I'm the driver in Apocalypse

I am in the end of the world, the driver, No. 269

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In addition to the lightning bomb, the tactical hair, the smoke bomb, and they also carry some 82-style drawings.

This kind of hand thunder is also used by the special forces, because its unique detonation method can destroy the principle of shooting angle and delayed explosion, this kind of hand thunder does not immediately explode after pulling out the pull ring.

In theory, even if you take it in your hand all day, you will not trust the entry into force as long as you don't release the clip.

"There is a few hands and don't see it, or 82 types, this ..." After a short observation, several other officers also found this detail.

Zhang Yong, the cold eyes moved from the trench to the big door in front, suddenly jumped, pulling the officer next to the lower body: "Kneeling!"

Several people are electric shock, and the gap of the sandbag bunker under the guidance of the school is seen by the telescope:

I only saw the hall of the light, and I could see a head in a stair corner.

It serves as a cover with the corner of the stairway, and only a eye is staring outside the door, and the right hand palm is holding fist.

The fine-tuning is focusing, and the tiger is exposed to a familiar dark green hand straet!

"That is zombie?"

A officer was wrong.

Zombies, they see more than people, generally not wrong.

Can take the zombies of the thunder, everyone is still the first time.

"Yes! It is likely to have a high-grade zombie into the laboratory. It bits the warrior who is going to be here, then directs the zombies to pull the loop to pull the ring, and prevent someone to take the elevator .... .. "Zhang Qian school was calmly analyzed.

Everyone puts a cold, in the situation of the corpse, there is actually a high-grade zombie into the base, and will use such a humanized dark whistle monitor ... It's awkward !

A officer seeps out of cold sweat: "The death, the soldiers are falling asleep, so obvious goals have not found it?"

Zhang Yaosong sway: "The warriors are all on the high wall in front, if they have senior zombies, they can completely close them ... Now discuss this is no longer used."

Said, he pressed the call button outside the headphones: "The command center, please call up the monitoring screen of the first floor hall, pointing out the zombie ambush position!"

The other correspondent was shocked. Like the warriors in the trenches, all of the people's corpse battles put all the attention on the corpse of the monitoring wall, completely did not pay attention to the inside of the base building.

This turned the monitoring, the command center boiled.

In fact, it is also unfortunate that the soldiers who will be trained will commit such mistakes. Under the high wall guards of the copper wall, no one will be able to pay attention to the inside of the building.

The zombies will neither fly without the precedent of the duvet, and how can they appear in the base?

Nobody will think that the uniqueness of the "boss" will have evolved into the third stage of the high-grade zombie in the buddy corpse.


After a moment

"... There are two zombies in the hall stairs, respectively, with the main entrance and side; in addition, there is one in the elevator! The laboratory's specimen test between the laboratory is also a zombie, all .. .... Researcher's "correspondent's voice is trembled.

"Say the focus!" Zhang Shangxiao. "Weekly academician, how is the most inside the laboratory?"

"... There is no picture, the monitor should be destroyed!"

The hand of Zhang Yong is full of sweat, and the surroundings are in the most inside the laboratory, next to the female zombie.

If there is a high-grade zombie into the base, then the other's goal is likely to be the female zombies, or the surroundings of Zhou!

At this moment, the hearts of several people are sinking.

"There is no time to make a detailed plan!" Zhang Shangchang suddenly ordered.

"Zheng captain, you rate two people from the side door; others will attack me from the main entrance! Explosive the hand in their hands, even if you can't do it, you don't have to destroy the building ...

Everyone listened, after I entered the hall, I will throw a hand thunder in the horns of the Northwest Wall, and everyone will quickly observe and kill the target with the attraction of the explosion! In particular, pay attention to monitoring the dead ends and hidden pipes, prevent being ambushed!

Now our mission has only one rescue week academician and survivor! "

"Yes!" A few officers immediately touched the right side of the building.

"The eighth armed squad is listed, there is a zombie into the underground laboratory! In addition to the necessary people of the retreat plan, others have given me a sudden progress towards the laboratory! Be sure to give me the academician for me to save!" He press The headset has issued a command.

"Walk, with me!"

After the words, several people took out the trenches and touched the door to the door.

Chapter 335 Mobile Bomb

The burst of explosions from outside did not affect the zombies in the hall. It should be a member of the Institute. The coat has been taken away, only one loose underwear hangs.

