I'm the driver in Apocalypse

I am at the end of the world, the driver section 255

Yesterday, Zhou Mei released his face all the stains, but after taking a shower last night, she finally recovered a few piazzles in the past.

In fact, from the whole, Zhoumei, who is only 23 years old, in addition to the body, the face is still worth seeing.

She knows that she is absolutely spelling other beautiful women in the survivor camp with their own appearance.

Yes, Although Zhou Mei deceived, the soldiers sold by Chen Fen brothers, but she still said something.

Zhou Mei did escape from a survivor base from the city center.

After the death of the zombies, she was in the city center, and she fled into a large supermarket in the first time.

It seems that it is a practice. When the disaster is dropped, people will choose to drive away from the city or in large supermarkets.

After the warning and traffic congestion of the upper tissue, people who want to escape from the city will eventually go back to the city center, and large supermarkets are their preferred refuge.

The last days of the end of the last a few days is extra harm, because people are worried about zombies every moment, and where they can escape!

Fortunately, there is a group of people in this supermarket Zhou Mei to hide, and they use the shelf furniture to seize the supermarket.

Like other early refuge, everyone is very worried, although I am very worried, it can be obedient!

That is the difference between the difference, they appease people's emotions, and organize the dispersion of Qingzhuang people to keep all entrances and exits, detailing the safety of the supermarket until the safety of the supermarket is determined.

People saw that the zombies did not attack, and there were differences around them, so they gradually stabilized, and they started to discuss, and how to rely on materials in the supermarket.

The details, episodes, and other avoids refuge are nothing more than talking to the quarrel, and then reminding the leader, and finally select a specialized protective team to lead the people to survive.

At that time, Zhou Mei had a good one, and every day, he can follow the safety of the supermarket and the sudden appearance of the zombies, and you can take care of the scared elderly and children, which are praised by people.

Over time, the survivors have begun to appear a variety of different sounds.

Guarding believes that now the corpse has occupied the entire city, and they should send several small teams to search for supplies and consumption, and do their long-term survival.

Their reasons are very good: If the upper organization has rescue, then there should be, it is impossible to have not heard the wind now, even if the drone and the speaker of the drone and the speakers before!

And the radical party is refiting: .

Their reasons are very intuitive: the longer the zombies, the more the number of zombies, and the less chances of finding other survivors and weapons!

Finally, that is poorly adopted by discussing and listening to the parties, and finally agrees to the comments of the radicalist.

They divided hundreds of survivors into various departments similar to Tianquan Mountain. Everyone divided into their own position, and found a lot of search for materials and people while studying how to fight with zombies.

Only in the area less than two weeks, they took this large supermarket and a nearby cinema market, and a large number of survivors had a lot of shop!

Finally, even the world did not expect it. After they actually after the end of the world, they built a huge survivor base led to three blocks!

Yes, after research discussion, this simple name of the avoidance is no longer representing the survivor group of thousands of people.

Only "Base" is called, in order to give confidence in the nearby survivors, take the initiative to travel.

In this way, Zhou Mei has mixed into a combat team of the vice captain from a small heel of a weak quality.

This sounds a bit funny, a woman who has been a woman who has not bleed a chicken, is it a position of the deputy captain?

It is the fact that it is so bizarre. At that time, Zhou Mei worked hard to learn struggle technology, and even asked one of the poaching of her gun.

After several distress and success, her diligence and witness were successfully discovered by other differences, which promoted her a vice minister.

If you want to manage a thousand people, and it's a big survivors base in the city center. It is very powerful for only how to protect the preservation of public security!

In order to better manage, they decided to select some political organization talents in the middle of survivors, better subordinate responsibilities, and divide the area.

It is time, the initial heart will tend to get more, the beautiful original intention will also evolve into a disaster!

After led a large number of middle and high-level management talents, the implementation of the departments will begin to disperse, and they will inevitably have the dispute between send and gangs.

The three blocks said that it is not small, but it is not small, plus the population base of thousands of people, and the benefits of power are unlimited!

Zhou Mei is also replaced by another guy at that time.

If the replacement is a young strong man who surpasses her, the case may be accepted, continue to be an ordinary combatator.

A woman who is biased to her deputy captain is a woman who is more beautiful and nice than her!

Zhou Mei did not accept the gas, found the leadership of the fault to fight for it, but she found that the real power of the armed department has already been shipped and opened by the so-called "organized talent"!

They said that they said that unless Zhou Mei is willing to pay a certain price, otherwise, they think that the beauty of the vice captain is more suitable than her more beautiful and weak beauty.

The people who have the right to hold are very angry. Their intelligence and thinking make it seem to be idiot in ordinary people.

And only a smart person knows that they understand that they are talking about themselves, saying that some are only beneficial to privileged high-rise.

That is because they know that after the person who is full of this level, the department's execution can be released, and it is ultimately implemented.

Sorrowful Zhou Mei helpless, can only continue to choose when an ordinary small soldier, the bitter station guards and even the tea pour water.

But after she didn't even have this day, she was replaced by another aunt!

