I'm the best catcher in martial arts

Chapter 93 The Hua family wishes birthday and wishes Uncle Hua a long life and good health.

"Junior brother, will you help me?"

"I can help you, but there's one thing you have to do for me."

"What's up?"

"If I go to Dali next year, you will go with me. If I go to the Western Regions, you will go with me. You will probably be very busy next year."

"You are so stingy. I asked you to help me a little bit, but you want me to travel all over the world."

"Do you agree or not?"

"Promise, everything is up to you."

"Tell me about Dali first. What are the emperor's plans? Don't say you don't know anything!"

"Why should I know?"

"The Queen told you, and then asked you to relay it to me, so that I don't make the matter a big deal."

"The specific details will not be known until March next year. I only know the general goal.

The first is to maintain the relationship with Dali. This is a matter for the envoy and has nothing to do with you;

The second is to arrest some Miao bandits. Do you still remember what happened to Lu Bing? He originally went to Lingnan to arrest the rebellious Qinglong Society, but he was severely injured.

Miao Border, Dali, and Lingnan, these places not only have rugged roads, dense forests, and poisonous miasma, but also have many tribes, so we can't just be tough.

According to the Queen's hint, the court should send two teams, one team to investigate the case, and one team to catch the thief. Your main task is to catch the thief. "

Shen Lian was so angry that he almost flipped the table.

Lu Bing, the commander of the Jin Yiwei, was beaten and seriously injured and returned. How much does Lao Zhu think highly of me?

Seeing Shen Lian's expression, Feng Siniang hurriedly comforted her with a few words: "Don't worry, the emperor will not issue a fatal mission, he will provide you with some help."

"for example?"

"For the military attachés who will protect the envoys, you can choose them from the Ouchi Guards and Imperial Guards. As long as they are not chosen too excessively, the Emperor will definitely not refuse."

"I choose our master."

"I asked you to choose someone, but I didn't ask you to make a wish!"

"Mi Cangqiong?"

"Aren't you afraid that he will beat you to death with a stick?"

"My eldest brother and my third brother are all here, right?"

"This should be fine."

"I wrote a letter to them and asked them not to make any arrangements next March to avoid trouble later."

Tongfu Inn temporarily entered peace.

Qixia Town is not very wealthy, the scenery is not very elegant, and there are no gold-selling caves, but it is very comfortable here and makes people feel at ease.

After living in Qixia Town for a long time, you will feel that your heart is empty and clear, and your heart is as calm as water. The murderous aura that was originally entrenched in your heart has been dissipated.

Shen Lian likes the environment of Qixia Town very much, Zuo Shi also likes it very much, and even Feng Siniang, who likes adventure, feels that she can live here for three months every year.

However, stable days will never last that long. In September, Shen Lian received an invitation from Huamanlou and went to Hua's house to pay her birthday to Hua Ruling.

Feng Siniang looked at the invitation and said in disbelief: "What the hell is this? Someone in the world invited you to celebrate your birthday. Is this a joke?"

Shen Lian:o(╥﹏╥)o

I'm not black and white, so why can't you invite me? Why can't I wish someone happy birthday?

Let’s not talk about Hua Ruling. When my master celebrates his birthday, can’t I pay my respects to him?

None of my senior brothers are famous troublemakers in the world. They all rely on their senior brothers to help wipe their butts. Your reputation is not much better than mine!

"Are you really going to celebrate your birthday?"

"I received the invitation. It would be inappropriate not to go. Besides, I have been too busy recently and my bones are almost rusty."

"when to go?"


The Hua family is the largest imperial merchant and the largest real estate developer in Jiangnan. The head of the Hua family, Hua Ruling, has seven sons, which can be said to be a blessing.

There is a saying - more children, more blessings!

Having many sons means you are blessed.

It is said that King Wen of Zhou had one hundred sons, so he had great blessings, long luck, and great sages.

For a wealthy family, seven sons may not be too many, but if all seven sons are talented and can stand on their own, then it will be a happy home.

As a rich man and real estate giant in the south of the Yangtze River, the Hua family's ancestral home is not luxurious, at least it is not as resplendent and grand as imagined. Instead, it is full of elegance.

Firstly, it was to avoid suspicion, and secondly, the Hua family was the founding fathers of the country, a meritorious wealthy family, not a nouveau riche.

The architecture of Huajia is mainly elegant.

Gardens, lotus ponds, pavilions, corridors, attics, and study rooms all have their own elegance, but they can complete the harmonious unity of heaven, earth, and man in a special way.

In particular, the running water from the source of the lotus pond is directly connected to the Meng River, and then the water is directed back to the Meng River through waterwheels and unique waterways.

Come and go, come and go, so that the lotus pond is always full of living water and always clear to the bottom.

