I'm the driver in Apocalypse

I am in the end of the world's driver. 278

Chapter 346 is getting married

Going to the No. 1 residential area, it is already going to eat.

The people of the Armed Ministry have gathered in the door of the canteen, and wrapped out the wild peaches and chestnuts around them, while chatting, slapping chestnuts.

Many people have never had wild peaches, because in addition to deep forest, the wild fruit trees growing elsewhere have rare.

Wild peaches have many kinds, which are much smaller than usual in the market and supermarket.

Moreover, this peach is not good, the fluffy has no color; some areas of the wild peach shape is still like tomatoes, and many people can't accept it after reading the peaches that I am used to elliptical.

It is a sour taste that is incorporated into childhood memory in the eyes of the native rural people.

The players Made came over and quickly let a position, Zhao Qingshan first reported:

"No. 1, just now the game is a little eight win, we are planning to report to Zhou Yellow Team, I didn't expect you to come!"

Maden sat in the eyes of Xiaoda, Zhao Qingshan, the latter eyelids, hurriedly called several players who added it to Qi Zhengzheng Station.

This reaction is actually the rule of Zhao Qingshan to the Huang Xue children:

As long as it is a member of the new joining Tianquan Mountain, in addition to several core players, they have to set down the concept of the next order!

Zhao Qingshan believes that the newly joined members did not stand up, and the second did not have difficulties with the old players. It is difficult to quickly build "comrades".

They can only go everywhere, thus going to the peripherals of Tianquan Mountain.

Of course, over time, if there is a peripheral, you can successfully integrate the big family in Tianquan Mountain.

Huang Xinger agrees with his suggestion, and immediately find Madegue discuss, this has the number of "Tianquan Mountain Second Special Academy".

Seeing a small eight very much, Madi did not mention any comments, and the swingle made them sit down.

"Since he won, then I said countless!" Madei also took a chestnut and started peeling after stepping with his feet.

"From today, Xiaodao is the second team of the second team! Zhao Shi Long, you feel that the deputy of the dealers will take the captain of your team, how?"

On the side of the Gu Feng, the finger immediately tied into a chestnut thorn, and he hurt him quickly put his fingers into his mouth.

Zhao Qingshan works on, while noddion:

"I think it's good! In fact, I don't want to say the truth. I can't afford to pay attention to the deputy ... Hehe, brothers don't care, my brother, I am talking about my heart."

Gu Feng nodded, and his face was embarrassed.

"But I went to the Chicken Mountain last time, let me change the view of him!" Zhao Qingshan said.

"In the supermarket in the suburbs, you and the Yellow Team officials follow us, and I am divided into two teams, respectively.

The bookmates used in the books have been hung, and now it is basically in \ app \.

At that time, the supermarket was very dark, and the pale pair of classes was sharp. It was a few times he reminded me of the zombie; and I also took the initiative to expand the search range of their team, helping me too busy! "

Other team members are listening carefully, no one is inserted.

"There is also that sudden attack, I remember that you hid in the house, and we hid in the side of the car! Gu Feng at the time of my life, he actually took the initiative to keep the weight of the car! "

Speaking of this, Zhao Qingshan said.

"I used to stay in the base. I know what is called weak meat. What is the cruelty of the world! So, in my cognition, as long as it is a weak or heart-to-hearting bastard, then he is a small bastard. !

I admit that I am also very timid at that time. When I saw unfair things, I dared to scream, I couldn't know how to do it. After you have, I will be more guilty, the more worry, I will be implicated!

I have to go to Tianquan Mountain. I understand that the more you indulge yourself, the more you indulge people! Let the good people get bad, the bad guys become more babies ... "

The players listened to God, and they did not always think.

"This truth is actually the first, you let me understand" Zhao Qingshan also said.

"Maybe many people will think you are like a bandits in the mountains, old and huge slide, sinister, hi, don't be angry, I am a bit, huh, huh!"

Madei did not see: "You can then say! What is the body of the bandits, to chase a three or four generations, maybe you still give it to a wife ?!"

"Hahahaha!" The players laughed.

"Then I will then say" Zhao Qingshan smiled. "

"Actually, I think, we have a good person, there is no good or bad and evil! A blank paper, what do you want to write, isn't it just that the environment is said?

The base of the base is very pressure, very nervous. This makes people staying inside, and it is also nervous every day! I am afraid to have a dangerous task, or who is in the back of the gun, and quietly collapse you as a zombie!

But Tianquan Mountain is different! From the corpse wedding to us, I think you are a person who can affect others! No matter how dangerous, more difficult, more wronged, you always don't have affected by the environment and insist on self.

So, we will feel relaxed here. When it is easy, the soup in my heart will sprinkle it, and there is no previous kind of fierce and cruel! "

Everyone heard that he looked up at Maden, and he had admired and respectd him, and he was embarrassed.

"This horse is ... The real thing is enough!" Mademan thought in the heart.

