I'm the driver in Apocalypse

I am at the end of the world, the driver, Section 276

"Hee hee hee......"

The players surrounded Zhou Dahai and Huang Xue's chaos, and it was a smile and hired, and she was happy.

When Zhou Dahai, although the thunder is popular, it can be a trick, but he can't prevent him.

While he was carefully observed the face of Huang Xue, while waving his players, it was a smile.

The face is red, and the willow eye is full of Huang Xing, but it is to pull it to the side by Yan Xiaoting Yong Xiaoling.

"I said the brother, which is you playing?" It's hard to play the team members, Zhou Dahai smirked to Madesy.

"Although we have also considered this, you can ... but I haven't married her yet !!"

Madei took his shoulders, Lao Tao: "What is this, the proposal is in me! Do you want to be willing?"

Zhou Dahai, looked back, looking at Huoxue in the pile.

Just, Huang Xue in this time is also shy, and the two are deeply affected.

After a long time

"I am willing!"

A unique warmth between a lover is instantly infected, and the rice in the canteen is far away.

Thirty-three chapters of the heart

After breakfast, everyone put on a shade cap, picking up the sickle and the back, and leaving the trial field.

The mission this morning is to help the production team to harvest rice and gum!

Dry rice is known as mountain rice locally because it is located in the hills, and it is rare to become a flat rice.

As a result, smart farmers opened up a lot of layers of ladded terraces in the mountainside; and also tried the mountains in places where there was no water source.

From the production, there is certainly better than rice.

It is low in production, and the rice rate is also low, and the quality of rice is generally.

It can be used for the people of Tianquan Mountain. It can successfully put it in the dry land of the waterless layer, and more less is a pleasing thing.

All the way through the farm and fish pond, everyone excitedly left carefully.

The group is called a non-stop family chicken, and the wild chicken has a rabbit, plus the floral seeds hiding in the shade, and it is not happy.

Although there are not many things, they are all hard work.

In the past, everyone guys killed only a rabbit to teeth, and they had to open a for half a day.

The mountain rabbit and pheasant will not grow up all over, and the thin shelf is disassembled, and it can only be an add or pot.

I still remember the original Xiaoting, I can taste some kind of meat in order for everyone.

Every time she will leave the rabbit and pheasant's meat bones, a meat stew, another eat bone soup stew ...

What is like now, a meal tube is full, and Donteon has meat.


In the end of the team, Yan Xiaoting asked Madelight:

"How do you suddenly think of a wedding to the sea and Xiaohuang? Yesterday, I didn't tell me, I didn't know what to do, I didn't know what to do!"

Maden's eyedrop is fast, this is not to say to his wife, you are temporarily and comfortable, and you can't kill him on the spot.

"Oh, in fact, I have been a long time. I haven't mentioned you! I don't know how I think of it today, hehe!" He hit it, trying to make a clearance.

However, Yan Xiaoting is quite understanding him, I saw her face and said: "Don't hippie smile, you have always been the thief brain, the whole body is a bad idea! Say you really just want them to get married, I didn't play in the end What bad idea? "

Madei is called Yutao: "Hey, a wife! People can get married, can I think of a bad idea? Mainly these days, everyone is not high, and the base is zombies ... I just want to do a wedding, rushing! "

"Hey!" Yu Xiaoting was happy. "Chongxi? When did you still have a menstruation? However, this wedding should still do, the parents of the sea are in the field, and Xiao Huang has become ... Ugh!"

Madegue sighed: "Yes! They have also negotiated under their two surely, and she is very difficult to agree with the sea! I only have a lot of people, directly put them directly Waiting for the table, it is also a big sea! "

Yan Xiaoting sighed: "There is only this way! Now this end environment, the concept of the country, the nation, and the social concept is fast, only small families can maintain a small group of unity!"

"Yes!" Madegue interface. "If the family is disassembled, the whole world has become a single scattered man, and human nature is never constrained. Killing blood is only more!

You didn't often say that my heart is home? As long as we have a model of our family and the sea, others are also married into the family in Tianquan, naturally, they will treat it as a heart! "

Recommend an app, comparable to the old version of the book artifact, can change the source book full of \!

: "This idea is good, there is a concern of the family, it seems that I can't let go of one stroke hand beam, in fact, I can have unexpected gains in the crucial moment, which is better than a person singles alone! De , I see Your blind date plan can be put on the age! "

Madebu smiled and shook his head: "Now it is still, the trouble of the hill has not solved it ...

The two no longer speak, their respective thinking, walking in the trial field.

At the test of the production team, Jiang Laohe and Yan Station will wait here.

The plants of dry rice are much rough than rice, and the branches are rough, and they are more troublesome.

