I'm the driver in Apocalypse

I am in the end of the driver. Section 138

"The second floor is reported, the second floor is the first floor of the northwest corner of the northwestern corner! Repeat, the northwest corner of the first floor has zombies!"

Poking a gun with a big face, don't dare to confuse the authentic: "How can it ... In addition to the wall is weed, where is the zombie drill?"


He has two eyes, just seeing the shadow of the person, and smashed a few long black spots.

"Mourning, zombies ... Zombie dog !!!"

No moment, the two screams spread throughout the convention center.

Like the deep fear of "Wolf", I woke everyone, panic, like it, spread along the floor.

Tires, flashlights, etc., chaos, messy people gradually boil, gunshots!

A debris in the first floor of the Convention Center

Li Changsheng is quietly cleaving to the door, and the face is revealing a unique smile.

Chapter 149

It has been a long time, Zhou Dahai has not spoken.

When he packed with Lai Xiaoting and Li Yan, he immediately said Li Changsheng's feat, two women fell into silence.

For Yan Xiaoting, she feels a bit embarrassed.

Yes, embarrassment.

Not long ago, she was invited to Li Yu's Tianquan Mountain, although the attitude of Li Changsheng did not be placed.

Can Yan Xiaoting heard that she had no attitude toward Li Changsheng.

Unexpectedly, this can have no guys, actually do one thing that makes them have to admire.

This prejudice is observed, so that the current is embarrassed.

She is not a perfectionist, nor what the Mada is cold, she is only unintentional, and there is everything and fantasy that happened.

In the premonition of Yan Xiaoting, Li Changsheng should be the kind of evil, and finally the tragic people of self-sufficient fruit, after all, he abandoned his wife, weak.

But can't think of it, this weak tofu man actually violates her understanding of humanity.

However, Yan Xiaoting knows that human nature is never constant.

Environment, encounter, comprehension, stimulation, blow ...

Even if a scene, a voice will be like a butterfly in Oceania, which triggers a mountain change.

Compared to Yan Xiaoting's reflection on human nature, Li Yan is more touching when he heard this news.

Although she and Li Changsheng did not have much intersection, even thought that he and Wu Ge were a group of people, and after Li Changsheng mentioned the expression of Li Changsheng, Li Wei suddenly remembered his husband.

It seems that there is a convention, a good man does not necessarily become a good husband, and a good husband will often be a good man.

Li Changsheng should not be bad, but after the temptation of society, it will not always grow into a good husband.

Human money, children's responsibilities, work competition, social pressure, which one can become the last straw of men.

The complexity of this world is sometimes like a child, sometimes in the surface, and it is deeply embedded and hidden.


Until the ground suddenly sounded, Zhou Dahai broke the silence:

"It should be the people in the convention center to find the zombie, we have to speed up the speed, otherwise the zombies around them are caught by the guns, they want to go!"

Yan Xiaoting gasped gasped, she looked at still a dark pipe said:

"The Convention Center is close to the river street, drainage pipelines should be exported in the river, how to run for so long, isn't we running in the wrong direction?"


Li Wei saw Yan Xiaoting tired enough, so strong standing straight:

"Ting sister, I am so tired, I will go!"

Yan Xiaoting is thinking that he can still persisted it, and broke out by Zhou Dahai:

"The nephew, let me release, I am strong!"

Unexpectedly, Yan Xiaoting has bulld his teeth:

"No! You must wrestle it with the zombie dog, even if you find exports, you don't know that there is not safe outside ... You still save your strength!"

Said, she could not help but rushed Li Yan, struggling to continue to run in front.

Zhou Dahai has a warm flow, secretly determined, even if he didn't save it back, he also had to take the nephew safely, even if he used his own hit!

After a few more than ten minutes, the three finally saw a shower at the end of the drainage pipe.

Zhou Dahai first said:

"The nephew, let you rest, I will go to explore. If you export from the square, we will run from the dam. If you are far away, then you are here waiting for me!"

Yan Xiaoting thought about the agreement, but the distance is too far, not only Li Wei is not eaten, and he still runs.

After the determination of the voice of the zombie dog, Zhou Dahai did not rush to the gesture of a pistol, followed by the drainage pipe.

Yan Xiaoting took Li Yu to sit down, and took out the food to supplement the physical strength, and he took out the pistol before and after.

The two have a chat, but most of them are in the dark pipes and pipelines, and they are lifted.

During the night, don't say a woman, even if you are strong, you can't stand this tension.

It's okay to have a "sudden" engine sound, Zhou Dahai successfully opened the cleaning boat!

Waiting for the cleaning boat to drive away the dam, walk down with the long river downwards, and the three are sitting at the bottom of the cabin and completely practical.

On the sea, the sea is adjusted, while pulling out the telescope from the backpack, look at the shore, the middle road:

"Li Changsheng must have to have a hand, from the gunshots, it has been around for about 10 minutes, the gunshots still have not broken, indicating that the zombies will definitely break through the defense of the Convention Center!"

Yan Xiaoting looked at the eyes, and some worried:

"I don't know if the old weak woman inside can escape, hey ..."

Li Yizhi slammed into the direction:

"Ting sister, you don't have to be saddened! There is no child and the old man at all, all are young people and middle-aged people! They even set up the base, and they are called commander!"


Zhou Dahai and Yan Xiaoting have a little, and some crying, I can't think of it. This is not a play of the army, but also the Marshal.

"Not only that, they also caught more than a dozen women!"

Li Yan continued to say, "For the captain and commander of their mouths, if the husband is still, I will say that we can work hard, I am afraid I have long ..."

Yan Xiaoting gently patted her, comforted:

"If you don't think about it, they will definitely live tonight!"

Li Wei saw that he would have returned, and her eyes asked:

"Ting sister, why will people become like this? Do you have to fight against the zombies outside, and build mutual protection?"

This problem is exported, and Yan Xiaoting and Zhou Dahai are silent.


Why is it going to live and die, and the living environment of human beings is getting smaller and smaller.

They still can't think of answers, because human beings are also trapped by this problem for thousands of years.


The night wind is cool, and the moon is shifted, it is already going to the second half.

After more than ten minutes of floating flow, clean ship gradually approached a bridge.

At the same time, Yan Xiaoting and Zhou Dahai came to the bow at the same time and carefully observed.

On the right side of the East Bridge, a half-round high-rise building is clear, loneliness, is the center of the gym.

The soil retrieving, and Zihai Zijiu stared at the side door of the gym.

There, on the streets of less than twenty square meters, he had a bloody battle with his comrades, fierce.

Sun Feng, Wang Xingguo, and Tian Yu Zhang Jianxun ...

This moment, Zhou Dahai flashed through the warrior to hold the machine gun and retired.

When there is a grenade explosion, the turbule is set off;

Some Sun Feng looked at his eyes and looked at his eyes;

There is also a corpse to surround everyone, and the soldiers resolutely choose the fierce scene of meat.

Smoke, gunshot, roar, scream ...

Everything seems to be done, everything seems to be solidified.

Quietly, Zhou Dahai has been oozed out of tears.

He clenched his fist and he was in his heart:

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