If you look carefully, you will find that this living water extends to every corner, including the garden and kitchen.

If someone poisoned the well water, the flowers would be the first to be affected, as a warning.

You only need to wait for two or three days, and relying on the unique pattern and long waterways, you can complete self-purification.

From the perspective of Feng Shui fortune, the surname of the Hua family is Hua. Flowers belong to the wood family and water grows wood. Therefore, this source of living water is the long-lasting blessing of the Hua family.

What is Huajia?

Royal merchant!

What you earn is money, gold, and gold generates water. As long as the money is used on the right path, building bridges, paving roads, and building embankments, the water of the Meng River will not dry up, and the blessings of the Hua family will not dry up.

It is obviously the work of a master to create such a vibrant architectural pattern in the Huajia Residence.

When he came, Shen Lian inquired that the designer of the Hua Family Mansion was the "Ghost King" Xu Ruowu.

Xu Ruowu has great martial arts skills and is full of ingenuity. He is the hero of the founding of the Ming Dynasty. In addition to his ability to march and fight, he is also good at observing Feng Shui and building houses.

Many of the mansions of the founding fathers were empty and designless, but some were able to maintain them, while others were disturbed and eventually lost their fortune and life.

Hua Ruling is obviously one who can hold on.

Hua Ruling is fifty-five years old this year.

For a martial arts master, this age is definitely not too old, let alone his wealth. Logically speaking, he should be majestic and have the posture of a dragon walking like a tiger.

In fact, he was polite and polite, as if he were a learned scholar. There was a gloomy aura between his eyebrows, and Shen Lian could even see the aura of twilight.

The dull air of twilight.

If this qi lingers for too long, the sluggishness will eventually turn into "grave qi."

"Junior Feng Siniang has met Uncle Hua."

"Junior Shen Lian has met Uncle Hua."

This "uncle" is not a random name.

First of all, the two of them came to pay birthdays, not to investigate the case as police officers, but in their private identities.

Secondly, Hua Ruling is slightly older than Guo Bujing. They represent Guo Bujing, so they naturally call them uncle, otherwise they should be uncles.

Finally, this makes it appear more cordial and prevents the quarrel from becoming too violent if a quarrel finally breaks out.

"Two worthy nephews, please rise."

Hua Ruling was very polite, even a little too polite. It wasn't until they were welcomed in that they realized that the invitation was not from Huamanlou, but from Hua Ruling.

Hua Ruling wanted to ask Shen Lian for help.

"Nephew, look at this."

Hua Ruling took out the yellow paper with bloody footprints.

Feng Siniang said: "Blood footprints, I remember this was the unique symbol of the iron-shoe robber more than ten years ago.

Wasn't that guy killed by Uncle Hua?

The body of the Iron Shoe Thief was burnt to ashes with fierce fire in front of many martial arts comrades. Even if he had the martial arts ability to hold his breath and feign death, he would still be dead. "

Faking death to escape is very common in the world. There are even monsters like Ling Duxu who can still recover as before after their internal organs were beaten to pieces.

Pierce the heart with a sword, jump off a cliff and fall into the sea, these methods are not very safe. It can even be said that this is the prelude to an adventure, and the adventure is about to happen.

The leader of a major martial arts sect is not a fool, especially a major sect that has been passed down for hundreds of years. They have long known that such messy things would happen and have learned from experience.

If you are dealing with an enemy that must be killed, you cannot let him fall off the cliff, let alone leave his body intact.

Or chop off the head.

Or fall into disrepair.

The Iron Shoe Thief back then was killed by Hua Ruling's sword that pierced his heart. He was burned in flames after his death. Even if his heart grew crooked and he held his breath to fake death, he would still be dead.

Hua Ruling sighed: "Although the Iron Shoe Thief died in my hands, Lou'er doesn't think so. He thinks that the Iron Shoe Thief is still alive and lurking around Hua Mansion.

You may not know that Lou'er's eyes were not blinded by illness, but by an iron-shoe thief.

This incident left a psychological shadow on him, and more than ten years later, he has not been able to completely come out of it.

I was seriously injured in a fight with someone in the past. Although I was treated in time, the root of the injury was left behind.

I have long put aside the matter of life and death. My six sons have already gotten married, but I am really worried about Lou'er. I want to ask nephew Shen Xian to help me act.

This mark was forged by me. I will find someone to disguise himself as Iron Shoes, and then let Lou'er capture him.

What nephew Shen Xian has to do is to prove that that person is indeed Iron Shoe and dispel Lou'er's suspicion. "

Shen Lian looked at the mark of the Iron Shoe Thief and did not agree immediately, but asked: "Uncle Hua, have you ever thought about a question, that is, the Iron Shoe Thief is indeed still alive, and Hua Manlou's feeling is not wrong."