Everyone divided into two teams under the command of Jiang Lao, and after the whole body was strict, she started to harvest.

Yan Xiaoling is still strange when he is starting with a few players. Why don't you let them sleeve or trousers? This hot day is really uncomfortable.

Jiang Lao only returned a sentence: "You don't want to be bitten by the bug, lying in the bed at night, then take off the roll sleeves!"

Let's go to the small farmland of the small half, everyone understands the meaning of ginger.

The generous branches and leaves, all unknown small bugs, encounter people, do not dodge, do not go straight to the face, the neck is made up.

In a short while, several players who have been confiscated by the paddy are reluctant.

There is no technical content of harvesting rice, as long as it does not hurt their own premise, cut the plants from the root.

In addition to small bugs, physical consumption is also a big problem.

When harvested, people had to bow back, holding a knife, holding a knife, often can't cut a few seedlings to come straight.

After a few times, I couldn't support the strength of Zhou Dahai, and the sorry was sitting in the field, slowly moved to the front.

Another team puts the harvested ricehe in the wooden tasting machine, and round the arm began to thresh.

No way, since the last time I met the advanced zombies, Mademino issued a prohibition of going down the mountain, and did not get the thresher and the shell.

This original, far-off, the players are particularly tired, and the players are too lazy to open, and they are all broken leaves and rice grains in front of them.

Fortunately, in the experimental field, it is not finished at noon at noon in the joint efforts of more than a dozen labor.

Everyone hides in a cool place to rest, and even the food brought by the people in the life group does not want to eat, one by one is sinking.

Gu Feng first, said: "I understand it, the previous TV programs are completely fart! What fields are in the mountain song, what is the joy of harvest, what to enjoy the field ... My mother's waist is broken, Where else is watching the scenery, enjoy the heart! "

Zhou Dahai listened to the straight music, while giving you the water, laughing at the side:

"This is my life, I am tied? I just smiled once? Hahahaha, tell you in the afternoon, in addition to collecting peaches, your Huang Guan wants to have a new trick, guarantee you. Founded! "

"Ah! ??" The players are stupid, asking for mercy on one side, when they have a feast, regret it in the morning, I shouldn't open the joke in the morning.

Thirty-four chapter monkey peaches

After resting, everyone is sitting on a piece of eating.

Tianquan Mountain is now rich in breakfast, with porridge steamed bread and buns.

In the past few days of farm activities, the people of the Life Group also prepared a lot of meat in advance, used to supplement the physical strength consumed by everyone.

Under the shade, a dozen lunch boxes, a variety of dishes in the lunch box, except chicken fisher, and sausage bacon from Li Changsheng.

When the old people finished, they were sent back to rest, their role was reflected in verbal guidance, and they did not need them to work.

For this practice, Ma Debu and Zhou Dahai have also sought the opinions of the Ministry of Armed Ministry.

Since the old and love the young, since it is a virtue inherited for thousands of years, it has the reasons and benefits of it in the real life of a generation.

Although the old people can't do too much agricultural work, you can live in their minds, your mouth is a idea, let players benefit!

After lunch, the Webmer led everyone to continue to the north, and stopped to the cliff.

This is a hillside, a gentle ground cleaning is very clean, neither weed and there is no boulder, and some is just a sparse tree seedlings that have just been planted.

The team members have been as stupid, and they asked:

"Captain, this is the task of our afternoon? This ... this is a baby baby, even the hair is not long, where is the fruit?"

"I heard that there is a tree seedlings with money oranges, just so much, it seems to be ornamental! Yan Captain, is you also a small, exquisite peach tree?"

"It's impossible! Take a look, this sapling tree has nothing to dry, there is rough! What peaches can be so small, I am afraid that ten fruits will be killed!"

"Hahahaha, you are a baby's baby, one says to fall in the ground, really laugh at me! How can I do this? This is the fruit wood seedlings that the captain transferee, waiting for a long time. Grafted! What do I say? "

Yan Station head smiled and listened to his team members, until everyone was told, this smiled and explained:

"Only Zhao Shizhang is right! These only fruit trees, you see this is a pear tree seedlings, kiwi seedlings, it is a seedlings and citrus seedlings ... Grapes and pomegranate seedlings.

These fruit wooden seedlings should be in the nursery, which is to give seedlings in the greenhouse, and then transplant fertilization! Pony has a fruit trees in the mountains. Some fruits that are less suitable for the mountains are being taken by ginger, so you haven't seen the variety! "

In the crowd, Zhao Qingshan heard the most, he suddenly asked:

"Which fruit is the fastest, the result is the fastest?"

: "I am not a hipster, I used to plant a few pot tomatoes in my home, what kind of pepper is!

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