Jacuzzi's water had accumulated in a good way.

When the button is manipulated, the bubble bubbles.

The blue lights were also on to create an atmosphere.

When I took off my socks and shoes, I went into the tub first.

And I give my hand to Mia, who's finished taking off her socks.

He grabbed my hand and slowly entered the tub to prevent Mia from falling.

It's big enough for both of us to come in.

"It feels good..."


I saw each other.

I kiss from either side.

Soft Mia's lips took the heat.

"Chu, chu, chu, humpu"

From the moment my lips and lips touch me, I flicker my mouth so that Mia can mumble.

Push your own lips around my lips, most of all. [M]

"Chu, Chu Pu, Ngu, Akyu, Ngu, Akyu"

"Hey, Mia? Hmm, intense."


When I left, I glanced down like Mia lit up.

"Sorry... I couldn't stand it..."

"I know... let's try to be full of porn, huh?


Kokuri. and Mia nodding.

And I laughed out my tongue with Tyroli.

"Fill up"


I embraced Mia.

I hugged him so hard that I could say he was abusive.

"Ahhh... Lucky..."

"Mia, tits...... I want to touch"

"Yeah...... fine"

Once I let go of my body, I embraced Mia from behind. [M]

And when I snuggled my hands from the side, I touched those fuzzy twin hills.


Solid weight.

Lift it up, and rub it. To taste slowly.

Let ten fingers sink randomly into your tits, taking care not to touch your nipples.

"Oh, um, how to touch it, etsy no..."

Mia crushes as she looks at her own breasts being rubbed.

Long chestnut hair began to moisten with hot air rising from the Jacuzzi.

"Mia...... this"

"Yeah, I'll touch you"

My son was pretty tense.

Even as I embraced Mia from the urchin, the erect meat stick was in the way.

Mia grips me with such a stick sticking out.


Being gripped makes the meat stick scream for comfort.

I felt good enough to crush my hips.

"Cute... lucky, cute," she said, "oh, hey, nipples."

In retribution, I rolled Mia's nipples at her fingertips. [M]

Rubble. And, use your index finger and thumb to roll.

"Yah, yah, I feel it, I knew it, aah"

"Oh, feels no"

Losers and Mia begin to mourn my foolishness.

Thin fingers tangled in thick bars and shimmered back and forth.

Already the starting fluid leaks from the tip and Mia moves her hand using it as a lubricant.

"Oh, no, nipples, nipples, mm-hmm, mm-hmm"

"Oh, Mia, feel no, oh"

We were both drowning in comfort.

Jacuzzi with hot water accumulating all the way to your knees and bubbles when you blink.

"Phew, lucky"

I rubbed my chest against Mia's secret. [M]

Mia gasps. I haven't touched it yet, but I guess I got a voice imagining what I'm going to get.

"It's wet, wow, I'm wet."

Mia proclaims before being touched.

I slowly snuck my right hand into Mia's secret. [M]

Wet. And I found it wet the moment I touched it.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey"

Mia is still easy to feel.

Strengthen your body to make sure it resists irritation.


He looked adorable eating up his teeth and putting up with his voice.

I stroke my labia majora with my middle finger. Kuchi. And there was a sound.


With my left hand, I still rub Mia's chest.

Mia was trembling at the irritation, but she continued to smudge my meat stem.

"Oh, wow, hey, hey, hey, I feel no"

Sink your middle finger over your labia majora and slowly move back and forth.

There was no inconvenience in the movement because it was wet.

"Ha-ha-ha, ha, ha."

She lost her strength and weighed down on me, where Mia was lying.

"Sit down, Mia"


When I let go of my hand, I sat Mia at the end of the Jacuzzi.

Mia obeys me honestly with half eyes. [M]

When I sank into the Jacuzzi, I let Mia's head enter the crotch. [M]

"Yikes... wow, etsy..."

Without resisting, Mia rather beardles her legs and helps her head intrude.

"You're gonna lick it, right? Hey, you're gonna lick it, right?

I don't know what will happen. Such anxiety comes from Mia's voice.

But the expectations for more pleasure than that are intense.

The mystery of Mia approaching the present.

The labia majora, which had been tightly closed, had a slight hint of mouth, thanks to earlier relaxation.

Peachy labia visible in the back and vaginal orifices.

Clitoris also swells plenty and insists firmly.

Love liquid was leaking at all times.

"Mia... you're gonna lick it?


Mia replies as hard as she decides to be prepared.

I put my tongue out and just touched the center of the secret.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey"

Mia's thighs pinch her face from both sides.

And Mia grabs my head with both hands.

Fingers peeled into my hair and I squeaked.


Pepper. And licked it.

Sweet, somewhere sour scented Mya's secret.

I moved my tongue from top to bottom, trying to swallow the love liquid.

"Kaha, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

The more I lick, the more I come out of the vaginal mouth out of the liquid.

And the more you lick, the more lustrous Mia's wheeze increases.


Licking Clitoris at the tip of her tongue, Mia slapped me in the head.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no."

Pompous. And Mia slaps me in the head, feeling weak but desperate.

But I didn't stop licking. [M] I tried to play the clitoris left and right and licked it.

It was so intense that my tongue was paralyzed, and I got obsessed and licked it.

"Sorry, sorry, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no."

Stop slapping me, now with that hand Mia pushes my head further into the secret.

"Lick it, lick it, it feels so good there. Oh, yeah, yik, me, yik to yik."

I quickened the speed further and licked Mia's clitoris.

Randomly pushes the tip of the tongue and the belly of the tongue against the bean, irritating.

Yum. I thought so, even though it didn't taste good.

I've never spoken of anything as delicious as this.


Mia frightened her body and bounced.

Quickly removed my face from the secret, and I observed the finished Mia.

"Oh, wow, not yet, yip, ru... ahhh"

Mia cramped her body several times laughing like trouble.

It rocks with cramps on huge double hills.

Trying to slip off, Mia went inside the Jacuzzi.

When I grabbed the water to my shoulder, I looked at me with tears as if I had finally settled down.

"Wow, it just felt good..."

"You like being licked"

"Yeah... I think I like being licked..."

Me and Mia were facing each other, soaked in hot water.

"I like being licked, too."

"I know... look, stand up"

Mia approached me in the jacuzzi with a laugh.

I stood up and offered my son in front of Mia.

"I knew it was big...... chiu"

Mia gave me a mouthful on the tip of the stick first.

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