I'm the driver in Apocalypse

I am at the end of the driver. 152

"Is there anything? It's not strong, how can I dispose?"

Madezi questioned.

Gu Feng fear, swallowed, tough:

"I was caught by the deputy captain ... rush, fed the mourning."

Madei faces a cold, and the sea is tied to his mouth again.

Gu Feng is anxious, and quickly grab it:

"Big Brother, Boss, I just added to the center base! You have any of you who don't close my business. Everything I do is forced by the captain and what they are forced. I beg you!"

Madegue is thinking, just seeing the deputy team leader next to him, glaring, in the eyes of despise and angry.

He nodded in the sea, the latter immediately gave the mouth of Gu Feng again.

"Look at your neck is red, is there something? I have something to say!"

Madei turned to the deputy team leader.

The deputy captain thought for two seconds and fiercely.

Pulling the mouth, the deputy captain first glared in the eyes, and then the Madee said:

"I know you asked! However, if I said, will you leave me a life?"

Madei smiled:

"I don't know, I like to do things with my mood, now my mood is not bad! Maybe you work hard, my mood is better, maybe you will put you!"

The deputy captain explored Ma Dee looked at the meeting, and it seemed to see the authenticity of this words from his eyes.

Unfortunately, Mademan has a close look, whoever stars him, he has not feeling.

"Then you still tie me! Don't mention the conditions, I don't say it!"

The deputy captain said hard, by the way, a proud expression of death pigs, not afraid of boiling water.

Mademan, immediate to Zhou Dahai Road:

"This requirement, I am so big or heard in the first time! Ok, come into one. By the way, call Xiao Li and let her recognize these two guys."

Zhou Dahai wrapped his mouth and then went out of the kitchen to go to the second floor.

The deputy captain thought that the other party would threaten, but also to scare a few words, how can Madei actually push the boat, really tie him.

Seeing Zhou Dahai leaving, he may realize that things are somewhat not bad, start twisting the waist, indicating that he has something to say.


Madei glanced at him and whispered, "Now my mood is moving straight, you are very likely to return to the West."

The deputy captain was anxious, and the assassination of the butt and his head, and the mouth was "" shouted.

But Madei did not care again, but concentrated on the rifle in his hand.

After a while, Zhou Dahai took Li Yan into the kitchen.

At the moment she stepped into the kitchen, the deputy captain of the sweat suddenly suddenly was stiff, and the two eyes were dead and stared at Li Yan.

Madai stood up to Li Wei:

"I caught two you confirm. Have you bullied your guy!"

After Li Yan walked into the kitchen, the face was a glacial frost.

She quickly swept away from the vice captain and Gu Feng, and suddenly he excitedly pointed to the deputy captain:


The deputy captain was wet on the spot, he was crazy, and his mouth was shouting:

"I ... have something, there is something!"

Li Yizhen was shivering, and she took the long machete handed over Zhou Dahai, one side:

"What else do you say? At the beginning, my husband was bitter and pleading to let us let us let us go, not only for a few vegetables, these livestocks are not only played, but also ... I am in the UN! Good! Today! Today I am in my hand. "

Said, she suddenly raised his face, and the eyes were dripped with tears, whispered:

"Husband, I will revenge for you!"

If you want to cut the knife, you will be cut, but listen

"Xiao Li, wait!"

Li Yixou stopped, looking back to Made.

Madebu patted her shoulders and comforted:

"Take a moment, he seems to have something to say, you may wish to listen to him to explain the last words?"

Li Wei bites his teeth, and finally agreed.

Madei took the mouth of the deputy captain, he saw his nose and tears, and the head was asking for help:

"Sorry, I'm sorry ... I beg you to spare me, spare me! I am willing to give sin, for the gifferenzins! I am a captain, I can let them come over, the original idiot Here, they are doing me ... Yes, they are them, not me! "

Madei cold channel:

"All is nonsense, you can come over, do you have this young man? What else is there!"

The deputy captain slammed:

"He is a pull-up of a tubi! You don't know, he sent his own personal girl last night! And fucking, he would recommend him to be a vice captain, this babard is a liar, His cousin is not originally shipped, he will definitely can't believe ... "

On the side of the words, Gu Feng listened to the neck, and the deputy captain of a grievance and crying.

For a time, the interrogation game actually turned "Dog Biting Dog Drama", and they saw Zhou Dahai shake his head.

With the help, the app can steal the book like stealing, and come to my book to give my book.

Madei swept the eyes and suddenly rushed to the sea.

I saw that the latter was rushing to the deputy captain who wanted to ask for mercy, he went to the ground.

The deputy team leader fell to the ground, he was looking over, Zhou Dahai stepped on his vest.

"Xiao Li, yes!"

Madei said softly.

The deputy captain went to the soul, no longer asked for money in the mouth, but the vicious curse:

"You are waiting, you are waiting! The command will give the Laozi for a few days, and slaughter you! Men's allocation to become a zombie, the woman is"

, cold light is a flash, long chopping knife is wrapped in a slender, and the back neck of the team leader.

At the moment, the deputy team leader left.

After the revenge, Li Yu tears, under the rain, staring at the corpses of the deputy captain of the meeting, and finally couldn't help but rushed to the kitchen, and the mouth was vomiting.

Fantastic enemies are simple and happy, but the first murder is always in the heart.

Even if it is a tragic husband, it is not a relaxed thing for a woman.

Zhou Dahai rushed to comfort her, and Ma Dezhao took advantage of nausea, and bypass the body and scared half of the temptation, whispered:

"You should thank me, I just refer to you, I refer to the road!"

Gu Feng is shocked, and then with a crying cavity:

"Okay, I call, I call them come over!"

Madei pinned his nose and his mouth revealed a bad laugh.

Chapter 165

When this gang is found, Madei is still willing to take a short turtle.

He thinks that he can hide, save the revenge of the forces behind others.

But when he found that the gang was in the tire print, Madei was not very cool after searching for the house.

I used to be small, that's because many things can only hide behind the scenes, and more punitive and limited restrictions, a perfect plan can eventually implement a percent of 70.

Since he was captured by the high-grade zombies, he added to the encounter when Zhou Dahai is looking for him, Made has produced a "urgency".

How is the peach source of the world, how is it, and it is unordered.

He found that he was wrong from the start of the start, and he also had a field!

If the three days is not a zombie, it is the human surviving gang, who is a fart.

Maybe the end can bring a lot of changes, such as: Don't worry about work, don't want to worry about your mortgage and deposit.

But if there is, it may never change, that is, you will take advantage of it.

"Since you don't let Laozi, you will play."

Madei stared at the window, thinking about thinking, "I want to move to Tianquan Mountain, ask me this landlord!"


Two minutes later, the Yuhuang Town has finally been moving.

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