I'm really not a scumbag

Chapter 537 Peanuts and Lasings

Lin is returned to the backyard, and I saw the old lady at a glance.

The old lady put on her wine red cotton jacket, slap the cane, sat in the handy verand, laughing.

A mother, He Yushe, there are a few aunt and little daughter-in-law, sitting next to her.

While talking with the old lady, they drove on the onions, peeling with garlic, giving potato peeling.

There are many help, and they have not all stayed in the middle school.

"Grandma, I am back!"

Lin put his hand and put down the river sand and asked in: "What to talk, !"

"Let's talk about you, say you are a good child!"

The old lady can't stop: "I want to introduce you to a wife, let me have a grandchildren earlier! Can you like a stupid column, then adults, daughter-in-law can't find one!"

"Hey! Lao Lao!"

He is not happy to prepare a dish. "" You said this, no, I am not found, I can't look down! "

Didn't think, he said that he had a joke that he had a thoughts.

The big mom and the little daughter next to laugh at a group.

Even a big mother, He Yishui did not give him a face.

He Yongshui's herish sister, even a little bit of love, not give him: "Brother is not that you can't see people, clearly you can't see you! Your mouth is not forgiving, I still don't love clean, I Look, even if you have five years, don't you want to marry your wife! "

Lin put a few times with laughing.

There is a bit of thinking under the heart.

He suspected that the old lady was referring to the mulberry,

Mingli is in the murder of the stupid column.

Forest is analyzed, this should include two layers:

First, don't always want to marry a young and beautiful, small widow is so beautiful than Qin Huai Ru.

Second, don't pay attention to Qin Huai Ru's small widow, the widow is not much.

Lin Yu thinks this is wrong,

He has an adult, how can I choose Qin Huai Ru or is it more beautiful than her?

He is not selected.

"Grandma, you talk first."

Lin Yu said: "I remember that I still put some peanuts in the ear room, I took it out and stir fry, give everyone fragrant mouth!"

He went to the ear room to turn a circle,

After a while, I will give a pocket.

This pocket peanuts have just been pulled out from the ground and look too fresh.

Lin Yu will take a slightly to operate, and plan to give peanuts.

He found that during the actual operation

As long as it is in the space, he can use the idea of ​​making various fine operations.

After the mud, he even gave a peanut water.

If you are afraid that the time is too long, the old lady happens to people.

He even wanted to try a squeezed peanut oil.

This year, eating is a very extravagant thing.

Each person is quantified to two two,

Don't say that the general family, the rolling steel mill is nearly 10,000 people,

If you don't dare to put more oil, this, the oil standard in the canteen has exceeded most of the ordinary families.

Otherwise, the canteen of the rolling mill, a vegetarian dish dare to sell 5 points, the ancestral grave has to give people a direct smoke.

There is a master-owned oil-proof workshop near the Dongzhimen vegetable market.

Lin Yu listened to people that oil flocks have been at least half a year.

I thought about it, Lin Yu, I still feel oil insurance.




Lin Yu took the pocket back to the hospital, first put the crude sand into the pan.

These crude sands have been in space.

Just before Lin Aye didn't think about space, it can also be used to dehydrate.

This will take the water to stir.

Waiting for a lot of smoke in the pot, Lin Ran throws peanuts into the pot.

In a short while, the aroma of the fried peanut began to be filled in the backyard.

He Yushu first couldn't help but ran over, standing on the pot and asked Lin Yu: "Lin Ge, what are you speculating? So incense!"

Lin Loun a peanut in a pan, and looked at He Yushe.

I have a question with my heart: 'This girl is not a fool? you still need to ask? '

"Fried peanuts."

Lin Yu promised, stir fry two times, suddenly returned to the taste.

This year, people have faces.

I want to eat, I don't want to think about it.

Which is like a word, I will pick it up.

So thinking,

Lin Yu quickly dials the peanuts and directed He Yu Water Road: "You take a bowl, I will come out first, you will help me taste it."


He Yushu is brittle and born, and the rush to ran and took a big bowl.

Waiting in the eyes.

Lin Feng put the peanuts into her bowl and shovel, and the pile came out.

He Yong water stopped: "Enough! Enough! Lin Ge, too many, can't finish!"

Lin Yu smiled: "Don't taste yourself! Also let the big mom and the scorpion taste!"


He Yushe promised to criticize, and it really didn't take care of it.

She hugged a big bowl and turned a circle in the backyard.

Even her silly brother was also divided into several, she took a large bowl, sitting in the old lady face before.

He Yusu is a pity: "Unfortunately, the old lady! These peanuts are crisp, you can't eat!"

"Ok, you are a rain!"

Lin Yu smiled: "I have a good heart, please eat peanuts, you still have to stop in front of your grandmother! Grandma, you listen to her, I want to do it early, give you some saline peanuts for a while. Keep soft again, let You eat fragrant! "

"I haven't ..."

He Yusu is a young foot, and the peanuts can't eat, and I am busy and argue: "Lin Ge, I am not that means ..."

