I'm stacking cubes in Marvel

Chapter 148 The Enforcer Registration Act (4/5)

Luke Cage is on fire. There are numerous reports on the Internet. Nypd issued a reward through the news to want this murderer.

After Iron Man publicly stood up and acknowledged his identity, many ability enhancers appeared in this originally seemingly ordinary world.

They dared to show themselves and let the world know that this is not a simple world. After the Avengers resisted the invasion of the Kitari two years ago, they have become more eye-catching capital as abilities enhancers.

But whether it's the Avengers or Bunker Meng, what they do is basically positive, and there are super villains that have emerged, but they have basically been wiped out or disappeared.

Except for Mandarin, the man of Mandarin before, there has not been such a high-profile villain for more than a year.

Luke Cage’s life history, as well as the enhanced details in Haimen Prison, were all thrown out by the media, and all the details of his killing of the Water Viper and the cousin of the Water Viper were not hidden at all, they were all revealed. come out.

This kind of thing has been exceeded. Is Luke Cage's behavior in the category of justice, and rises to the question, if an empowered person is out of control and acts according to his own subjective will, will it have a huge impact on the safety of citizens?

And to put it bluntly, Luke Cage was also breaking the law. Didn’t he kill one or two people, the subordinates of the group of extortionist political donations, the members of the subordinate gang, the cousin and cousin of the water viper. Bodyguard.

Other superheroes fight crime, but they don’t fight to death, and the main argument in the news is who gives these righteous police the power of law enforcement, trial, and adjudication?

Even this wind was taken advantage of by those who wanted to. During the New York battle where the Avengers resisted the Chitarian invasion, many ordinary people were implicated by the Avengers gradually.

Yang Ming asked Lena to push, and at the same time some of the Hydra forces in the original S.H.I.E.L.D. began to irritate, and pointed the finger at the two largest power enhancer groups on the market.

The Avengers and the Earth Protection League.

Public opinion began to show an uncontrollable trend under the agitation of many interested people, even some of the early Iron Man battles involving ordinary people, fighting against the iron king, against the sea, land, and air soldiers.

What's the difference between the Steel Corps who are currently enforcing the law on the street and those sea, land, and air soldiers?

There are also the Destroyer and Thor fighting to destroy the town, Hulk and the hateful street battle, etc., are all brought up to talk about things.

The situation was in an uproar. In the safety committee office of Sanfei's headquarters, the safety committee once again put pressure on Alexander Pierce, and after finishing the call, Pierce also found Nick Fury again.

"Fry, this time the matter is really overwhelming. It's not that I didn't work hard, but the pressure came not only from the Security Committee, but also from the U.S. Congress and the President's Cabinet."

"If you want to implement what you call the Regulations for the Control of Ability Enhancers, someone must first stand up and agree, or even respond to this bill."

Nick Fury propped his hands on the table with his hips on the edge of the table. Instead of looking at Alexander Pierce, he looked at various group photos in his bookcase.

After a round of sight cruise, the final destination is a tall and strong young man.

"I disagree!"

The US team Steve Rogers directly opposed, "The bill you mentioned can be understood as just a registration, but it also restricts personal freedom and tramples on privacy!"

"S.H.I.E.L.D. itself has this kind of list, but the list is internal communication between S.H.I.E.L.D. and has not been announced to the public..."

"But the problem now needs to be announced to the public!"

Pierce’s words were also interrupted by the US team: “I can understand that the people want to know if their neighbor is a power-enhanced person who may wipe out his whole family if they run away, but this pair of power-enhanced people is a kind of personality and rights. Insult and trample."

Pierce and Fury looked at each other, and Fury stretched out his hands and said that he could only try another person.

At this time, the original plot has been almost destroyed by Yang Ming. It should have been a few months after the US team two. Ultron was "corrected" by him, and the plot of Ant-Man One and Two was modified by magic. .

The first and second stories of the Guardians of the Galaxy are all resolved in advance.

The story of Jessica Jones has not been affected, but the fate of Daredevil, Iron Fist, and Luke Cage have been directly rewritten, and the story after the first season of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents no longer exists.

Because the S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau itself is still there and Hydra is gone, Coulson will never have the chance to become the chief, and his team should have been killed long ago. It should be a diversion.

It was precisely because Yang Ming asked S.H.I.E.L.D. to study the science and technology brought by those from the Yinhe Dance Group, the only scientific research personnel under Coleson were exhausted.

Skye is learning vibration control in the next life, and will not easily appear in the eyes of everyone.

Coleson and May are the only two remaining on this team.

Therefore, at this time, things have not yet become as serious as the Sokovia Agreement, and no one wants to forcibly control the actions of the Avengers and the Earth Defenders.

The Avengers also did not show Tony Hidden, the God of Thunder returned to the fairy palace, Hulk disappeared, only the US team established a new Avengers.

Therefore, this draft registration is only equivalent to distinguishing the ability-enhancing persons from ordinary humans and making their information transparent.

S.H.I.E.L.D. has this thing itself, but that list is not transparent to the outside world.

"According to you, this bill makes no difference to me, right?"

Tony Stark put down the reactor in his hand, pushed the magnifying glass away from him, and glanced at Dr. Banner, who was in remorse. "Turn off that video. Strictly speaking, Hulk should blame General Rose instead of Banner."

May reached out and turned off the virtual screen, and Coleson was still waiting for Tony and Banner's answer.

Tony put down the tools in his hand and wiped his nose with his wrist, "I can sign this. After all, my neighbor is a bus sign and a cliff."

Dr. Banner also nodded, "If you need someone to stand up and promote, I think that's what I should do."

"We actually have more suitable people to call on. After all, Hulk has caused too much harm to the world." Seeing that they had taken them down, Coleson's expression was still a kind old granny smile.

"You mean Thor or Yang Ming?"

"Then go find them."

Coulson nodded, but made a request: "But this requires you to do work. We can't directly talk to Yang Ming and Thor and Chen Haoran."

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