I'm the driver in Apocalypse

I am at the end of the driver, the driver 126

Li Changsheng turned straight to the eyes, and his hands were together, and he was rescued for Yan Xiaoting "", and his legs screened.

Yan Xiaoting also thought that Zhou Dahai had to kill the killer. I just want to persuade a sentence, I will listen to Zhou Dahai's efforts:

"Want to lie to me? Your clothes have a tofu, not doing tofu is selling tofu!"

Li Changsheng was shocked, and he was staring at Zhou Dahai, and he did not move.

Zhou Dahai then said:

"Do you know what Laozi is doing?"

Li Changsheng shook his head, Zhou Dahai smiled:

"Laozi is killing pigs! Killing you is like a slaughter pig, no truth, Laozi is tuned to you, hehe!"

The fierce look, plus the machete on the neck, scared Li Changsheng's pants are wet.

He nodded like a chicken rice, and he was sulking:

"Well ... I am telling the truth!"

Zhou Dahai has opened his eyes Xiaoting, once again mentioned Li Changsheng's collar, pushing him away from his mouth.

Li Changsheng breathed a breather, and the legs sat on the ground.

"I called Li Changsheng. This sentence is not lie, it is true!"

He tight his legs, and his crotch is very uncomfortable.

"This good man is really powerful, you guessed that my family is really tofu, but I only sell it ..."

Next, Li Changsheng is like a bamboo tube, and said his story.

Li Changsheng lived in the countryside. A few years ago, he took the wife and children into the city, rented a room in the shanty house behind the pedestrian street, and did a business.

Li Changsheng did not have a craft mouth and stupid, pondering to ponder, but fortunately, his wife will be tofu.

So, he hit a stall in the farmers market not far from the pedestrian street, his wife made brine tofu and tofu at home, and he sold it on the booth.

When the zombie broke out, he was receiving early working at home, preparing for noon.

At first, it is a horn, warnings the public must stay at home, don't come out, there is something to wait for the community to come to a special person.

Li Changsheng did a few years of business, his mouth and his eyes were also active. Although there was no Made in Made and Zhou Dahai for this emergency, it was not stupid.

He also had a messy population on the street, quickly rushed into a supermarket in the pedestrian street, bought a lot of instant noodles and simple food stored at home.

The first day, Li Changsheng spent a family of three.

It can be reached at night, there is an accident on the street.

First, the gunshots like the guns, from the near street to the city, he can hear a clear child at home;

At the next day, the city was covered with a continuous explosion.

Li Changsheng remembers that when they trowed their body into the nest, each explosion would lead to a muscle condition reflection.

On the third day, the situation is very clear:

The water stopped, the phone also didn't do it; there was no TV and network signal, and there was no horn and vocals on the street.

Some are the wild and screams of the wild, and they are messy and stunned.

Li Changsheng came to the window to see it, almost didn't scare the urine.

In the alley of the shanty district, there is a blood-resistant straw arm, and the wall is a disgusting blood.

Then, a face expression, or missing arms, or the one-on-one "person" walks outside the alley, eat "flesh and blood" in the mountains.


Li Changsheng an accident is in the third day.

This day, a family is preparing to do dinner.

Li Changsheng's six-year-old son can't stand the constraint. When he cooked his parents, he quietly opened the back door.

In this way, after I saw my son was eating food, I wanted Li Changsheng, I also guarded my wife, and I rushed out of my house!

I heard here, Zhou Dahai and Yan Xiaoting feel the heart of the heart, not coming to the autonomous, I think of Huang Xing and Made!

I don't know if Li Changsheng's wife's name is attracted, or after eating the flesh and blood in the alley, Li Changsheng has rushed out of the shantytone, drilling into the pedestrian street across a wall.

Just as he is sought, several survivors suddenly spared from the supermarket and took him into the supermarket.

After half a month later, a few people closed the supermarket gate, and they lived in Laudan.

In this half a month, sometimes the zombies outside will hit the door and will overlook the wall.

