I'm the driver in Apocalypse

I am at the end of the world's drivers, Section 229

Chapter 271 Chapter Zombie Society

Broadcasting news, this is nothing wrong with the red-eye zombies, and take a circle along the suburbs.

It is not easy to make all the red eye zombies nearby.

They don't listen to the command as ordinary zombies, nor, which is the same, suddenly ask for help or invitation.

The red-eye zombies that recovers awareness are very afraid of death, although they have already died once.

It can be because they have died once, they know the valuableness of awakening, and once they have a long life for thousands of years, they are afraid of death.

For Well, the wisdom is not used, do not use some means, Chen Xia is handed over to her task.

The means of water spirits is relatively intuitive: she lets the men hold some human beings, then use the medical big blood bag to smoke the top ten bags of fresh people, this is shocked by the plan to start the scheduled plan.


A street under the night, a few eye-catching zombies in front of a milk tea shop, there is a lot of chat.

If he is here, he will definitely be very surprised.

Because whether in the previous city, still in the E 2 Long Mountain, the red eye zombies are basically his hand, not performing various tasks, is on the way to perform the task.

Where there will be this idle heart sitting on a chat and sit around a tea shop.

It can be seen that the water spirit of the world is different. She and her boyfriend have been mixed near the suburb of the suburb.


The red-eye zombies with wisdom understand that it is an excellent choice to hug in human or seeking survival before humans have not yet removed from this world.

From this, countless red eye zombies, which are not avoided, is unavailable, which is commonly known as zombie society!

A female red eye zombie station is busy in the sale of the tea shop, she sees the water spirit to go to the milk tea shop, so she took the cup from the table, and filled with bright red liquid under a can filling. Rejected waterway:

"I haven't seen you for a long time, I heard that you and your boyfriend go to the country? How do you have idle heart?"

There is a small amount of human blood in the fresh red liquid, and other liquids are cow or coffee.

The scarce of human blood is because after two months of sweeping, the human being survived is not going to seek shelters in the city center. It is to escape to the rural mountains and the beasts.

In addition to some luck or extremely daring zombies, other zombies have not eaten people for a long time.

Of course, this zombie tea shop selling a small number of people is not white. I want to enjoy a cup of milk tea, you will provide the corresponding compensation.

This kind of compensation form is inseparable, you can provide several times number other biological blood to exchange, or use a promise to credit, as long as the other party has demand.

Yes, you didn't get wrong, one of them is credit!

The group of red-eye zombies is very special. Although they are not intelligent, they will definitely observe the three iron laws of the red-eye zombies:

Do not hurt similar zombies;

Do not deceive the same zombie;

Absolutely observe the command of the high-level zombies, but must not violate the above two.

And credit, it belongs to the second iron!

After awakening, the red-eye zombie will consciously abide by these three weeks, although they can't figure out how the iron is in their own brain, but they know

Only by complying with these three major iron, the new group of zombies can completely defeat humans and replace it.

This profound, genes with some kind of survival choice, the imprint of the imprint, even in the face of death, they can't afford to rebell the iron threshold!


The water is sweeping around the other zombies in the bar, one or two have some eyes, and others don't know.

"Thank you!" She took a bite of milk tea that she took a female zombie, licking the fresh red road of his mouth. "As a return, I am willing to provide a message to you!"

The water spirit carefully avoided the problem of female zombies about her boyfriend, because she could not break the iron law like Chen Xia, once the truth, the scheduled plan of Chen Xia also bubbled.

Female zombie face expression is a booth: "You said, what bad news?"

Her words is actually referred to.

Although the number of zombies is increased with Japanese drama, more and more red eye zombies are also more and more, which can corresponding, human defense measures are more secure.

Recently, several large human gathering places in the city center of the provincial capital, trying to integrate scattered into several pieces of aggregation into a city in a city.

To this end, the same kind of city center has been coming many times, takes away a lot of ordinary zombies and red eye zombies.

Waterling pointed at the science and technology museum: "It is a good news! This afternoon, there are similar classes to the science and technology museum, captured most of the human beings in it."

This exit, all of the zombies in the scene came to her head, and the seven eight red eyes stared at the water.

"Are you talking about the huge venue of the styling?" Female zombies exaggerated, this is the closest and surprised expression she can make.

"Yes!" Water Spirit continued. "And the same type also issued an invitation, inviting all the same class to visit before night, go to the same type, you can get a bag of human blood, you can see you!"

Said, she took a few bags of blood from the backpack behind him, and she was placed on the bar without any consideration.

