He glanced at the rest of the Straw Hat Crew, and found that they were no worse than Luffy under the strengthening of the strengthening scroll.

A deer that turns into a monster.

Alloy man.

Sanji with multiple abilities

These guys are all monsters now.

No wonder mom wants to get the booster scroll in Straw Hat Crew's hands, it's really a treasure.

It's just that the other party is so strong, how can he grab these, only by himself.

Baron Eggy turned his head and glanced at Pokemus, this guy actually turned his back on the battlefield, if it weren't for this, he wouldn't be so miserable.

Next to it is the Straw Hat Crew, which is eyeing, this time it's hanging.

Finding that the other party still hadn't been able to hurt him, Luffy realized his current physical condition again.


Luffy squeezed his arm, his eyes rolled, maybe...

Baron Dandan still couldn't accept this reality.

He has become the strongest form, and has brought out his strongest strength.

As a result, even the opponent's skin has not been cut.

There was nothing he could do.

And Straw Hat Crew, like Luffy, is not only a monster with amazing defense, but there is not only Luffy, but also an even more inexplicable monster.

This mission may be about to fail, how should I deal with my mother now?

Baron Eggy's scalp tingles at the thought of his angry mother.

Baron Eggy doesn't attack, Luffy doesn't care about it, he directly punches Baron Eggy.

The two sides fought each other again.

During this period, Baron Dandan tried to slash Luffy many times, but all ended in failure.

He couldn't hurt Luffy, and Luffy was able to punch him every now and then.

In such a battle, Baron Dandan's stamina and body were both declining.

The body that had been restored due to the transformation was once again scarred.

At this moment, I saw Luffy bite on his thumb, and then his right hand swelled up quickly.

It turned into a huge fist, and then, the whole person suddenly rushed towards Baron Eggy, but the fist fell behind, and the arm was continuously stretched.

Then the black Armament Haki was attached to the huge fist.

Baron Eggy was flustered when he saw Luffy who suddenly rushed towards him, because the fist was pulled by the stretched arm, a huge black fist, like an arrow from the string flying.

The Luffy had just appeared in front of him, followed by the giant fist.

With a bang, Baron Dandan collided with his fist, and then the whole person was ejected like a cannonball.

bang bang bang...

The body kept slamming against the house, and finally fell to a rock IQ and smashed into a deep pit.

Third gear!

Luffy used this trick for the first time.

However, although this is the first time, there is no side effect of decreasing the size of the video.

Over there, Baron Eggy's body fell from the pit and hit the ground.

The body unexpectedly split open.

It was actually transformed again, restoring the appearance of Baron Dandan before.

The wound on his body disappeared.

But despite this, they can clearly feel that after this round of transformation, Baron Eggy's physical strength has been consumed in their eyes.

Although Baron Dandan who stood up again recovered from his injuries, his whole body was weaker than before.

It seems that as long as it comes a few times, it will completely fall down.

It was the first time that Luffy had fought against a strange opponent here. Seeing that Baron Dandan stood up again, he clenched his fists and wanted to fight again with interest.

Baron Eggy's scalp felt numb when he saw this.

His strongest form has been knocked down, and now not only is his physical strength severely exhausted, but he has returned to his weakest form.

This is also a haircut.

However, Luffy on the opposite side was so excited that he was going to beat him to the ground.

Just as Baron Eggy was complaining, Pokemus, who was next to him, said:

"That's it, the outcome of this battle has been decided, and there is no need to fight it any more."

Hearing Pokemus' words, Luffy put his hand down, and Baron Eggy also went down the ladder, and he was relieved.

Eggy Baron took a deep look at Pokemus and said: "I will report this matter to my mother truthfully, Pokemus, please do it yourself."

When Pokemus heard BIGMOM, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, but he still survived, and he did not regret his decision.

Then Baron Eggy left here without looking back.

It also meant that the mission was a complete failure.

Not long after he left, BIGMOM in New World received a report from Baron Dandan.

BIGMOM was furious when he learned that Baron Dandan was not able to capture the Straw Hat Crew for himself and get the Enhancement Scroll.

Baron Eggy hurriedly explained that the enhanced defense of Luffy was terrifyingly terrifying, and he had no choice but to be beaten unilaterally.

Baron Eggy also said that Pokemus gave up the mission.

As a thank you to Pokemus for giving him down the steps.

Baron Eggy didn't add fuel to Pokermus' betrayal, and truthfully reported everything to his mother.

However, BIGMOM, who heard this, was still very angry.

Bokmus really betrayed her.

Damn it!

She absolutely cannot spare this traitor.

Pokermus, Capone Bege, Jinbei... Sooner or later, she will kill all these traitors one by one.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to vent the hatred in her heart.

And the boosted scroll she's longed for!

This was supposed to be the best chance.

If you miss it this time, don't think about it again, these guys will definitely use it up immediately.

She hates it so much!

While BIGMOM was incompetent and furious, the Straw Hat Crew on the other side was much happier.

After a war test, the newly acquired abilities were brought into full play, which made them very satisfied.

But in addition to being excited, the Pokemus in front of them made them a little apologetic.

Pokermus betrayed BIGMOM for them, and they knew exactly what it meant after watching the video.

""|| I'm sorry, it's all because of us that you're in the trouble now. "Nami said.

"It's okay." Pokemus shook his head, "Since I know that you saved my hometown, then I can't do anything to you, this is my principle.

"But now that you have offended BIGMOM, what should you do next?" Usopp asked curiously.

"I should go back to Zou (Nonuo's), since I offended my mother, it is safer to go back to my hometown, not to mention that there will be a disaster in Zou in the future. As a member of the fur tribe, I must defend my hometown." Pokemus said.

"That's fine. Since this is the case, you might as well give us a life card to Zou. If Zou is in trouble in the future, we may be able to help. This time you helped us, then we should repay." Nami road.

After thinking about it, Pokemus agreed with the idea, so he left a piece of his life card for them.

"It's not advisable to stay here for a long time, maybe mother's pursuers will arrive soon, you'd better leave here quickly for your safety, I'm leaving too, you guys take care.

Then Pokemus left alone.

With the departure of Pokemus, calm has returned to Straw Hat Crew.

Everything that happened before was like a dream, coming and going in a hurry.

At this time, they remembered the strengthening scroll and the Merry, so they rushed to the shore where the Merry was docked.

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