"Okay! Teasing you!"

Lin Feng saw the little girl did not hear his ridicule, a little missed,

Hurry and explain: "Don't believe you, you will ask your grandmother!"

The old lady likes to be lively, seeing a pair of grandson in front of the mouth,

Her eyes were happy: "What kind of art, what kind of art, rain, you are so stupid with stupid hue, you still have more to learn from you, you can't hear it!"

He Yuzhu is not happy: "Hey! I said the old lady, what do I have? I want to say, I shouldn't stay in the backyard. Good guy, let go back, I will work hard, I am White two times. Where did I talk about? Ma Hua, go to the middle school! "

Seeing He Yuzhu with Ma Hua holding a pile of prepared materials to the middle school.

The aunt, the big, the little wife is a laughter.

The backyard is full of happiness air.

He Yishui also smiled down, and his heart was not anxious.

She opened one, put the peanuts into the mouth, gently chew, the eyes are not so bright: "Lin Ge, you are really delicious!"

Loss He Yuzhu went to the middle school, or else heard this, it is estimated that it is not light.

Lin Yu smiled and explained: "I don't know, it may be better to buy."

I heard this, there is a big mother said: "Let the child, talk about this, big mom will ask you, you can see, you can have a road, buy so many things, can you help buy a stick? "

Other aunt, little daughter-in-law, also look at the forest.

'Oops! '

Lin Yuxin is secretly, this, please eat the whole hospital, don't you still ask for a disaster?

He has a sharp turn, soon there is a big idea: "Auntie, this is not my road, you should know that the column brother is a chef, his dad is Tanjiaban chef, his Master is Sichuan cuisine Big kitchen. "

"I know that I have to do things, please eat, the column brother is going out, I don't know how much relationship, the East is getting together, the western family will make up, and many people help, this is so much."

"The front of the person is even more than so much, I have to go back, I don't have a little don't lift it?"

That big mother sighed: "It's so a bit! I can't do it, I don't know if there is this!"

There is a big mother to blame her: "You don't think about your brain. If you come back a few days, where do you come to the door? It is definitely someone to help. I didn't see it. The stupid column is usually stupid. There is still this kind of thing! "

Seeing that the attention of the big moms moved to He Yuzhu, Lin Yu couldn't help but sore.

Help a family, there are two gods that don't count, but if you have a mouth, you have no mouth.

That is the eating food of the hundred people, and the Lin is dare to promise, and it is not far away.

It is a little sorry, I can't afford to get rumored, I don't know how these aunt will toss him.

Forest is not lie, the position of the pigeon city is provided by He Yuzhu,

How to trading, how to be guard against, what to pay attention to,

It is also all that Yo Yuzhu, thousands of people.

On the back of such a pot, the god of War Gods, the king of the black pot, the nozzle is invincible · It is the rain column, it is easy.

Forest put a bite of peanuts, and let He Yusu take people to take people.

Each table is put on the table, and the rest is loaded into the pocket, not adding.

Opened Lin put into the coarse sand in the pot back into the pocket, cook a pot of salt water and start making salted peanuts.

To make a saline peanut, you can't use the peanuts of the water.

The dehydrated peanut has no moisture, fried to eat more crisp, boiled, and less salted peanuts unique aroma.

Lin is trying to enter the space, re-dig some peanuts,

This way is difficult than in the space, this way is difficult.

However, it is good to put the peanuts to peanuts without affecting the forest.

Lin Yu took the hidden hidden cover, and then put some peanuts in the mud.

He washed these peanuts and drained, along with the eight corners, and put it in the pot together.

Salt is put in the peanuts, and the water is all boiled, and the forest is getting up to the front of the old lady.

Also peeled the shell, leave the net peanuts into the bowl.

"This child, how to give me peeling? You eat!"

The old lady hurts the forest, the eyes are busy for a long time, and the taste has not tasted it. Take care of others: "Don't be busy, you eat! Look at you, my grandmother, I am happy!"

"Grandma, I don't eat, you eat."

Lin Yu smiled and gave birth to peanuts in the old lady mouth: "It is a fragrant mouth, you don't eat more, let's still have a seat! That is a good thing! Take the column brother The craft. "

"What do you say? I can't hear it!"

The old lady smiled on his face, tactical deafness, hiding did not eat.

Lin Yu also knows that the old lady is deaf, but I don't know why she is delaid.

Until, I watched him, I was talking to the old lady, and the old lady should be with him, he suddenly realized.

Estimated, the old lady really took him as a grandson, there was a wife, can't be a bite.

Otherwise, the old lady is not happy.




The big mom in the backyard, helping He Yongshui put the peanuts, but it broke the waiting for the , let the neighbors of the neighbors of the neighbors of the rope, very helpful to collect the forest Some good reputation.

"Hey, there is a peanuts? The loo is really this, the air!"

Someone is more than the thumb.

"Hey, this peanut is really good, sprayed, this is a Shandong production? Cover your hat!"

Someone nodded frequently.

