Chapter 971

On Ke’s chest, Jack’s eyes suddenly widened, the visible body began to tremble, dense meridians spread from the injection site, Jack’s face flushed red! “Please get out of the way!”

Paso said so.

But it has no effect at all. Although these fishermen are afraid of Paso, they are not afraid of Paso


The swollen body swept through the crowd like the swirling debris of a bomb. The force of the explosion directly hit the human body in front of it, and the fragile body twisted wantonly in the air. Until this time, these people still have blank expressions on their faces!

“Ahahahaha! Thank you!”

Humans, perhaps should be called creatures, laugh so much.


Your palm is like a wall, beating Paso!

On the other side, the battle between the other two continues.


The sour sound accompanies the ground, which is easily destroyed by naughty little devils like building blocks!

Pirates, claiming to be living in the same era as Pirates, King Whitebeard Scuardo, slammed his black fist hard against a wall of butter, which was also black and gleaming.

The sheer power alone shatters the surrounding earth, but nothing can be done about the wall of power!


He cursed a little unwillingly. “Senior! Be careful!”

That’s what Rakiru’s walls say!

The indestructible butter wall melted in an instant, wrapping the old man’s fist, revealing the corpse of Lakimon.

The ground was slippery and slippery, and Rakiru was like skating at a gallop! In the blink of an eye, he threw himself into the arms of the old man, and the two black kitchen knives in his hand poked at it!

Times have changed!

Over time, the guy named Silver Rayleigh got used to the way he fought Devil Fruit. He’s just a Rakiru, not a swordsman who can’t fight without a knife. For him, the battle only needs to be won, and cooking is not allowed to be insulted!

Therefore, after discovering that this ability has greater convenience, he did not give up the development of the demon fruit ability because of the previous fight with his kitchen knife. Silver Rayleigh is just trying to find a better way to fight!

…for flowers…

Silver Rayleigh kitchen knives are not very good materials. This is just a beautifully crafted kitchen appliance. It’s nothing at all. However, the blade of the world’s greatest Asura warrior is not as good as the advanced armed color Haki. The so-called black knife refers to such a sharp knife wound, with a powerful armed color Haki!

For domineering masters, even a broken branch in the hand can rival a man with an incomparably sharp knife. The existence of domineering greatly weakens the advantages brought by the so-called Shura Taoist sword.

Despite his usual poor performance, in fact, Rakiru’s military ambitions are second only to Justin and far ahead of Enel and Silver Rayleigh

The domineering kitchen knife wrapped in a powerful weapon stabbed directly at the rib of the old man. According to Rakiru’s expectation, this blow could pierce the stomach of the old man along the rib of the old man, and gently stab the lung of the old man. It is not fatal, but it can easily resolve the follow-up resistance of the elderly!

The premise is that the elderly will not resist.

“Child!” Again,

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