When you suddenly throw in the door, when it is unknown, it is closed by the boss.

The boss is very obvious, neither active, and I don't care about the human assault team to attack.

The facts are clear:

How important is the academicians of Zhou, don't have to remind others, whether in the theoretical level or research data, the information about zombies in his hand is extremely important to the whole world.

Therefore, the purpose of the zombies controlled by the boss is only one tried to block the human assault team!

A 86-style full-plastic handle thunder is in the corner of the hall, "" rolls a few laps on the ground

"Boom" is a loud noise, the hall is suddenly dark, and it will take a fire.

At the same time, several bullets flowed through the corner wall and brought a small dust and fog hit it back.

However, on the side of the body of the body, the face on the body of the hall is not happy.

Because the zombies have been back to them, trying to protect their heads and chests, let the back skin open!

"No, it is waiting for us to close the thunder, kill us! Everyone, pay attention to hidden!" While shouted at the same time, the body slipped in a smooth ground, tightly Wall corner at the corner.

Several other officers have been looking for a branch in the smoke in the lobby, and several black caves are dispersed around them and remain vigilant.

The lighting in the hall was broken by the hand, and the light was turned down.

Zhang Shangcai closed his eyes, carefully recalling a few suspicious orientation just now, and there is a zombie position from the command center, rumor:

"Everyone pays attention to three o'clock and eleven o'clock, there is a movement and immediately shoot!"

Subsequently, he slammed near the corner and took a shot of the zombie in the staircase.

Only the threat to its head and the thunder can be released, and they can enter the elevator to the underground laboratory.

It is a pity that the zombie is moving in the corner, and the rabbit like only a shocked rabbit is hiding in the shadow, and where is the head of the head!

The heart of Zhang Shang has sinked a little bit, even if he knew the other's intention, he didn't think of the countermeasure between him.

Continuous shooting to put it from its back?

... is not very realistic, is the goal not to move?

Throw a hand and killed it?

It seems that it is not good, it is hiding near the elevator, one accidentally said that even the elevator is blown, how do you go to the underground laboratory?

Available, \ app \ is good, worthy of loading, actually Android Apple mobile phone support!

This building is previously a large processing plant, and the predecessor of underground laboratories is a cold storage.

In order to isolate temperature and surface air, the isolation measures of the underground cold storage are in place, except for the two ladders, there is no staircase.

After the end of the last arrival, in order to better save the zombie living specimens and hidden eyes, the Wengyan gave up the research institute on the ground and put all the equipment into the underground cold storage.

I really want to have a heavy guard, no one can mix it, who wants to have a problem that is easy to fight now ...

" ..." The officers hiding in the lobby shot, and the zombies hiding in the darkness of the dark were fell down.

"Sure enough, there are other zombies, damn!" Under emergency, it has already been able to think more, he is too dark, take out the army, want to rush into the stairs.

At this time, a military officer in the smoke suddenly came out, a handful of jersey, and his mouth rushed into the stairwell.

"Zhang Guangzhi, what are you doing?" Zhang Shangshang urgently, I want to follow.

"Colonel, return !!"

In the scream, you will be brightened by your hand, and you will see his movements!

Zhang Guangzhi just rushed in, and he saw that the zombies hid in the corner were low, and Zhang opened his arms toward him, and it was necessary to detonate the hand.

It's time to say later.

Zhang Guangzhi didn't aim. It is two shots to the head position. Subsequently, one cat is turned, and the arms will grasp the right hand and waist of the zombies.

He is very smart and knows that even if it hits the head of the zombie, the thunder is likely to release the elevator.

So he used the method of meat to control the thunder of the zombie, trying to put the target from the stairwell.

Zhang Yong's spirit is oscillated, and it is advisable to help the squad, but Zhang Guangzhi shouted:

"Don't come over! I was scratched !!"

Zhang Shang School, I saw him desperately pushing the zombie of crazy struggle and facing the toilet opposite the corridor.

After a while, a nearly wild beast sounded from the toilet

"Colonel, I Zhang Guangzhi, Dear Sin ..."

It is also a "roaring", the whole building is blown!

Zhang Shangshang is red, Zhang Guangzhi is the captain of the fourth armed squad. It is mainly responsible for the warning of the gate fortress. Just now that the soldiers are asleep.

"Good man, all the way!" The heart silently launched, Zhang Shangyu waved, and rushed to the stairs with the rest of the people.

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