I'm the driver in Apocalypse

I am at the end of the driver, IP 266.

The annual academician is immersed in academic fantasies, and he almost didn't squat after listening this sentence.

He saw the old man and Zhang's face, so he quickly explained: "I just said, I want to develop a weapon that can replace the zombie signal. First, I need an active zombie! Now the opportunity is coming .. .... "

After that, he didn't return to the other side of the channel.

Everyone stunned, and then it is an excitement.

I can't find a dehydrate, how to cure the corpse, as long as the interviewers can develop this "new weapon", then no longer have to fear the corpse!

Thinking, everyone is intended to follow the surroundings of the surrian ass, but that is, at this time, Zhang Shang's walkie-talkie also rang:

"Information Room Report, Information Room Report: The zombie detectors have a large group of zombies near! Alert, zombie detectors are close to large groups of zombies!"

Zhang Ya's heart is sinking, just want to ask in detail, listen to the intercom with another person:

"The first squad is reported! Find a large number of zombies! They found a large number of zombies! They surrounded by three in the southeast, less than one kilometer! Repeat, a large number of zombies are less than one kilometer !!"

Thank you, I'm going to make a daily vote, and learn to hold a single machine. . .

Chapter 330, although there is no regrets

Zhang Shang and several officers have become iron green, whoever, is not expected to pick up this time, regrett, there is a disturbing.

Although the Hexi Base did not be as many people in the city center, there was no large number of drones to be used for reconnaissance.

They can be a regular troops after all, in addition to being modified in the roof, dedicated to the corpse land-based transmissions; there is also a remote sensual real-time electronic topographic map for connecting satellites.

"These death zombies, how can I come out at this time!" The yellow square next to him was played on the bulletproof glass. "Our radar and detection equipment are done, the corpse is not found, cao!"

Several other soldiers are not good, so in time in the school: "Don't discuss this, even if the modified radar is not powerful to sneak in the underwater, let alone the identification of remote satellites Unclear people ...

Huang staff, you temporarily mix the first and second armed squads into a team, and you will pay you to the East Wall front; Zhu Dynasty, the fifth and sixth armed teams are a group, and you will be a battle with two small captains. At the time of command, be sure to keep the west side high wall defense line "

"Yes!" Huang Square and another officer immediately saluted, and the wind generally rushed to the ground.

"The rest of the squad is listed, except for the eighth armed squad, all the other armed forces rushed to the South Wall door!" Zhang Qiao calmly sent forward.

"Notify the logistics Chen Captain and other chartered officers, from now on entering the first-level war, deactivate all intercom communications equipment, and use the encrypted radio call ...

At the same time as the internal inspection of the base, we must also focus on ensuring the safety of the laboratory! Discover any suspicious molecules, or rebels can kill in the ground, do not report! "


"Lead, please take the town command center, I guarantee that we will hit the corpse group, fully guarantee the safety of the laboratory!" Finally, Zhang Shang has firmly said to the old man.

"Good!" The old man didn't have nonsense, and the disease walked toward the ground.


On the ground, the search lamp inside the entire base removed the rectangular buildings, and the lights of other buildings included in the weapon house were closed.

The whole base is in the dark, only a row of huge searchlights on the high wall, and countless people are in the leadership of the officers, distribute the ammunition and briefing.

When the school is waiting in the square building, the female officer Chen Shang and other officers have long been here.

The reaction of the military base is not the general folk spontaneous organizational gang to match, while the command center issues orders, the command center passes his command through the radio, informing all officers.

Hexi Base is a base, in fact, there is no such force at all here.

The reason is very simple: Zhang Shangcai also has the head of Zhongshan Pack, in fact, in the end of the day, the number of academics, etc., the number of soldiers is around 120 people.

Although he still has a long level, it can only take these people to take two military transports because of these people with emergency and capacity.

At that time, they were part of the military division of this provincial capital city. They need to arrange the high-level transfer of the organization and the internal front of the zone, and they can't take excess people.

But there is a saying: people with this person are born to be a monk!

What can't be thought of, there is also an research institute from the surrounding surrounding surrounding, actually refused to retreat!

Available, I have recently used the app, \ app \ Android Apple mobile phone support!

The reason is also very simple: hiding in a big rear or secret base study zombies, which will never be in close contact here, understand and study zombies.

Just like the rear of the health hospital, there will never be important in the battle hospital!

One hundred and twenty people's strengths are not much, they can not be less.

For the safety of the academician and research institutes, the head of the head bite his teeth in Hexi Industrial Park.

In fact, at the time, the school and other officers supported this decision.

Retreat will leave a uncomfortable for their military career.

Fortunately, the upper organization seems to have realized the importance of the Battlefield Research Institute, and there is no strong to retreat.

In this way, under the authority of the school, he intends to build a high-wall guard research institute, while the survivors near the nearby strengthen the base strength, solid until now.


