I'm stacking cubes in Marvel

Chapter 122 Planet Stark (on the shelves, please subscribe 19/30)

Yang Ming still went to Tony Stark, he did not directly teleport to Tony's side, but directly took over the control of Ultron after arriving on Earth.

However, Tony seemed to be really caught in something, even if Yang Ming took over Ultron's control, he didn't respond.

Hell's Kitchen is adjacent to Central Park and Columbus Circle to the north, and Times Square and Broadway Theater District to the east. The geographical location is very advantageous. Young dream-catching people lived here before they went to San Fernando Canyon or Hollywood to develop.

There were some security concerns about living here before, but after the movie "Robocop Murphy" enforced the law on the street, the nightlife here became a sea of ​​joy for young people.

But the recent blockade and robbery reappeared in the dark. It was because the gangsters who had been beaten by the Iron Army and had to go to the prison squatted suddenly discovered that the Iron Army had disappeared.

"Fix, why did the boss let us stay here? He can just release those steel legions."

A man with a target-shaped scar on his head questioned a bald man who was as strong as a cow.

"Detective Dax, you can just ask the boss, your mouth is too broken."

Wilson Fix and Detective Dax are Kim and the bullseye. They are the veterans of the League of Defenders.

Matt Murdoch is really a damn individual talent, he didn't recruit the original person, and all he found were the villains of the five TV series.

Jin Bin and the bullseye are not the biggest surprises, because these two people were either direct or bad guys at first, they have a growing process.

The best thing is that there is a water viper in the league, the black boss who seems to be able to play the piano without any special abilities.

Today, these two people are returning from get off work in this protection night according to Yang Ming's order. Don't really let those innocent punks hurt people.

"These little devils are so annoying, they specialize in some innocent things," the bullseye shot a flying card and cut a robbery kid, and Fix had already jumped off.

The dull boxing sound came from the alleys that could not be illuminated by the lights, and the little devils were quickly beaten and could not stand up.

Fix, whose clothes were worn out, walked into the light, "These annoying little devils can't fight them!"

On this point, the bullseye and he finally reached a consensus, "Unless there is a large enough power to control what they can't do, otherwise they are like maggots in the sewer, and they can't kill them!"

"Good idea, starting from today, the Protectorate League will give you a task to be the largest force in New York and make rules for these maggots."

Yang Ming fell from the sky, Jin Bin and the bullseye lowered their heads subconsciously, not daring to look at him directly: "What are you saying is true?"

"Of course it is!"


"Today is July 6th. It has been half a month since the Steel Corps disappeared on the street. The people's demand for the protection of the Steel Corps has become stronger. The suspension of the fully free fully automatic bus system has caused citizens to travel..."

The TV in the lobby of the cliff mansion at 10880 Malibu Street was turned off by Pepper, which made Yang Ming's attempt to ridicule Tony even watching the news come to nothing.

"I didn't expect you to come, that is, you stopped his crazy behavior, otherwise, Stark Industries' stocks may be lost, and even if they don't, they will be dragged down by his endless steel army. "

Yang Ming was non-committal about Pepper’s remarks, “Obviously, Tony doesn’t care that his crazy behavior is shut down, what are he and Banner doing in the past four months!”

Pepper pointed to the basement: "I wonder if the two of them have been together now?"

Yang Ming ignored her nasty joke and appeared in the basement in a flash, and he saw Banner and Tony studying the iron man armor.

There are many weird-looking steel suits in the basement, and it is even certain that some are not for people at all.

After watching for a while, maybe Min Toni is studying the encirclement and suppression routines of the group army for powerful individuals. Some are responsible for flexibility and high output, some are responsible for attracting damage and high armor, and some are responsible for suppressing the enemy...

Did they play games?Is the vibrating money given to them used in such a place?

Tony and Banner did not appear to be fascinated. When they saw Yang Ming appeared, they said to him: "It's great that you are here. The 30 tons of vibrating gold you gave us are used up. If you don't come, I have to go. I'm looking for you."

"I took control of Ultron, don't you know that I came to Earth?"

Yang Ming couldn't keep up with the thinking of these two people: "Or do you really plan to create a Stark Empire? Is this the way you plan to put armor on the earth?"

Tony and Banner laughed: "Of course not. It's just that I heard about the war in another timeline. I think if there are enough steel suits to form a legion, we can gain an advantage in the war and rely on Ultron. Controlling the Legion’s daily law enforcement is only to expand its maneuverability."

Yang Ming, only then did I understand that what kind of free driverless transportation and unmanned shops he made were just to test what Ultron could do?

"I thought you really wanted to turn the earth into Stark planet?"

Yang Ming’s words seem to have inspired him, “I really have similar ideas. I have launched more than 20 man-made defense satellites. They are my arsenal. I now have the ability to fight in orbit over the earth. ."

Yang Ming scratched his head a bit. It seems that the plot development is indeed much faster. Isn't that the legacy of Iron Man to the little spider?

Not only did they appear earlier, they also expanded. There are actually 20 defense satellites?

By the way, is the small team of the mysterious guest already in his company now?

"I've seen you hit someone with platinum ore casually. Can you give me some platinum mine? I'm really out of money now."

Iron Man Tony Stark said that he had no money, which did not surprise Yang Ming, because his actions in the world were enough to hollow him out.

Yang Ming has no interest in whether to impact the economy of the earth. In fact, it is not so easy to impact the economy of the earth, so he directly changed the garage of a knife and raised the ground by one meter.

"How strenuous a platinum mine is, let's play cash flow? By the way, have you figured out how to deal with the politicians who want you Steel Legion?"

Yang Ming's question brought Tony back to his senses. In fact, he had never seen so much money. Banner still squatted down and touched the green ticket.

Standing on the one-meter-thick cash floor, Tony was still so indifferent.

"Who is agitating behind, Ultron has already understood it, and I can give them a chance. If you don't cherish it, then I'm sorry."

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