I'm the driver in Apocalypse

I am in the end of the world, the driver section 103

Madei was sitting in the back row of Yan Xiaoling, and suddenly wished.

Because, it is not a dramatic bump, but ... hehe!

The car enters the paddy field, and the position of the Tamparite is finally stopped.

He handed the ax at the foot to Zhou Dahai, then put the gray cat lost in the bottom into the storage box like cotton, which is so good to focus on getting closer and closer zombie.

"The sea, is you ready? See it is how much you cut, or I have killed more!"

Made in the steering wheel, two eyes, seems to be a game when you are in front.

"...! Whoever lost, sit behind, experience the experience ... The taste, hahaha!"

Zhou Dahai looked back at the eyes of Yan Xiaoling to spit a lattice, and smashed.

Chapter 110

The zombie dog rushed very fast, but it suddenly stopped from about four or five meters away.

It is hung on the file to prepare for Madi, which is a big killing, is this happening, is it ... Is it ... Is it a taste of the vomit by the car?

He looked back to Zhou Dahai and Yan Xiaoling, and suddenly explored half of the window from the window, show:

"See you? I am so fast, I am living with fresh flesh and blood! After this village, I haven't come here!"

Said, Madi also took the front hood before the car, tried to use the sound to attract them.

It can be strange that more than a dozen black backs are sitting in Tianxi, and the invitation to me.

At this time, the three people on the car are all embarrassed, and there is a vomiting of the weak Yan Xiaoling to get the window and stare at the big dog sitting in a row.

", you said that they are too far from the commander, can't receive the attack signal?"

When I finished Zhou Daishang, I felt that my idea had some removal.

This is not a machine dog, or something is displayed.

Mad is that Made is said, but he thinks he feels that the idea just is not too ignorant.

"Well, you have, you wait, I am looking for root rope, see if I can take them back!"


Zhou Dahai and Yan Xiaoling have thought that he is laughing, and a short silence is laughing.

I know that Ma Dezhen actually tried to do it!

He took out a bundle of hemp rope from the seat, I thought about it, and took a long scissors from the roof box. I wanted to get off the car.

Zhou Dahai is very awkward, and keeps him:

"The brother will not make! This, this is a zombie dog, there is no wisdom!"

Yan Xiaoling has also been temporarily forgotten with weakness, and it is close to by Maden:

"Master, the nephew came out, let's not get anything, but also guarantee your own safety! I see me to see it, I will continue to open, I can still bear it! And say, so many zombie dogs, you put them What? "

Madei looked at the dog group sitting in the arrangement, Shen said:

"It makes sense!"

When the two listened to the pine, he listened to him to continue:

"That takes one!"

The two have fallen in a sluggish.

Madei didn't pay attention to their silence protest, took the steel in the hands of Yan Xiaoling, put the steel arrow, put the rope scissors, put a foot outside the car.

The black back is grayful, and it is close to it.

However, the body still does not move.

Madi, showed back to the legs, was got a little, and he was shouted to get off the car and then tape to the door.

Made is not stupid, but he never loses money.

Just now, when more than a dozen black back suddenly stopped the attack gesture, sitting in the old orange.

He suddenly remembers something strange to eat strangers in previous TV.

This is a teacher who trains the dog's refusal to eat:

The dog owner tightened the dog's side of the dog, then let a stranger take a dog favorite food, tempted dogs.

When your dog's martial water is straight through, the dog owner has to tighten the dog rope, and it is not allowed to eat!

At this time, if the dog is obeying, decisively choose not to eat, then take it immediately, feed it, appreciate it;

And if the dog refuses to listen to four times, it will make the stranger give it a mouth, making it bored, even hostile to the food of strangers or strangers.

After training, let go of the dog rope several reinforcement training, usually successful a few days.

And the performance of the zombies in front of you, just like it is the appearance of the order "not allowed to eat"!

They are neither like this, and they have slammed the miles in the car, nor did they turn around.

It is even like a loss of instinct, guarding around the target.

So Ma Dee will try it with so boldly.

After getting off the bus, he did not immediately rely on the black back, and carefully stayed away from the direction of the car.


The blackbacks immediately stood up and moved in the direction of his walk.


Madei heart jumped, and one wants to adjust the urge to escape from the impulse.

After doing a few times, he had a fear of his heart, and he fierce his legs!


The blackbacks are tied together, and the dog's eyes are always on him.

Hahahaha! It seems that Laozi guess it, this is really a "refusal to eat"!

Madex is excited, this is a big discovery.

Although it is still unclear how they receive orders, distance and effective time; but at least now, Mades can be tried!

Sha sand sand!

In the fragmented footsteps, Madei took a steel , pinch the long rope and scissors, gradually close to the black back zombie dog.

A stinky smell of the corporate smoked his eyes.

Three meters, two meters ...

The smell is getting more and more strong, and Madei has heard the low screaming of the zombie dog.

Can't move again!

He immediately stopped, while breathing, he quickly took the rope in his hand quickly.

The zombie This kind of creature is only instinctive, and the day knows that "commander zombies" will not have contradiction with their own instinct.

Once this contradiction is exceeded, they can discard orders and open them directly!

In order to try to install the black and back, or in order to appease himself, Maden trembled his mouth and started his language attack.

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"Amitabha, God bless, no quantity Tianzun, color oil pull ... Doud fairy dog ​​god dog uncle, everyone, call Made!"

In the self-introduction, he saved the rope cover and straight back.

"You are not easy! Every day, watch home care, get better than the chicken, eat more than the pigs, sleep than duck. I have a good guy, I can have a soil. The pit is buried; to meet the owner of greed, I am afraid I have to give a dog meat hot pot ... "

He used a rope aimed that the nearest black back and continued to talk.

"Hey! The dog is not easy to live, I have lived before, I may have seen it when I have a holiday! As the saying goes, I don't stop the dog, and I don't eat it. Looking back, a good pig does not sleep back. Hundred years ago, the dog horse is not a family ... "

Gently throw out the rope sleeve, exacerbate the head of the black back, but it is not expected to hang on the ear ... He had to recover the rope.

"Nowadays, it is not good forehead! The pigs in the birth of the pigs this year; I still have a lot of people in this year. I still drill the pit. I'm looking for it. Today, I will sway the song. The thing is the people who are not in the sea, and the brothers sell each other. Let's play with the mountains ... Mountain in the mountains, the mountains in the mountains, the mother tiger ... "

Reading, Madesy somewhat poor, I don't know what to say.

Before the last sentence, he finally set a black back to the neck!

Try pulled it, the black back is like a mud, can't move.

Madei thought about it, carefully loose the rope, and retreat to the tail of the embarrassing and uneven, and see the black back quickly followed!

Success, this time I went to see you!

Excited Mademi tied the rope on the tail exhaust pipe, cutting the rope with scissors, and quickly slamming back.

In the two people surprised, he laughed while launched the car.

"One of the left hand, a dog, a dog, big harvest, hahaha, return to the government!"

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