After a few words were arranged simply, Zhang Shangcai led the military officer and the three team armed trousers to climb the high wall.

In modern warfare, there is no need to arrange your post. It is always guarding on the high wall, and the monitoring device and automatic fire weapon can solve the small shadow chassis.

It is a bit different from the situation tonight, and Zhang Shang School is faintly sensing: this group of zombies may be the one who attacked the city center of the city last night.

He has been in the city center, and he took a team in order to exchange senior zombies, and he took a large number of food to visit the city center base.

From the perspective of military perspectives, the defense line division and fire arrangement of the city center base is not the best choice, but it is the best arrangement for urban roads.

Moreover, the number of survivors of the city center base and armed forces are much more powerful than the river West: not only has a large number of automatic rifles and sniper rifles, but also RPG rockets and even several armored vehicles and tanks!

Although I was very awkward at the time, these guys were really bold, even the tanks and armored vehicles in the Jun partition warehouse stole ...

But he doesn't say much, because everyone has a common enemy zombies!

Therefore, when I heard that I didn't support the city center base, I didn't have a unknown premonition when I was painted.


Climbing the high wall, the high-power searchlight will take a few fifty meters outside the wall, even if it is a close-hearted zombie dog can't be seen.

At the top of the high wall, a heavy machine gun is set up every 30 meters, and there is also a remote unmanned automotive gun and 107 rocket.

In addition to these advanced equipment, there is a large number of ammunition and explosives collected in the urban area before the universities of the base, enough to eliminate hundreds of thousands of zombies.

Advanced weapons and equipment, the fine warrior in the Warrhery, there is a three or four-meter high wall built in the rain ... All of this will be added to the army team members, confidence greatly increase!

After standing on the high wall, Zhang Shangcai picked up a small touch screen computer, and there was a command center to convey over, specifically for the real-time detection image of zombie development.

On the screen, the small green spot of the semi-circular surrounded, the dense lace is a corpse, and they are firmly facing the base position, and there is no ambiguous attack or the signs of attacking a certain place.

Zhang Yong judged that there was another five minutes, and the zombies will be in the city.

Another moment of "people's corpse war" is in front of you!

Zhang Shangcai swept the officers and warrior next to the eyes, and then looked at the players who were far from the high wall and slowly put on the combat headset.

Although some can't see their expressions, they can stand up all down under the demonstrations and leaders of the soldiers.

"Everyone is listed!" Suddenly, Zhang Shangcai is looking at the eardown.

"All people have five meters into the battle position, and the extra players will help the backwalls to transport the materials such as ammunition and food water, waiting for my command to rotate!"

This command is very clever, both of which make everyone experience the excitement and nervousness before the war;

It is also soone, I don't think about it. It seems that the number of corpse groups is not much. I still can't use so many people in the first time. I will rest first ...

After a short lane interval, about one-third of people walked down the high wall and started to carry out the ammunition supplies under the command of Chen Captain.

Five minutes soon, when the green point on the screen in the hands of the school is close to the long, you can clearly see a gray shadow in the distance!

Zombies, silent, and bloodthirsty is a zombie.

From the high wall, they are like a gray moving earth wall, step by step and firmly move towards the high wall.


In the earphones of everyone, the sound of Zhang Shangshan:

"I am a military person, the day of the death of the zombie, I and my wife daughter are calling. At the other of the mobile phone, my wife cried and told me that she and her daughter were trapped in home, and there were zombies outside. Hit the door!

My daughter is only five years old. She is afraid that she is crying and yelling. When I want to save them! At this time, the video signal is broken.

So far, I don't know where they are dead is alive. It turned into a member of the zombie, or hid in a dark corner of the way ... "

The voice of Zhang Shangcai is calm and bleak, and everyone has a tearful flower.

"I know that everyone has the same experience, the same pain, the same sadness. I will suddenly want to find them, go find a relative, even if the end of the world is, even if it turns into zombies, I have to find them together. Or go to death together!

Everyone is relieved, this opportunity will be, and it will soon! Our laboratory has achieved a major breakthrough, as long as there is another time to develop a weapon, you can let everyone go outside to look for the wife and children!

Now, we have died in front, you are hope! It is the hope of more than billions of people and the whole world! This shook, I hope to stand together with my brothers, although I have no regrets! ! "

After the words, everyone is moving, and the face is rising, and it is a ram wave that shocks the night.

"Although die, no regrets !!!"

Chapter 331 I know you

The warriors of Hexi Base have used teammates' blood and life, and there is a profound understanding of the attacking skills of zombies.

At the command of calm and calm, the enemy with the corpse group took great advantage.

The terrible situation of modern weapons is that if it is set, the remote position of the remote position near the three-in-one, only a few times can bring significant killing for a few times.

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