It's a bit funny, and a young man is compared with a young man, idiots understand which party is more combat.

However, because the team members of the combat sequence can get a lot of materials, this ridiculous and familiar scene once again appeared.

Zhou Mei, who is thoroughly crushed, is finally understood, what fight technology, what shooter, what survivor base ...

In fact, the epitome of the old days, the bonsai of the class!

Chapter 314

In order to continue to survive, Zhou Mei has to deliver himself, just like a cargo that has not expired.

It is a pity that even if she is low to the cruelty, she is still accompanied by her.

As the reputation of the survivor base is getting more and more, there are more and more times with the battle of zombies, and the number of people received will be more and more.

Just like Zhao Qingshan and others, they have returned their attention in the material and spirit, and women, especially beautiful women, are fang.

They are discussed in the same way as the goods, except for the relatives of a small number of high-level real rights, the rest of the goddess, the female dinosaurs are inevitably scored.

Women, weapons and food, when are the symbol of strong people.

After the real version of the "tragic world", Zhou Mei is a few degrees, from a team member to the bed of the relatives of the real person's relatives, and finally allocated to a certificate of supervisor.

This office has had a burn, even if the lady in the royal family must be divorced a few degrees, let alone a reward that is tired!

After a destroyed Zhou Mei, she finally couldn't stand it. She used her body to have a chance to go out, and the opportunity to encounter a corpse fled that she was regarded as hell.

Losing the shelter is equivalent to the source of food. After a few days, there were several days, and Zhou Mei was realized that there was no team's support, and it was difficult to survive in the end of the last world.

Perhaps she is not afraid of the zombie of the soldiers, but can face the corpse and high zombies of the group team, and other fierce survivors, the combination of struggles is not worth mentioning.

In this way, Zhou Mei joined many survivors gangs, today gave this team's leadership warm bed, tomorrow, was collected by another head.

Until she met the two strongmen in the abandoned factory.

The two strongmen saw Zhou Mei still observed, and then he contacted her, and the conditions were of course very bitter: need to serve their beasts at the same time.

Zhou Mei Shuang, who have already seen it, I have promised. If she still has something to belong to her own, it is definitely not the body that has long been killed, such as the residual flower.

Zhou Mei didn't care about what shame, metamorphosis, only the animal is still disabled in her mind.

The two have turned out of the nearby food during the day, and the evening was covered, opened to the week of Zhou Mei, which was already numb.

Fortunately, they finally think that Zhou Mei is stronger than the five-flowers, and willing to leave a food to give her life.

In recent days, the number of times the two strongmen goes out, and the food brought back is getting less and less, and the temper is more and more violent.

At the end of the last, survivors can also search for some remaining convenient foods from supermarkets, small and residential residential buildings.

With the increase of the number of corpses, the plunder between other survivors also has the rotten of food itself, and most of the survivors of the city center have fallen into "Food Famine"!

At this moment, everyone realized that the original end is not only the fight against the zombies that are confident, but it is in the dilemma of finding food.

These four words "are hungry", put in the past, only the adjectives floating on the paper, people who have not been hungry are absolutely unable to imagine the desperation from all of the body and mind.

A slightly knowledgeable people have begun to understand what is "Yi Zi and" "" "The word" meat "in the history book, and when I can't bear the word, no one is more moral and human nature.

And the losing the underlying mass is more direct, they wandered all day like the hungry wolf in the desert, even if a moldy biscuit can let them fight.

The large base is still still, the small gang is even more unity, and when I see the two strong people look more and more hot, the courageous Zhou Mei finally came up with a single way.

Troubled other survivors!

These days, Zhou Mei used the way to seduce the mint, and the three waves were robbed.

By practicing her, the survivors of searching for food are very careful, generally will not act alone, even if they encounter accidents, they will not be like a sleep, and people who have rescued returned to the end.

So most of the time, Zhou Mei is using himself a woman's advantage, attracting the other party into the waste building, and the two strongmen who have already hide in the dark of the building will attack, and then grab the other party and then kill again.

This method works very effective, at least in these three waves, it has not lost their hands, and the most is missing one or two people.

Yesterday, when Zhou Mei was taken home, he found that when the two of the brothers and sisters who were unsatisfied, she knew that she met the real "big lead"!

Of course, Zhou Mei also produced this effort to have a thoughtful mind, and people did not destroy themselves.

I can think that the two strongmen are likely to follow them all the way, Zhou Mei is afraid.

So, she took advantage of Chen Xia and Shuiling asleep, found the helper of the lurking outside, came out of "Encolded"!


Duplex upstairs to flip the debris and excited chewing sound, the man upstairs is going to be hungry, even if the bag is not enough, fill the stomach and say.

The tattoo man who rushed into the hydraulic room did not move, so Zhou Mei had a little suspicious. She tried to take a few steps toward the corridor, and suddenly the sound suddenly passed out.

Zhou Mei stopped, this screaming, she is very familiar, representing the satisfaction and excitement of the tattoo, absolutely can't be disturbed.

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