhou Dahai didn't have to mention, a soldier temperament, and he stood together for a while, I am afraid that they will not help with themselves and are esoterous.

Can Huang Xing children are different!

As a newly married wife in Zhou Dahai, no matter where the new and old players are very few, they are only available in the wedding day.

Huang Xifei temperament is cold and unique. It usually trains them unmunited, and the punishment means will be a variety of people, like a serious school teacher, awesome!

See Huang Xueger approaching the base to ban the chamber tent, the players don't consciously spread, each will not chat with the post.

Zhao Qingshan saw only her one person, did not see Gu Feng and Xiaome, so he greeted the front:

"Yellow teaching, there is okay on the mountain? I just didn't respond to my leader and Xiao Ba, but I can die!"

Huang Xing is placed on the back on the ground, it turned out to be a box of boxes!

She wanted to sweep her face with her faces, and she took out a few words for a while:

"Zhao Shi Chang, call them to eat!"

Zhao Qingshan touched a nail, scratched his head, and immediately started calling the team members to collect rice.

More than a dozen players were placed in a row, and Anan went quietly to eat, and Huang Xing did standing as a sculpture coldly, and the atmosphere was as subtle.

Until the crowd did not eat, Huang Xueger was called Zhao Qingshan to start the entire team.

The players stand in order to hold the guns into two rows, wait for the order!

Mademan and Zhou Dahai sometimes also like this whole queue, or announced things, or issued a task, but there will be a chatty in advance.

Such as satirical guys who don't like to take a shower, how to make a few cabbage radishes unclear, one hundred and five ...

In short, they always fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the players, lively and interesting.

Can Huang Xifei is not this set, she is often directly into the theme, it is clear.

"Three things: First, a group of the base sneak at the top of the mountain this afternoon, two hours ago, we were all done!"

Huang Xueger began to talk, and the tone was as indifferent to the ground.

The players face each other, and the gues and guys are proud, then they will become worried.

Base's equipment and combat quality they are very clear, first-class equipment, three-flow tactics.

If there are several captains that have been supported, I am afraid that the previous bandits are not as good.

What can you be unbearable, the advanced weapon equipment is still there, plus it is a sneak attack, it is difficult to defend the hill, no casualties!

With the departure of young people in the army, there will be a child child, will there be a big casualty loss, causing that they have no face?

"The second thing, immediately collect all the weapons in the base, including rifle, hand thunder, rocket tube and high radical machine gun on several military vehicles. Small equipment is lifted from the hill rope; large weapons are transported by lifting machine! Zhao The squad leader, this task is handed over to you tonight! "

Huang Xing has continued to pass cold channels, and there is no fluctuation between speech.

Zhao Qingshan is slightly, according to their cleanliness statistics, the base of all kinds of weapons are piled up, and they are afraid not to do thousands!

Take the mountain this evening, isn't it not to sleep?

However, when he didn't dare to question the new and old players, he only had to call it.

Huang Xing child added: "There are a lot of quantities, this I know! Can be transported with the sold military traffic, you can move over for up to two hours!"

Zhao Qingshan is relieved, and it is best to use the car.

In order not to surprise the nearby zombies, they all search patrol through the afternoon, who knows that the boom in the afternoon will attract zombies!

"Third things, from now on, Tianquan Mountain only retains a passage of the lifting machine! Everyone includes new and old players, to apply for the interpretation! As for the placement of the captives, tomorrow will be arranged in person!"

Huang Xueer finally said.

The third four seventy-seven chapters of death horses

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