It is good, this supermarket has two windings outside the door, and there is also a flat anti-theft door, which is extremely strong.

As for the zombie of the wall, they did not put it on the heart, because this supermarket did not have the back door, and the other facades of the same level were completely isolated!

In this way, a few people live in the supermarket in the sky, all have never been until last night.

Yesterday morning, the supermarket outside the supermarket!

I thought it was still a zombie, I didn't take care of it, and I slept in the self.

After waiting for a while, the sound outside the door did not stop, but it passed a few like a sound of the oscillated.

I was frightened here, and I was busy looking for a weapon to prepare.

When the supermarket door was opened, I went in a man and one girl, and the two were blood.

When Li Changsheng said this, Yan Xiaoting was jumping, and asked the next consciousness:

"What is the length of the man? Fat is not fat, is it still some myopia?"

Chapter 136 Coach Wu Ge

Li Changsheng stunned, then replied:

"Fat is a little fat, I don't know if I don't know, do you ask this?"

Zhou Dahai swing hand:

"Do you want to do it! I ask you, why don't you tell you truth? Also, where is this man? Are you looking for them?"

To say that Li Changsheng is looking for this man and a woman, don't say that Zhou Dahai is, even Lian Xiaoting may not believe.

After seeing his child died, a man actually lost his wife alone, this kind of thing is only in the movie.

First, I will leave the problem that there is no ability to save, and I will abandon my wife, and it is for family-lived daily hard work. From this point, Li Changsheng is a bastard.

Li Changsheng saw Zhou Dahai and pulled his face and suddenly quickly said:

"No, not for them! It is the big brother in the supermarket. He let me get out of the medicine. I also said that in case of other lucky gangs, I can't expose the position of the supermarket and the number of people!"

Zhou Dahai, "Well", like Li Changsheng, this kind of gallbladder guy, is best for running your legs, lie is his old man.

This occasion is in the mouth:

"Is the male and a woman still still in the supermarket?"

Li Changsheng said that he has said that the two people and "other survivors" in front of him are equal, and they will be punished after returning.

Zhou Dahai looked at the eyes Xiaoting, and the latter nodded firmly.

Zhou Dahai grabbed Li Changsheng from the ground and kicked his ass.

"Away, take us to the supermarket!"

Li Changsheng was afraid to look at Zhou Dahai, with the bottom direction, and walked toward the right way to the pipe.

On the road, Zhou Dahai finally clarified the situation in the supermarket from his mouth.

There are six people in the supermarket plus Li Changsheng:

Three of them were the first small gang hid into the supermarket, headed by a guy called "Wu Ge".

Li Changsheng told Zhou Dahai, this Wu Ge is said to be a fitness coach. When I was a child, I have learned a famous celebrity to learn martial arts, what is "natural door"!

Zhou Dahai understood, "Natural Gate" is indeed a home martial arts, and it is quite famous in the early days, he will learn.

This city has been a great person before, and has done the "Father" bodyguard, a hard work and the venue of the flying darts.

This power is from the local "natural door".

Later, "natural door" was regarded as a heressed evil, and the hard work gradually became a home unparalleled school. With some big characters entered the military ranks, ordinary people couldn't learn.

After this Wu brother is well, I originally wanted to go to the big city to mix a famous name, which can be detained because of fighting.

After he came out, he was lazy under a gymnastic hall to do a coach.

The fitness coach This career is a bit like Ma Dezhao's DD driver, and the work is not light, and it can also fish.

Sometimes I can even rely on my muscles or intimate contact, and I will take a few inner empty rich women. So he is doing extraordinary, there is no rest in weekends and holidays.

When the zombie broke out, Wu Ge was just in the store on the second floor of the pedestrian street.

Like Li Changsheng, he didn't dare to come out in the first day. After all, the speaker on the street reminds the city that is not positive, and the city is still not being captured.

It can be reached the next day, Wu Ge can't hold it.

There is no food in the gym, the water is stopped, and then do you want to starve?

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