I'm stacking cubes in Marvel

Chapter 229 Yang Erming

Yang Erming also has the memories of Yang Ming and Yang Xiaoming, and he also thinks he is Yang Ming. With the help of the characteristics of the hive parasite aggregate, he can change his appearance at will, so that his appearance is not so demon-like.

When he arrived in Los Angeles, he hadn't visited much before, the golden circle appeared at his feet, and it appeared at Kama Taj with a swish.

In Gu Yi’s living room, a yellow robe of ancient clothes is sitting on the main seat, a pot of tea is placed on the main seat on the lower table, and a thermos cup in the guest seat, which is constantly stirred by your liquid. It looks like a cup of jasmine tea just washed up.

"This detail is very touching."

Yang Ming's voice came from this poisoned squid's face.

Gu Yi was not surprised, just like Yang Erming was not surprised, he could pull him over after he arrived.

"The jasmine tea you like!"


However, as Gu Yi spoke, the surprise came, because Gu Yi's voice was very old, it was an old male voice.

Following her face, from the shadow under the hood into the place illuminated by the light, a face of a man with high cheekbones, very thin, with a flowing white goatee appeared.

At the same time, under the wide sleeves were ten hands with sharp nails, and a bottle of denaturation potion was placed on the table.

"Don't be surprised, your thing is very interesting!"

Of course Yang Erming knew what the other party was talking about?But strictly speaking, he almost never thought that the medicine he made would be tried by Gu Yi.

Yang Erming suddenly became interested, fluttered his wings and adjusted his sitting posture and asked, "How is it? It feels good for women to become men?"

Gu Yi stroked his beard, the piercing eyes on his wrinkled face, without the slightest faint light.

He glanced at Yang Erming meaningfully: "Don't think about it, at least this image can avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble."

Yang Er obviously understood, but he didn't see any embarrassment on his face. He just adjusted his sitting posture again, raised his eyes and asked, "What can I find?"

Gu Yi took a sip of tea and asked, "I told you a long time ago that you will become an invading evil god or cause an invasion of evil god. What do you think of this matter now?"

"What else can I see?"

After all, how he now looks like a Cthulhu at the front and rear of the car, maybe the only thing he doesn't possess is the peculiar aura that can confuse the central nervous system.

Yang Erming lowered his head slightly, his thumbs touching each other, his index fingers circled around each other, his sight was almost out of focus, and he just asked, "Or just ask me what to do?"

Gu Yi told him a story.

Many years ago, Gu Yi was born in a small village called Kama Taj in a very hidden Himalayas. He was a kind-hearted farmer in his life.

His friend Caru discovered the secret of magic and shared his knowledge of magic with him. Soon they both became great wizards.

With magical power, Gu Yi hopes to build his hometown into a utopian ideal country, but Kalu wants to use this power to rule the king, not only to rule Kama Taj, but also to conquer other nearby villages and the world.

The two people joined forces to eliminate the pain and poverty in the village, but then conflicts due to different ideas, and eventually they inevitably stood on opposite sides.

After a great war, Kalu was exiled to another space. Gu Yi continued to live in Kama Taj, but he also often explored the world and magical power.

The young Gu Yi once helped the black knight fight crime in Texas; he also traveled in the universe and multiple spaces, and obtained the Eye of Agomoto from the eternal god; and later the ancients fought against a powerful griffon and combined After winning, I got the Book of Emperor Weishan, which records all the white magic in the world.

After frequent adventures, Gu Yi became very powerful.He sheltered the Himalayas and practiced with the monks.Genghis Dacheng, the oldest mage, presided over the selection of the "League of Martial Arts" in the Three Temples in Indonesia. Gu Yi participated in the battle and eventually won, winning the title of Supreme Mage.

After listening to this set, Yang Erming felt like he had listened to Baidu Baike, but he felt that something was wrong.

The female version of Gu Yi in the movie is a Celtic, who was called the three barbarians in Europe together with the Germans and Slavs during the Roman Empire. It is also one of the representative nations of Europeans today.

Distributed in Western Europe, the Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Cornish in England and Breton in France are all Celts.

Among them, Irish, Scottish, and Welsh are represented. Many of them have made great achievements in academic and scientific fields as well as arts and crafts.

And the set of rhetoric just now is the source of the comic version of Gu Yi. You must know that the comic version of Gu Yi is strictly speaking, should be regarded as a Chinese.

His name is Yao, this little old man.

Therefore, Yang Erming didn't understand why Gu Yi had only used a potion, and he even had a general memory?

"Isn't this split?"

He already understood why he was raptured and slipped here. Strictly speaking, the male version of Gu Yi relied on a bottle of transgender potion to complete his self-breaking latitude crossing.

This is completely different from the way ordinary people change their physiological structure. It seems that the Supreme Master is really different from ordinary people.

But even in the face of such a situation, Yang Erming didn't think he had any responsibility.

Until Gu Yi told him another story, it was about the Illuminati.

There is also the plot in the original sin. Nick Fury killed and buttoned the eyeballs of the frog diagram, and was punished by other observers. It became an existence that could no longer intervene and interfere with anything.

"What do you mean? Stop telling me stories."

Faced with Yang Erming's impatience, Gu Yi was not anxious, but just said: "My situation is that on the one hand, I actively break through the dimensional wall and pass through it. On the other hand, my strength is so strong that I will not easily be reversed. "


Gu Yi smiled, the person who looked at Lao Zhanzi with wisdom really only affected his appetite.

"So if someone who is stronger than me, or almost as powerful as me, tries your potion, you might find a similar latitude crossing."

Latitude crossing?

"This situation is generally small-scale, one-way, unless the medicine is used again, it may be sent back."

This explanation made him understand that this medicine did not only bring confusion to the human society, but it was directly possible to hold a big one somehow?

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