I'm the driver in Apocalypse

I am at the end of the world, the driver, Section 171

This work is quite time, so that Made is only required to cover the hole, otherwise it will be moved, everyone has to be tired.

At the same time, Madei made Yan Xiaoting to watch the road to the mountains next to the telescope, and she took advantage of Yan, Li Di moved the gasoline bucket to the edge of the cliff.

Fire attack, as long as the application is properly applied, it is indeed the zombie outside, regardless of the large-scale killing weapon when turned.

After all of this, the three wiped sweating to the side of Yan Xiaoting.

Yan Xiaoling first slammed the rifle to ask Made:

"Master, can I go to block the zombies in a while? These days, my shooting technology is also growing, and it is absolutely not bad than those guys!"

Li Yan next to him also looks forward to see him, jumps to try.

Madei is difficult to frightened, there are ten in the last time, and there are five pistols, but the rifle bullets are less, otherwise he wants to try it.

However, after he looked at the eyes of the two women, he barely agreed to agree:

"Yes, but you have used one, and you have to listen to me ordered the tiger!"

Yan Xiaoling is happy to nod, and immediately pulled Li Yan to the stone house to find the rifle sight.

The gun method can be practiced on the battlefield!

Ma Dee's heart, if it is temporarily practiced, it is also related to it, anyway, several bullets have nothing to do.

next to the telescope, only Made of Madao, suddenly asked whisper:

"How much do you grasp it?"

Mademan took her fine waist from behind him, looking at the increasingly black hill, said:

"Black? It is not possible! If they have not turned in Tianquan Town, but directly along the road, then there is no removal!"

Yan Xiaoting smiled:

"Oh, I also know that this may be different from last time, but I always have a kind of luck, maybe I am afraid!"

Madei passed his face on her face, with a very light voice:

"Don't be afraid, I have two tricks that have not yet been played, waiting for it!"

Yan Xiaoting gently smashed the mouth, Mademun's spleen, she cleared, I always like the private handle.

But ... she also likes!

Soon, when the last silk sun was completely disappeared

The telescope finally appeared a very small black shadow.

Yan Xiaoting patted the face of Ma De, whispered:

"Wake up, come on the zombies."

Chapter 187

When it's dark, there is no shine that can survive.

The dark mountain road is far from the group of small black spots of the group, moving with twice the speed of humanity, no pause, no turns.

Madei completely dismissed the last luck in the heart, he pressed the call button in hand:

"Everyone pays attention to the zombie! How long does it take to have you still needed there?"

Zhou Dahai fast voice:

"The hole has been completely closed! But because the grassroots are not used in cement, the above can only be able to build a fine small stone, I am afraid that the firmness is somewhat poor, complete!"

Madezi doesn't matter: "Nothing, I have already gone, you will come first!"

After the call, Yu Xiaoting worried:

"There are too many zombies from this back, your camouflage cloth and this dangerous wall may not stop!"

Maden points to answer:

"Yes! But I didn't expect to stop them with a wall. Rest assured, even if there is a way, I have a way, I can't lose my thunder.

Yan Xiaoting was shocked, and it was not going to go down the mountain.

But she has already been here, because Zhou Dahai they have climbed the top.

After the team members have given some water to supplement the physical strength, Madei will let everyone start to explain his blockbusters on the air in front of the stone house.

Madegue's plan is very simple, he let the "Tianquan special attack team" temporarily divided into two teams

He and Gu Feng, Zhao Qingshan also has Chen Lao to form the first echelon;

Zhou Dahai, Xiao Huang, Xiao Chen, Xiao Zhang also have five people in the second echelon.

Whether it is zombie or a zombie dog breaks through the stone wall, the first echelon begins to stop in the cave.

When blocking, use two two cooperation, turning the strategy of the strategy, alternately covering the zombies.

At the same time, the second echelon in the top of the mountain or with a stone, or use the rifle sniper, or use the hand thunder, and stroll the movement of the zombie, waiting for the switch between the two echelons!

Mademan emphasized:

"The most important key points of this plan are two: The first is two people who block zombies on the front line. Be sure to cooperate! Weekly teachers have taught you to fight, I will give him a time, everyone pays attention to learning Put! "

"Another key is to pour the time point of gasoline! Remember, you must listen to the command of the front line of the cave, must not be fired, let the zombie of the fire sneak into the hole!"

As he said, the graphic explanation was painted on the ground with a branch. After a few minutes, everyone understood almost.

Madei plans to be scientifically in everyone:

If more than a dozen people are blocked in the channel, they are not allowed to kill zombies, and they cannot observe the cave. It is easy to delay the fighters.

If the two echelons are turned in, they can make everyone get a time to rest, and they can train every person through actual combat.

There is also a support and cover of many weapons of the mountain, and you can pour gasoline or throw thunder, exchange the gap of wheezing.

Yan Xiaoling and Li Ziyou were left in the top of the mountain, and he was in charge:

"Be sure to shoot under the order of Zhou Dahai, try to kill the zombie or high red eye zombies!"

As for Yu Xiaoting, Madei made her first back to the residential area, cooking with ginger old two.

After all business is stopped, Madi will order the lights, and the hole is covered with darkness.


It is also a dozen minutes, and the black spots finally came to the "turning head" of the last Madegun pouring gasoline.

After the black spots are close, Zhou Dahai understand why Made is to block the hole.

That is a zombie dog, hundreds of zombie dogs!

They rushed along the road like crazy, and they have been scattered around the road, drilling into the dense shrubs and woods.

"No. 1, the zombie dog began to disperse, it should be looking for the road to go up the mountain, complete!"

Zhou Dahai's head is buried in a pile of grass next to the cliff, and the walkie-talkie is laid in the mouth.

Zhou Dahai will broadcast the situation outside the situation, and the first echelon in the cave has been waiting in Ma Debu and Zhao Qingshan.

Mademan and Gu Feng standby in the channel from the three meters away from the stone wall, while both sides in front of the channel, about the position of people in the neck

A row of cold shiny long knives, as deep in the stone sewing like a hidden, forming a fixed knife.

This is the idea that Ma Dezi has just thought, as long as the zombies come in, the sharp blade can calm down their neck;

As long as the zombies behind, long knives can automatically "behead".



The zombie dogs are like ghosts, and the sounds of the branches and stones will be scared, and all people have grown their breathing.

It's another a few minutes, suddenly

Several zombie dogs stopped at the steps before the "King Cave", and the head is finely smelling.

Zhou Dahai saw that they were only a few meters away from the stone wall after the camouflage cloth, and they didn't dare to use the intercom, just through the moonlight quietly moved the rifles.

Quiet, the eyes of the mountains are staring at the red eye zombie dog

Four meters, three meters, two meters ...

Just when Zhou Dahai is almost buckled, a team of strangely squandered high zombies flashed his eyes.

Zhou Dahai grightly vomiting and turbid, drop the gun head sight to see behind the road.

I saw a team of strong zombies in something, rushing from "turning", they didn't look at the red-eye zombies, rushed to the end of the road, and then broke into the bus!

Zhou Dahai Eye fierce jumps: bad! I can't see it!

Their ambushing position is above the mouth of Wang Wangdong, and the team is strong and zombies ran to the end of the road, where the cliffs just have a protrusion, completely blocking his sight.

Zhou Dahai quickly turned the brain:

At the end of the road, it was a weeded ground, close to the mountain wall, such as a knife, absolutely impossible to climb up.

Why do they do this?


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