All zombies are immediately transferred from the water spirit to the blood bag, and they have not been hungry, and they are not hungry. If it is not a scruples, they may have already rushed.

"This is what I just got!" Shuiling said, suddenly mentioning a bag of blood throwing to female zombies. "I used you to take care of you, give it to you!"

Female zombies are almost in a flash of the water, and they have been holding the blood bag. Like the treasure, I took a blood bag like a treasure, and I will put it into the table.

The water spirit is very smart, she didn't ask other zombies, but they directly threw the blood bag directly.

In terms of strict sense, her approach did not violate the zombie three iron rhyms. Because she didn't know what she had to do, I couldn't talk about any deception!

See the red light in the eyes of other zombies, the water spirit is not yet, pointed to the blood bag on the Taiwan:

"You can divide these blood, but I have to help this news in the morning! In this case, I can get a blood and food!"

The zombies that are less smart are swarmed, and they will grab the blood bags on the bar to a few seconds.

"No problem, we now go to the pubs and parks to help you send news, see you, will you, will!"

The zombies can't wait to leave, because they also want to lead a blood.

Female zombies saw everyone leaving, and immediately pulled down the catering gate of the milk tea: "You pass the first, I am calling the borders! What have already caught a few days ... I saw it for a while ! "

The water spirit rushed to her, tightly the backpack, and walked toward the next corner.

272th chapter mysterious

In just two hours, the water spirit walked through the science and technology museum, the zombie gathering place in two kilometers, except for the start of the gift, other places, she only threw a blood bag and got the same kind. trust.

Blood, especially human blood, is the favorite of ordinary zombies and red eye zombies.

Although the blood of other creatures can also let them explain their thirst, the addiction, it is not as good as human blood, which may be similar to Yan Xiaoting.

They may share a gene with humans, which requires the support of human blood before they have not completed the ultimate evolution.

After more than two hours, the basketball court opposite the chemical plant.

At this time, four or fifty red eye zombies gathered on the basketball court, they were around three or two, or communicated with the language or with brain waves, listening.

The largest zombie is in the middle of the zombie, a beautiful zombie in the small skirt, which is wearing a tight cracket, is talking about it.

"Comparis, friends! The situation of the city center, I understand that our team seems to be strong, but in addition to weak women and old people in human beings, other young people are not big!

Not only that, but several human large gatherings have begun to use drones to plan, ready to connect their based field! Friends, such words, the future we want to find blood, it is harder!

Insert a sentence, \ app \ really good, worth loading, after all, the book is more, the book is full, the update is fast!

Take a look at our surroundings! It is not the weak sickness to be a woman, and the end of the human mouth will come on our head! Don't we be killed? Do we not fight against resistance? Don't we die after you have died, I have to endure their bullying?

The brothers and sisters in the city center are hungry, and they are turning weak! They broken into the meat in humans, and there are no foods in the whole body ... they have no food source, even if they only consume, there is no strength!

Fellows! I suggested that after the meeting, if you are willing to reach a friend, you can stay with me, I will lead everyone to support the brothers and sisters of the city center! Thoroughly eradicate old human beings and strive to belong to our new world! "

Although this speech class has no passionate tone, there is no rich facial expression, but in this sexy beauty shout, there is a different kind of feelings.

Sense of feelings!

Sexy beauty accurately seized the hidden question from the three major iron rhythms: the same unity!

Even if you are stupid, you will also rise with your sympathy with your sympathy in this atmosphere, followed by united ideas.

When the water spirit rushed back from the outside, the atmosphere of the basketball court became more and more enthusiastic under this sexy beauty.


The night is getting smaller, and the morning is near eyes.

Under the urging of the same kind, the water climbed a basketball stand, holding the basket, said loudly of all zombies present:

"Thank you brothers and sisters! This invitation is exactly, not to take me as the master! I just spread this news."

If you haven't finished, there is a zombie to interrupt her.

"What are you waiting for, please come out soon? After you will finish blood, we have to go to the city center to support other brothers and sisters!"

"Don't waste time, let us see who this generous friend is ... We are also thank you!"

"Can you win the science and technology museum, and only spend an area in the afternoon ... The wisdom of this friend must be wide as the sea, mysterious!"

"That is also used to say? I heard that the last time Huang Guowei gathered seven or eight similar friends, and there were thousands of thousands of men and unable to attack the periphery of the Science and Technology Museum. ...... "

"Quickly call him out, my belly is early!"

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