I'm Sailing, Ask Whitebeard A Questions At The Start

Chapter 366 The Last Ability of Soul Soul Fruit

The huge BIGMOM feels like home in a giant village.

Here, her huge body is no longer surprising, and she has become playmates with the children of giants of the same size.

Live freely and happily.

And BIGMOM also showed amazing talent, and he was able to kill a bear at the age of five.

Moreover, his character is very naive, and he always does dangerous things unknowingly.

It feels like a child with a powerful pistol who will kill and injure others if he is not careful.

The people in front of the video were terrified for fear that BIGMOM would accidentally kill other children.

At this time, Elbaf arrived at the Winter Solstice Festival and went on a 12-day hunger strike.

However, before the hunger strike, I will eat a delicious samla to supplement the nutrition during the hunger strike.

BIGMOM drooled when he heard the delicious samra, and when he ate it, his eyes were even more eczematous-Uzumaki at the time of the attack.

People who saw this scene felt sensitively that something was going to happen.

Sure enough, on the seventh day of the hunger strike, the giants' village ignited a roaring crowd.

From the air came the roar of BIGMOM, "Give me Samra!

Jorul, the patriarch of the giant clan, saw the village being destroyed, and when he saw this scene, he thought that BIGMOM was an evil god in the skin of a child who wanted to kill her.

However, I saw Jorul slashed at BIGMOM with a giant sword, and the blade fell on BIGMOM's body.

However, an astonishing thing happened. The huge blade cut on BIGMOM without even severing BIGMOM's skin.

Instead, the sword was interrupted by BIGMOM's punch.

You must know that BIGMOM is only five years old now!

BIGMOM, who broke the greatsword with one punch, grabbed Jorul's beard with both hands.

The former captain of the Giant Soldiers Pirates, the hero of the giant clan, was directly caught by BIGMOM by his beard and fell, his head hit the ground, and was killed like this.

BIGMOM, who killed Jorul, was like a demon who knew nothing but hunger, screaming at Samra, while wreaking havoc in the village.

Seeing this scene, people shuddered.

Now they have seen what a natural monster is.

A five-year-old hero who single-handedly killed a giant clan, destroyed a giant clan's village, no one could stop him, his body without training was already stronger than steel.

This is a natural monster.

He showed such talent at the age of five, and it was no wonder that BIGMOM was able to become the Four Emperors at sea.

Just when BIGMOM was wreaking havoc in the village, Carmelite hurriedly asked people to prepare Samra. Only by letting Linlin eat this can he relieve the state of eczema.

At the same time, after seeing the burning Elbaf village, Carmelite suddenly walked to the flames alone.

However, she stretched out her hands to the flames, and the light bloomed in her hands.

Carmelite is actually a man of power?!

People couldn't help staring at this scene.

Then something even more shocking happened.

Under the power of Carmelite, a human face emerged from the raging fire.

"I will give you a voice... Follow my orders... Your name is Pandora."

"Peace! 35

As Carmelite's voice fell, the flames that scorched Elbaf Village suddenly gathered and condensed into a ball of light.

In the end...became a little sun!

And this sun is not unfamiliar to people, because there is a sun very similar to it around BIGMOM.

Its name is Prometheus, and it is the Hormiz created by BIGMOM using the Soul Soul Fruit.

This means... Carmelo turned out to be the previous power user of the Soul Soul Fruit!!!

what on earth is it?!

For a time, people all over the world were dumbfounded.

Carmelo turned out to be the last Soul Soul Fruit power user.

The next capable person is BIGMOM.

As we all know, only when the previous ability person dies, the demon residing in the ability person's body will reappear as a Devil Fruit, which will have the ability after being eaten by the next ability person.

That is to say, by the time BIGMOM acquired the power, Carmelite was already dead.

What happened, why did Carmelite die, and BIGMOM became the power of the Soul Soul Fruit.

Why did BIGMOM not be sold to the World government, but became a pirate.

What happened during this time.

And why is it so coincidental, BIGMOM has become Demon fruit power, and the reappearance of Devil Fruit is random, how can there be such a coincidence in the world.

.....for flowers...

One question after another appeared in people's minds.

They are sensitively aware that there seems to be some secret hidden behind the incident.

On the other side, BIGMOM's eyes widened.

She couldn't believe that the nun turned out to be a soul fruit person.

The previous owner of Soul Soul Fruit turned out to be a nun.

And she obtained the ability of the Soul Soul Fruit a long time ago, almost after her birthday banquet.

After the birthday feast, the nuns and the friends of the House of Lambs were gone.

Now that she has become a new capable person, according to the laws of Devil Fruit, the nun must be dead.

That is, someone killed the nun on the day of her birthday feast.

In an instant, Cake Castle was enveloped by a powerful momentum.

BIGMOM's face was full of anger, and the killing intent seemed to be real, and his hair was automatic without wind, and his teeth and claws were raised in the back of his head.

"Who is it?! Who killed MOTHER! Who is it?!!!" BIGMOM screamed in the sky.


She originally thought that the nuns and the others had left her here for her safety.

How could I have imagined that the nun was actually killed at that time.

Who the hell did it?!

The first thought that popped into BIGMOM's mind was World government.

At that time, the World government wanted to buy her from MOTHER, but she was not bought, and MOTHER also died.

If MOTHER had rejected the demands and demands of the World government at that time, then everything would have made sense.

MOTHER refused the World government, and the World government killed MOTHER in a rage, but they didn't find her, so she didn't join the World government, and she became what she is now.

"World government!!!" BIGMOM said through gritted teeth, with hatred in his eyes.

She wants revenge!!!

She has been looking for MOTHER, but she did not expect MOTHER to die tragically at the hands of the World government.



BIGMOM is furious and cannot be forgiven! The culprits who killed MOTHER, she will never let them go!

Those guys from the World government, I'm going to kill you!... Suddenly, Conqueror's Haki burst out from BIGMOM.

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