Feng Siniang frowned and said: "Can you still live after breaking your bones and throwing away ashes? Is he a god?"

Shen Lian said: "The Iron Shoe Thief, it is said that this man can travel three thousand miles in a day and rob eighteen houses at night. He is more powerful than Sikong Zhaixing and Chu Liuxiang. How is this possible?

The only explanation is that the Iron Shoe Thief is not alone... Senior sister, please don't interrupt me.

The image of the Iron Shoe Thief is in black clothes and black robe, wearing a devil-like mask, and wearing iron shoes on his feet.

No one has seen his true face.

In other words, if I put on black clothes, a mask, and iron shoes, I will be the iron shoe thief.

Uncle Hua, you still don’t understand?

Let me give you a specific example.

There are nine people in our sect. Except for the junior sister who has low martial arts skills, the eight of us put on costumes and became eight iron-shoe thieves, and then we agreed on a time to commit crimes at the same time.

For example, tomorrow, the senior brother will commit a crime in Lingnan, the second senior brother will commit a crime in Manchu and Qing Dynasties, the senior sister will commit a crime in Huajia, I will commit a crime in Jingxiang, and the rest will be in Tubo and Xixia.

Don't say that you can travel three thousand miles a day and rob eighteen families at night. Our brothers and sisters can even travel three thousand miles a day and rob eighty families at night. Do you understand now? "

Hua Ruling said in surprise: "What my nephew means is that there are at least two iron-shoe thieves. I killed one of them at the beginning, and it was the other who stabbed Lou'er blind. That person did not leave, but hid in Hua Ruling." Around home.”

Shen Lian said: "That's what it means."

"Then how to catch the iron-shoe thief?"

"With Hua Manlou's martial arts and sensory abilities, since this person dares to hide around the Hua family, it means that the Hua family has the treasure he needs, and he covets that treasure.

If you open a hole and give the thief a chance to steal, will he show up? "

Hua Ruling said in a deep voice: "The iron-shoe thief is cunning and treacherous. I'm afraid he won't be fooled so easily."

Shen Lian shook the mark of the iron shoe: "Didn't you just set up the perfect strategy? When we are acting, isn't it the biggest gap?"

Hearing this, Hua Ruling clapped her hands and laughed: "My nephew is really a good plan. If Iron Shoes doesn't come, the fake ones will be real. If Iron Shoes comes, let him never come back."

Shen Lian asked: "Uncle Hua, actually I have something to ask for your help. I heard that the Hua family has a caravan going to the Western Regions to do business. Can you find me a guide?"

"My good nephew is going to the Western Regions?"

"No, I just accidentally heard some legends about the Western Regions and I was very interested in them.

Caravans traveling along the Silk Road must have guides who are familiar with local customs and customs, preferably those who are familiar with India, Tibet, Tibet, Tantra, and Buddhism. "

Shen Lian always felt that the legend of the Red Flame Sword was somewhat familiar, but he couldn't remember it no matter how hard he thought about it.

On the way to the Hua family, Shen Lian thought of the Hua family's huge caravan and the people doing business must be familiar with the local customs, so he planned to ask someone.

Feng Siniang cannot be the only one who has heard the story of the Red Flame Sword. There must be related legends.

"It's simple. The Hua family has caravans in all these places. I'll find a few familiar ones for you and let them tell you about the local customs.

By the way, there is also the latest edition of "The Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty", which my nephew can read and compare. "

Shen Lian untied his knot, and Hua Ruling was very generous. Not only did she find a guide, but she also sent a map of the invasion of the Western Regions... uh, the Records of the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty!

There is actually no difference.

When Xuanzang walked in front, the Tang army followed closely behind. When Xuanzang returned from studying for Buddhist scriptures, he found that many of the countries he was familiar with had been destroyed.

Even Tianzhu was beaten violently by Wang Xuance's troops after Xuanzang left. Therefore, there are rumors that Xuanzang's customs clearance document was written by Li Shimin himself.

——Either he goes over, or I come over!

The guide Hua Ruling found was very interesting. His name was Hua Ping, but he was by no means a flower vase.

This person has an ordinary appearance, but is quite cute, making people fall in love with him upon seeing him. Moreover, this person is proficient in the languages ​​​​of more than a dozen places, and has a deep understanding of the customs, folklore, and belief systems of the Western Regions.

"Captain Shen, what legend do you want to hear?"

"Since this is the land of the Western Regions, the most relevant ones are definitely Zhang Qian and Xuanzang. Zhang Qian is too far away. Let's talk about Xuanzang. I admire the holy monk Xuanzang very much."

Feng Siniang curled her lips when she heard this.


You killer!

What kind of Buddha do you worship!

The Buddha appeared and suppressed you first!

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