Zhao Qingshan is digested for a while, and finally:

"Guban is preceding to make mistakes, who did not make mistakes in this end? So I think people's character and behavior, most people are not fixed, it is constant!

As long as the impact of this environment is deep enough, it is enough to remember, even if you change a new environment, even hell can also stick to the initial heart as you! "

When I finished, the players heard the chestnuts, and they started to applaud.

Chen Laozhen, the Canteen, and Zhou Dahai and others thought about what happened.

Chen Lao saw Ma Debu, they just clapped her hands, so I complained: "Good guys you are using hand chestnuts, or play the drums! Harm my old man almost urinated pants ..."

On the side of the stalks, I also launched a complaint: "I said that Xiao Ma Ge, we are surrounded by Huang Lao Mai's clothes! Her eyes are not good again, this suddenly scared her almost tied me .. .... "

Everyone listened to another laugh.

Maden saw a group of white flowers in Zhou Dahai, smiled and asked: "The sea, you have to get married, how can you sew clothes?"

Zhou Dahai smiled: "It's not your own time to be so anxious, there is no wedding dress on the mountain ... This is not, Mrs. Huang is demolished, giving apricot wedding dress!"

Ma Dezi got out of his shoulders, I bought: "I am sorry for my brother, my head is not ready! You are waiting, wait for you to get married next time, I will guarantee your beautiful wedding dress, Exercise plus a set of Ashima suits! "

Zhou Dahai was very touched. After returning to God, he got his teeth, directly put the white silk cloth on the neck of Made.

"Hahaha ..." Everyone is a madness.

The 347th chapter is sleeping tonight tonight

Now the Tianquan Mountain is in fact, it is not lack of clothes, just lacking clothes for a particular occasion, such as a wedding dress.

Since Made, after the ban on the ban on the mountain, the army has not collected the material for several days. Otherwise, Zhou Dahai married such an important thing, absolutely impossible to have a wedding dress.

However, as the bride's Huang Xing did not matter, in the face of one of the most important occasions of life, she said that he didn't care, even if we worn us, the heart was so happy.

Madegue and other core members, of course, I understand that Huang Xue's lifetime is happy, and I haven't comforted her, watching her "curtain wedding dress" carefully sewing the old lady.

When the team members of the Armed Ministry under the command of Ma Dezi, put the peeling chestnut and wash the wild peaches;

When the people in the life group, several round tables and wine, and then lay the "red carpet" with the quilt-in-quilt.

A couple finally appeared!

Zhou Dahai put on a set of shirts found out in the boxing of the box, equipped with handsome and straight figure, and his unique military temperament, standing on the red carpet, like a sword that is about to be out of sheath, handsome and cool.

And Huang Xue is in Yan Xiaoting, Yan Xiaoling also has Li Yu's help, wearing a unique wedding dress with a white mash with milky, and the model goes to the other end of the red carpet.

Mamatian and Li Xiaoya two little girls act as a granting and flower children, smiling and pulling a wedding dress.

In order to find the atmosphere, Zhao Qingshan and others found Yan Xiaoling to run to the Ministry of Materials of the No. 2 residential area, moved a set of audio.

When the soothing and beautiful music sounded, under the quiet gaze, the whole body is white, the white chronicle hand chestnut, slowly move toward the Zhou Sea.

Until the afternoon Madea left for a long time, Zhou Dahai and Huang Xing did reflect the connotation in "Relief in the fire, the monkey peaches".

For Madezi's laugh, the two only have funny and sweet.

If you take a sake, you will take a deep feelings of Huang Xing, who is the zombie, and how to get a risk of race.

Moreover, these four words have a deeper point:

"Chestnium" represents the fruit, "Rebudes" represents hope that both of them can really be like Xu Xian and White lady, have a "Quart" or "Wu Song" of the ghosts!

"Monkey is peaches" more don't have to say, both hands are pinched with a hobwater in Zhou Dahai:

"I still know me, I know that I have to go to the upcoming" sexual life "! Peach? Hey, although it is stealing every day, hehe!"

Looking at the more and the closer Zhou Dahai and Huang Xing, the people blessed the center, and they were very happy.

Ma Debu and Yan Xiaoting are expelled, and the two seem to have a time in this moment.

Although they are equally simple, they are not as good as Zhou Dahai, but it is still thinking about the aftertaste and sweet.

Mademan and Yan Xiaoting are the complementary combination, a secular, a gentle, a gentle, a fine, a silence, a quiet, a peaceful far ...

This combination is very wonderful, wonderful to every detail in life, may become a laughter or a fire.

As long as the two are willing, they can turn up the door, for a sofa in the district or a dish.

As long as the two are willing, they can immediately say the drums immediately. You press my legs, I press your waist, couples are honey.

There is no zodiac to be associated with each other, and there is no constellation Tarot.

Just like the earth, the wind, the continent, the continental, and the opposite is unified.

And Zhou Dahai and Huang Xinger are still a very different pair.

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