Chapter 993 Underestimate

time flies. Fifteen days passed quickly. The recovery of the fishing village is progressing well.

“Kozuki Oden, leave the fishing village and take good care of yourself.

In the only port of the fishing village, the new His Majesty the Dragon King of the fishing village, Slobelli, held the hand of Kozuki Oden and was reluctant to let go.

“Brother Kozuki Oden, come back to see me often.” “Oops, Brother Kozuki Oden, I don’t want you to leave.

“Kozuki Oden, this will always be your home. Come home when you’re tired outside. We’ll always welcome you.”

15 “Kozuki Oden, we miss you.”

Parting is always sad.

Kozuki Oden opened his eyes red and turned to squeeze out of the crowd. He didn’t look back and jumped on the tall warship.

“Everyone should take good care of themselves!

A low and suppressed explosion roared from the battleship.

“Ugh, Kozuki Oden-san”

There was a whimper from the port.

The warship set sail from the port until the shadow of the warship disappeared from the horizon. The people standing in the port still waved their arms and refused to leave for a long time.

The sea wind on the boat was strong and water droplets were carried away from the surface of Kozuki Oden.

This small fishing village was the first place he left footprints in the world, and it was also the place where he left the most memories.

No matter how reluctant he was, he had to leave. But he will never forget that place, his home in this world.

“Oh, fire chief, you’re not going to cry?” Silba Rayleigh made a deliberately exaggerated look before walking up to Kozuki Oden as if he had seen a ghost.

“Fire Spring” is the title given to Kozuki Oden by sea warriors. Because his symbolic power is fire, and his ghostly speed is like death lurking in the dark. Everyone calls him “Fire Spring” in private.

Everyone has it now, and Kozuki Oden is the default name, which he thinks is funny.

Silba Rayleigh, are you itchy? Do you want this sergeant to relax?” Kozuki Oden deliberately bluffed, threatening Silba Rayleigh like a child.

The flame in his hand condensed and formed, and he made no attempt to throw it out.

When Silba Rayleigh saw the flames in his hands, he seemed to remember something terrible. His face changed greatly, and his voice became sharp with fear. “Forgive me, Warrant Officer. I was wrong. I shouldn’t have made fun of you. I was wrong,” he said as he ran, then disappeared.

Kozuki Oden smiled and shook his head, putting out the fire in his hand. However, letting Silba Rayleigh make such a fuss, his mood was much brighter.

Take a deep breath, with a faint salty taste. He turned and walked towards the lounge.

Just after turning a corner, I heard a low voice on the deck of the battleship.

Kozuki Oden walked over and snapped, “If you don’t say anything, what are you muttering here?”

Hearing the sound, the 587 Shichibukai warriors who whispered to each other were startled. Looking up, I realized it was Kozuki Oden, and all were in awe and reverence.

A neat military salute to Kozuki Oden.

A more daring Shichibukai warrior stepped forward and said, “Report to 1st Warrant Officer Huo Xiao. We found that Shichibukai from other branches in front of us were fighting pirates. We are discussing this.”

Has the other party sent a distress signal? Ask Kozuki Oden.

“Report Huoquan Warrant Officer, the communication team has not received help from other warships. The opponent should be strong enough to suppress the pirates.” A Shichibukai warrior of the communication team jumped out and said quickly. “Well, I know. Disband immediately and stand in their respective positions.” Command line.

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