I'm the driver in Apocalypse

I am at the end of the driver. 258.

"Booming ..."

Human wants to have a difference between this corpse sneak attack, almost moving the baby in the bottom of the box.


Chen Xia and Shui Ling left the main street while fighting, hiding in a building in the rearward.

The ten floors of the building, Chen Xiaou station behind the floor, carefully appreciate the war blockbuster.

"The zombie has been assembled, just in the sewer and underground passage below the high wall!" After the water behind him. "Human gunmen also prepare for fire, when will we launch sneak attack?"

"Don't worry!" Chen Xia pointed to the yellow brick wall of five or six meters high, easily. "Good play is just now! Hey, you can blow this wall first, so as not to block my sight!"

"Yes!" Water spirit closed his eyes, and the brain waves contacted a small part of the corpus.

In the next moment, I saw a lot of armed zombies that hide in the corner of the store.

Thirty-eighth chapter

These zombies have a piece of iron, a steel tub, which is acting as a armor, tie the rope on the waist, and the other plastic bells in the rope.

If some people are just gently smelling here, you can know that it is gasoline installed in the bell.

Although ordinary zombies don't have wisdom, it is a bit of any human category that cannot be multi, that is the only life!

Under the strict zombie, the normal zombie is more loyal to the senior zombies. Don't say that you want to fight, even if you fry their body into octagon.

In addition to armed zombies on the streets, in the dark underground passages and sewer, there are also a group of zombies that are squatting.

They are not dragged with a rope as the zombies above, but directly tied the gasoline bucket on the back or chest, and they gathered under the yellow high wall, waiting for the blasting command of the water spirit.

Of course, the human high-rise fortress has taken note of armed zombies on the street. They immediately turn the guns and swallow the fire.

The bullet wrapped in the airflow, and he shredded a few armed zombies, and several gasoline buckets stopped.

The human response is fast, the reaction of the water is not slow, she looked at the eyes, I saw a few strong zombies in the flour of the corpse, and the gasoline bucket picked up continued to charge.

The sniper is observed, immediately discharging it, trying to hit the gasoline bucket to cause explosion in the corpse group.


"Hey !!!" A long halkest, seeing a team of zombies from the corpse group, and they actually have a thick steel plate, and block the armed zeroing.

Human sniper curse tried to open a few shots, but because the sight was blocked by the steel plate, although the bullets of the sniper rifle can break through the steel plate, it is not possible to accurate the head of the zombie.

Rely on the cover of the steel plate, these blasting zombies mixed in the corpse are getting closer to the yellow brick wall and high-rise fortress, making both human guns begin to be nervous.

Rushing in the front corpse, there is suffering from about 30 meters from the brick wall.

This location is covered with a high-rise fire tip of the high building, and the front firepower on the brick wall is covered, and a wall that swallowed all the invisible deaths.

And if you want to fry the yellow brick wall with a gasoline barrel, you must rush through the wall of the invisible death, facing such a dense fire attack, and thicker steel plates may not help.

Of course, all this is under the observation of the water spirit, she immediately made adjustments.

Just now, the steel plate is divided into a few groups of zombies under the command of the water spirit, and it is gradually gradually moving together. It is placed in a thick steel plate and the body of the zombie, and the wall of death!

Human fortress aware of danger, immediately increase the shooting frequency, all kinds of bullets and rocket bombing the most in front of the zombie flesh, and the residual limbs are annoyed.

With the corpse champion of the cannon gray, the championship is suppressed by the fire, and the human fort is a excited cheer.

The zombies in front of me are rushing to human survivors, but they almost see the dawn of victory with strong modern weapons!

"Hehehe, wonderful!" Chen Xie was exclaimed after the floor window. "Building this high-rise fortress, must be an old commander in a hundred wars! The cross-fired cross-fired cross-fired cross-fired cross-fire is impossible to rush, and they also have a very large rocket and grenade. ..... I am really a base of the big city! "

The water behind him laughed: "Such a fierce firepower must consume huge bullets, we can don't have to worry, wait for the fire to weaken, then organize the charge, no one in the hand, I don't believe it. They can consume this whole day! "

Chen Xia did not think about it: "I am not interested in fighting the battle. Those foods have already spread it in the surroundline, and death is a loss ... command the dog group to start raid!"


The water spirit did not dare to neglect, and the brain waves extended to the zombie dog in the corpse flood.

Previous humans have raised many pets, especially for dogs and cats, so the number of these two animals in the city.

The big Tibetan Mastiff, such as Teddy Tea Cup, a variety of zombie dogs from the back corpse, and rushed to the zombies of the piglets.

They rushed to the rope of the gasoline bar, and they rushed out of the dense corpse, and the blood sea began to take charge!

The zombie dog runs extremely fast, and the right ruthenium is very flexible under the control of the water spirit. The re-intensive firepower is not possible to continue to scan each inch of the land continuously.

It's only a mulberry dog, and the zombie dog passed through the death fire line, and successfully inserted the defense depth.

At this time, the two-side high-rise fortress suddenly passed a shadow, and the battlefield sounded over the battlefield!

When I sneaked the strange science and technology museum, the drone has also appeared, but it doesn't matter.

In this siege of this vast corpse, the drone has completely showed the power of technology!

