Chapter 86 Question: What is the real purpose of Teach coming to Summit War?

At the same time, in East Blue, the leader of the revolutionary army, Dorag, looked at the dialogue between Whitebeard and Roger in the video, as well as Whitebeard’s last words thoughtfully.

If ONEPIECE really has the means to overthrow the world government, then their revolutionary army must get it.

Although he doesn’t have time to do this kind of thing, but he still has a son, doesn’t Luffy always say that he wants to be the pirate king?

Luffy is also a member of the D family, so let Luffy try what Roger said.

At the moment, the world is causing quite a stir because of Whitebeard’s remarks in the video.

On the Moby Dick, everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates burst into tears when they saw Whitebeard’s death.

Their dad died just like that at Naval Headquarters for them.

And it was killed by that bastard Teach.

What made the people of the Whitebeard Pirates even more angry was that Dad didn’t kill Teach even in the end, and Teach not only didn’t remember the grace of not killing, but also killed Dad in return.

This guy should kill him!

On the spot, someone wanted to go and end up with this traitor.

When Teach saw the scene in which he killed Whitebeard in the video, he felt a chill in his heart. Seeing the murderous ex-comrades around him, Teach quickly ran to Whitebeard to beg for mercy. He knew that the only one who could save him now was Whitebeard.

Dad “, I was wrong, I really knew I was wrong.”

But Whitebeard ignored him, he was completely disappointed with Teach.

Even because he was already mentally prepared, when he saw the scene where Teach killed him, he didn’t even feel much anger, he just felt sad, he never took One Piece and ONEPIECE to heart, Roger Tell him he’s not interested either.

All he cared about was family.

Unexpectedly, he had a son with such strong ambitions for One Piece and ONEPIECE.

He waved his hand, there is no other person to kill Teach, this is their home, brothers cannibalism, he does not want to happen on the Moby Dick, even if Teach betrayed him, he is the one who has been his son for more than 20 years , and they have been brothers for more than 20 years.

He didn’t want to see them get their hands dirty and guilty of killing their brothers, something Teach could do, but he didn’t want anyone else to do it.

Whitebeard used Teach while ignoring him, and he would not talk about his handling of Teach until the live broadcast was over.

He was more curious about another thing, what was the purpose of Teach coming to Naval Headquarters?

Just come to kill him? Just hate him so much?

However, the image has stopped since it was placed here, and only the figure of him who died but stood there in battle can be seen.

And Blackbeard’s laughter when he hears that ONEPIECE is real.

It didn’t take long for live broadcasts around the world to switch to the Moby Dick.

Rogge looked at the audience in front of the screen and said:

“Welcome back, the above is the video related to the first five questions, I hope you can like it.

Now back to the live broadcast of the answering questions, we continue to start the next answering questions.

Now there are five questions left. Question: What is the real intention of the Blackbeard Pirates in Summit War?

There are four options here, A, eliminate Marine,

BB, destroy the Whitebeard Pirates,

C, to prove their strength to the world,

D, Capture Whitebeard’s Shock Fruit ability.

The time limit is two minutes, and the timer starts.

Finally asked Whitebeard and Sengoku and a lot of people are very curious questions.

They were wondering about this before.

What is Blackbeard Teach doing in Naval Headquarters at this time, doesn’t he really think that Naval Headquarters can be wiped out after a vote of Impel down?

If it were that easy, Whitebeard wouldn’t have been killed.

And they look at Summit War.

Seeing the whole Summit War now, they discovered one thing, that among the high-level combat power on Marine’s side so far, it seems that except for Akainu, this guy is trying his best to fight, and he was seriously injured by Whitebeard. Beyond life and death.

It seems that other people don’t seem to have any power at all.

Marine Admiral Kizaru will not talk about it for the time being, this guy has already been like an ape when he dealt with Luffy before, and he almost has a stone hammer.

Others, such as Aokiji, seem to have little movement except for the Ice Age, and after a fight with Whitebeard at the beginning, one has to wonder if this guy is fishing.

