I'm stacking cubes in Marvel

Chapter 272: The Clone's Mini Game

After having had enough influence on the situation, the regulations were introduced again, strong enough to become the "pope" in the head of all the believers, Yang Xiaoming and Yang Erming were busy again.

Yang Erming took the initiative to delegate power, except that the alien race continued to be managed by him, all other things belonged to Yang Xiaoming.

"The two of us can be regarded as a combination of work and rest in ourselves. Anyway, our thinking is interlinked. My side is playing, your side is busy, and you are happy in your heart!"

After the nonsense, Yang Erming left happily, leaving all the mess to Yang Xiaoming.

It's like obviously being in the TR world, Yang Ming has to make a clone to work, and she is idle, but although she and the clone are in a relationship between the main line and the branch, they understand.

In other words, he can feel that he is working at the same time, and he is taking a leisurely time out of the fake business.

But as long as a person is focused, he can really only pay attention to what is in front of him and forget the others.

Therefore, both Yang Ming in the TR world and Yang Erming in the earth began to be serious and focused on being lazy, trying to cut off the feeling of being working because of the laziness enough to concentrate.

In this process, Yang Erming thought of many ways and couldn't do it, but he finally found a model to get rid of the empathy passed by Yang Xiaoming.

God mode.

As long as you pull your vision and thinking out of mid-air, and be in a kind of God’s perspective to suppress yourself in a pseudo two-dimensional way, you can not only get your consciousness out of the limitation of the first-person line of sight, but also make him short-term. Get out of interaction with Yang Xiaoming.

Only when Yang Xiaoming is also in the perspective of God can the two consciousnesses that have pressed the body into a pseudo two-dimensional cross-sectional structure can be reconnected.

In this case, even if the consciousness is connected, Yang Xiaoming himself is in a state of laziness. His body becomes his lazy person, and the next level of outsourcing is outsourced.

Yang Xiaoming's consciousness is like a "supervisor", supervising the physical work of "Party B", so it doesn't have that heavy feeling of itself.

Even if the consciousness uploaded by Yang Xiaoming is connected with Yang Erming, it is only sharing Yang Erming's lazy happiness.

Such shameless gameplay gave Yang Xiaoming a feeling of joy in his mind. He didn't have so much resentment for Yang Erming's use of rock-paper-scissors to win over him and the qualification to rest.

Yes, there is nothing on earth. They really need to stretch out their hands. Even with the help of a large number of effective cadres of the Earth Protection League under them, even if it is forced, all believers must be added to their heads. He is called the crown bestowed by the pope, so he didn't use it!

However, the laziness inherited from Yang Ming made Yang Xiaoming and Yang Erming, the two clones who were originally separated to allow them to work, also became lazy.

So Yang Xiaoming assigned the mission to the Earth Protection League to cooperate with the trial operation of the Sentinel Experimental Robot Legion. The Iron Legion and the Legion of Berserker Warriors from the Scandinavian Peninsula coordinated to integrate the vision of all believers around the world.

The integrated eyesight only takes training as the eyesight, so that all believers and soldiers will come out for military parade, and there will be a grand military parade every time they pass.

In this way, they pushed the past, taught the past, and comforted the past.

During the whole process, Yang Xiaoming was actually just a sign, and everything Clark and the black holy gun ranger Rob Nefer had been done properly.

That's it, he is still impatient!

In fact, it’s not always smooth and profitable along the way. As I said before, the composition of the new humans is too mixed. Among those pan-believers who have their own goals and their original beliefs, there are still many unpredictable ones. careerist.

Even if it is due to the attributes brought by the Natural God Pavilion, the professional believers can already represent a very deep faith in Yang Ming, but there are still many people who are quite suspicious of themselves. At certain times, as a fanatic of Yang Ming, he used this to harness the power of professionalism.

Most of the time, using hypnosis or other means, they have independent and complete personalities, and they sneer at Yang Ming's existence, without even awe in their hearts.

There are not a few such people. Many are just for the sake of being alone, but there are also many who have stolen the high positions of many believers.

So when the military parade is going on, these strangers with extremely high sensitivity will know that this is already Yang Ming's release, and they have to clean up their signals.

So in the whole of Northern Europe, it was okay. When it came to Eastern Europe and Western Europe, successive troubles appeared.

At this time, Yang Erming, who had two wins in three games through rock, paper, scissors, and later extended to five games and three wins to win a rest opportunity, had to move.

"Now is the time. It's time for us to take action. Let's give a vivid demonstration lesson to those little babies who have just learned how to walk!"

In the auditorium of the afterlife, Yang Erming went down in front of all strangers who obeyed his words.

In fact, once an alien who has been influenced by the parasites of the hive will protect the hive absolutely and unconditionally, and this influence is irreversible for life.

Although they have complete autonomy in other things, they can be considered as having a complete soul, but as long as the hive is involved, as long as the interests of Yang Erming are involved, that is absolutely everything to make concessions for Yang Erming.

So instead of saying that he is arranging, it is better to say that he opened a mobilization meeting for himself.

Those who are capable of fighting in the Inhuman race are arranged into small teams and put on the battlefield at the same time.

The new humans do not need to fight against the new humans, this is to prevent those new humans who seem to be attached to the Earth Protection League from feeling sad.

Therefore, for those who do not obey, a force is naturally needed to deal with them.

The Sentinel robot in the test with Inhumans is really a good choice.

In the romantic Gaul roosters, the people who have been sloppy are difficult to obey, and even the heads of new humans have penetrated into the heads of government organizations.

After all, the current government in Gaul is a young and rebellious government, and things like the new man are top-down.

And their resistance here is the most determined, advocating Ziyou!

Blatant propaganda evolution is a gift from Mother Earth, and has nothing to do with a certain Asian.

Well, I don't know who researched it. This concept is really beautiful.

Because the earth manifestation of Yang Ming's natural godhead is Gaia consciousness, which can really be called a mother of the earth.

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