Dozens of drones flew into the top of the zombie dog, and the probe has leaned out a long and thin gun tube, like a sniper rifle, no sound of fire.

People who have played live-fired shot know that plane shooting is suitable for responding to a large-scale charge; and an angle shooting or even vertical shooting, it is more able to show the hit accuracy of the bridge brings.

In general, sniper selects a high visual field, and it is suitable for a hidden highlands.

At the moment, the gun tube exited under the drone is like dozens of sniper, with a precise sports trajectory prefers, a few bottles can kill a zombie dog, and the human beings in the fortress The voice rose!

In the dust, the zombies did not resist the power of technology, and the former servants fell in the position of only more than ten meters away from the brick wall.

The water spirit in the high-rise building immediately took out the walkie-talkie, pressed the call to count: "Zhou Mei, the role!"

"Received!" Zhou Mei, who was shocked by this scene, and the battle of the fierce unusual person, immediately issued a "dry off drone" command to the human gunman!

The human gunman is actually in the moment of the corpse flood, knowing that they are selling for life.

Sorrow, self-blame, embarrassment ... When the emotions hit the heart, everyone will have a sense of shame of the family.

At that time, there were a few guns that didn't do it. They rushed to Zhou Mei as a smelly, and even turned the guns and wanted to kill "people" Zhou Mei.

It is at this time, and I don't know how to smash it from the figure.

Other gunmen were shocked and afraid, and the zombies were actually using "premium". As long as they show a lot of no action, the next unlucky is them!

No moment, betrayed humans were overwhelmed by huge fear.

No one is willing to take a ripping of his own, or a few ambush of the zombie dog in the dark ... After all, they have already lost their sense of belonging.

As a result, the gunners re-cologang under the "monitoring" of the zombie, and the muzzle is again aligned with the human direction.

After receiving the aqueous command, the human gunman immediately pulled the trigger, and the unmanufactured unmanned unacahyded was played and fell.

I saw the unmanned drone just in the exhibition, but I was shot down like a rain, and the atmosphere in the human fort is steep, and the hope of raising the dawn.

The strength of technology is ultimately lost in human hand, and loses a loss.

"Yes!" He saw this scene. "Although the gun method is not accurate enough, it can be prohibited from being prohibited. The siege is good to come here, ordered all zombie dogs to launch a charge, the guards of the guards concentrated shooting gasoline bucket ... here we go!"

The water is more and more exciting, and I picked up the walkie-talkie again.

Thirty-nine-ninth chapter

I didn't encounter the zombie dog who was blocked. After a few seconds, I passed through the empty mineral zone of the yellow brick wall, and the gasoline bucket was dragged and thrown to the corner.

At the same time, the zombies under the ground also act, they put the gasoline bucket in the sewer under the yellow wall, and then several zombie dogs that were ignited from the darkness, and fell to the gasoline bucket .

The plastic bucket has a large sealing, and the outer surface material has a certain flame retardancy, and the zombie dog is flicked, and the oil and gas air is mixed together, the blazing flame is moving.

Then, the human gunman guarding outside the high floor is shot, and the spark hit the ground and ignited the gasoline bucket on the ground.

Even if the nine in the 10 gasoline bucket is just a flame defunction, the remaining one is under a hot and open fire stimulus, the oil and gas explosion is finally triggered because of complete sealing.

"Strong" with the flames of the knockout, several shocking giants rang from the bottom of the yellow wall and the roots.

The yellow wall of the thickness of two or three meters is even in which a large amount of concrete is perfused. It can not help so sharp explosion, while the brick stone flew up, there are several broken holes gradually exposed in the smoke.

Human fortress is in a hurry, bullet shells have once again increased pouring frequencies, most of the gun tubes extending from the window are being popular, and even the heavy machine guns have issued a heartless "" sound.

Thunder, explosives and other spheres and bulbs don't want to lose money on the streets, just like being stripped, the girl trying to use both hands to do the final resistance.

It is also a burst of burst of gunfire, and the zombie dogs who have not yet escaped.


Suddenly, the yellow wall between several buildings was dramatically shaking, and then the bottom is soft, and the last few residual walls of the proudly standing are completely overwhelming.

The soil wall of the underground passage is fried, blocking the physical defense line of human and zombies ultimately not guaranteed in the evening, crash!


Under the gaze of Chen Xia and Water Spirit, the zombie floods finally rose through the wall of the crossed firepower, and the inner depth of the high wall dynasty was advanced.

Of course, human fort is never only this line of defense, and the two have discovered more than a dozen armored vehicles and several tanks in the field of horizons.

But they know that as long as they break through the first firepower and entity blockade line, the subsequent battle is just a delay time.

In the face of tens of thousands of corpse, unless you use a large-scale, a wider range of remote missiles in the open, otherwise, the zombies that are not fear of life and death will break through the zombies.

Donned and water did not calculate how many hands fell under the first defense, even rough estimates, because it didn't make sense.

The emergence and existence of ordinary zombies, with the advancement of the end of the end, the initial fear and desperation have been habitually been habits in humans.

As the baseable cannon ash, in this lack of long-lasting knots, it is just playing the initial press and the final harvest.

In the eyes of red-eye zombies and Chen Xiaoli, their role is not as good as ordinary soldiers, but it is just a unintereable walking dead.

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