"What is this peanut? When the big forest is coming back, I have a friend. He is a chicken, it is a rabbit, and it is pork. I have a lot of good things! Hey, I don't say more, You wait for it ... "

Some people are mysterious.

No matter what, Lin Yu is not as white,

With the help of everyone in the big hunter, the time of the opening is shortened.

The steamed bun was steamed early, and it was used in the yard.

One pound of flour can come out of a pound of half a steamed bun, a steamed bun is 2 or two, that is, two kg flour probably 15 buns.

Forest is prepared for 20 pounds, 20 pounds of sticks, together with more than 300 bins.

One hundred people in the yard, not a few milk dolls that are still eating milk, almost 3 big steamed buns, looks like tight.

This year, everyone is lack of water.

On these 2 or two big buns, half of the small son can eat 5,

Adults who do heavy effort to eat, they can eat 20.

300 people look much more, with He Yuzhu to see the old chef's eyes, that is, barely enough.

Lin plants give He Yuzhu prepared 10 pound of pork, all meat, no bones, and is the most fertile ten pounds.

If he dares to get thin, he should be said behind him.

Now, everyone likes to eat fat.

Booth on the ten tables, a table has a pink pork.

He Yuzhu is used to use this pound of pork to do three dishes, a step into the meat, and a paddy, a radish fried meat.

The mutton also has ten pounds, and Lin Yu has not given the fat, this mutton is not so fragrant.

He Yuzhu uses these mutton with radish, stewed a pot of lamb, and each table can be divided into a large sea bowl.

The rabbit is burned, a table is half, but the fish is booled, a table is half.

Egg fried tomatoes, steamed chicken eggs.

Fried cabbage, the remaining tofu, mushrooms, tomatoes stewed a tofu.

A good guy, the vegetables given by the forest,

This is, or because Lin Yu has repeatedly stressed that you should not save it, He Yuzhu has repeatedly made the result of richness.

Waiting for the last dish, He Yuzhu took a pot, knocked on the pot, and pulled up the scorpion and shouted: "Open the family! Old and young people, every day!"

Seeing He Yongzhu knocked on the big iron pot borrowed from home, a big mother was bad.

Can eat people's mouth soft, the aroma of these dishes, like a grinder, in her stomach to turn the sea.

She can only secretly embarrassed two sentences, go quickly to the dining table, said: 'My pot is quickly knocked, I have to eat more today! '

He Yushu ran back to the backyard, two small bodies were cheerful after the brain.

Her people haven't seen it yet, just yet: "Lin Ge, old lady, seats are ready, you are on the table. My brother made the dish can be delicious, you can't get it again! "

He Yong was shout, and Yu Xiaoyu was also quarrel. She pushed the door from the Xixiang House, smiled: "Your brother's canteen canteen kitchen, can I speculate?"

"How come my brother ..."

He Yongwu wants to distinguish between two sentences. When I look at it, I will have some discouragement: "Hey!"

Yan Xiao, but the daughter of Kuno, that is, public-private joint camp, in the past few years, the entire big hunter, most of them have to be a long-term worker.

He Yongshui has a bottom gas in front of others. When she is a little, she is really insufficient. I can only get angry "", express my heart is not convinced.

The forest is observed, but also, I can't help but look more.

This little girl does not know whether it is in the middle of the middle or high school, the thin and thin is not long, once cute, there is a few more JK awkward.

The key is that the little girl is innocent and natural, completely like the former forest in the micro-view, the dust, the dust, the surface is JK, in fact, there is no K.

"Grandma, let's go?"


Lin Ran and other old ladies promised, moved a small stool to hold the old lady, carrying the old lady into the middle school.

The middle school is even greater, and the general meeting of the whole hospital is open here.

There are ten seats to place.

When Lin Yu is from the old lady, the other nine tables have been full, and the remaining is not yet.

Seeing Lin Feng came out, the three grandfather standing all over, no matter true and false, all have a good joy and buds.

Waiting for the old lady to hold the old lady, one, two, three three uncle, along with the three big moms with the seat.

I didn't see it, I was sitting on the forest.

Other tables have been full, He Yishui still wants to find a position, but he was shouted back by Lin Feng, and sat down.

Don't look at the neighbors of the neighbors of the yard, they are sitting down early, but there is no one moving chopsticks.

Even which kind of child is anxious, I want to move the chopsticks, and I have been taken away by my adult.

This year, even if it is a poor, everyone is still a rule.

Xiao Dang took a chopsticks for a long time, I wanted to move chopsticks and didn't dare, sneaked with the rod stem on the side: "My brother, I want to eat meat, I am hungry. Can I eat first?"

The rod stem is like a little adult: "Don't worry, wait a while. Waiting for the last uncle to say a few words, let's eat. Now you can't move chopsticks, do you know?"

"Oh. That ... then I will bear it again!" Small is a bit unpleasant, and it took advantage of oral water.

The rod sullette rarely slipped out and played out, and he often took her.

Xiao Dang is still a compassion of the bob of the brother.

The rod stem said to wait for a while, she will wait for a while.

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