Three Admiral is the same for two of them. Others, such as Sengoku, seem to have never seen him take a hand except for one hand when he hit Luffy, and Garp was hit by Luffy to the ground and there was no movement.

And looking at it this way, it seems that the main combat power in Marine is still there. I dare to ask you how sure is Blackbeard Teach to come here to make trouble?

Is it for fear that Marine doesn’t know that you have caused misfortune to Impel down, and deliberately took the few big pirates who were locked in to Naval Headquarters for a walk, taunting a wave of Sengoku?

Don’t you be afraid that the Blackbeard Pirates that you formed with great difficulty is here to explain it?

Everyone had such doubts for a long time, but they never figured out what Teach wanted to do.

But they always feel that the purpose of this guy here is not simple, because it has been proved before that this guy can calculate even Sengoku, and he will not do things without a purpose.

Since he is here, there must be his purpose.

Everyone couldn’t help thinking about the options Rogge gave.

A, Destroy Marine.

It must be wrong without thinking about it. The advanced combat power of Naval Headquarters still retains its strength, and Blackbeard takes the lead to destroy Marine.

B. Destroy the Whitebeard Pirate Group.

This is possible. They ran to Naval Headquarters to kill Whitebeard when they saw Blackbeard.

Some people have wondered in private whether it is too frustrated to be a son for Whitebeard for more than 20 years.

Normal people who are sons of others are not their fathers?

Teach, a guy who wants to be the One Piece, must be extremely arrogant in his heart, taking this incident as his own shame.

0 …… ask for flowers ……

So after gaining strength, Isshin wanted to wash away the shame he suffered in the past, so Isshin wanted to kill Whitebeard.

There are many people who believe in this speculation, so they think that Blackbeard’s visit to Summit War is indeed very likely to destroy the Whitebeard Pirates.

And this is also to get rid of future troubles.

Blackbeard killed Ace. If the Whitebeard pirate group is not eliminated, then he will not think of peace in the future.

-I will be chased by Whitebeard for the rest of my life, so this time I came with the idea of ​​never having trouble.

As for the third option to prove his strength to the world, this is naturally possible.

This is a public execution. If Blackbeard can show the strength of Penultimate in this war, then he can also show strength in one fell swoop after Summit War.

It is also a good choice to use this as the scene of his personal debut.

As for the fourth option.

Sengoku, Whitebeard, and many others who heard about this option were all in doubt.

What does it mean to take Whitebeard’s Shock Fruit ability?

Could it be said that Blackbeard Teach can take away Whitebeard’s Shock Fruit ability?

This thought immediately shocked everyone.

As we all know, each person can only have one Devil Fruit ability, it is impossible to have a second one.

There is no person in the world who has truly achieved double fruit ability.

Even the pacifists developed by the Marine Scientific Corps are just installing the corresponding weapons on the modified people, and these modified people are not the real Demon fruit power.

Therefore, when they heard about the ability to capture Whitebeard’s Shock Fruit, they quickly rejected this conjecture and turned to another conjecture.

After the ability person dies, the Devil Fruit ability on his body will leave the ability person and randomly find a fruit attached to it to turn it into a Devil Fruit. The person who eats this fruit will become the ability person.

This kind of thing is not a secret, many people know it.

Sengoku and Doflamingo immediately thought of this.

However, there are many accidents in this kind of thing, because the birth of the new Devil Fruit is random. .

Otherwise, hunting for Demon fruit power to obtain Devil Fruit will become a trend.

If Blackbeard really wants to seize Shock Fruit’s ability, it means that he is very sure that he can do it.

At this time, they all thought of a little, Blackbeard Teach’s fruit ability, Dark Fruit, can this fruit ability be able to do this kind of thing?!

Suddenly Sengoku was shocked, Doflamingo was shocked, and many people all over the world were shocked…

This is not an ordinary thing, if this thing is true, then capable people all over the world will become prey.

Originally, they only thought that Dark Fruit had to restrain them from walking around a little bit, but now they just wanted to get far away.

Is there such a terrifying ability in this world?

PS: The first is more

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