I'm picking up trash in the copy

Chapter 11 I accidentally stepped on you

Jiang You raised her chest and raised her head, letting the staff inspect her. Today, she didn't bring any porridge or rice to the restaurant.

No matter how you check, there will be no problem.

Jiang You walked out of the restaurant smoothly, but there was still a long queue behind him.

I took out my phone and looked at the time. It was already seven fifty.

She had to hurry up and go to the laboratory building for class. She couldn't be late for her first morning class.

The timetable on the class schedule is very detailed. Tuesday morning classes are scheduled on the first floor of the laboratory building. The first class lasts two hours.

At 7:58, Jiang You successfully entered the lobby on the first floor of the laboratory building.

What shocked Jiang You was that the pair of intruding NPCs also came, and the original uncle and aunt had changed into middle-aged appearances, with only a few traces of old age visible on their faces.

What's even more bizarre is that the top of the NPC's bald head became flat, as if it had been forcibly flattened by something.

The curious gaze was too strong, and the NPC uncle glared over, staring unkindly at Jiang You who was looking at her.

The two rows of operating desks were placed not far apart, and when they turned around, the distance between them became infinitely closer.

Jiang You discovered that the black eyeballs in the NPC uncle's eyes had become extremely large. Almost the entire eye socket was filled with black eyeballs, and the whites of the eyes were only a small circle around the edges.

If she remembered correctly, it wasn't like this before.

Eight o'clock.

As the class bell rang, Director Li walked in from outside. She was wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses and had an expressionless face.

This is an operational class. I believe that after yesterday's study, everyone has found the food that is most suitable for them. Food cooking is not just words in books, it requires everyone to do it.

Director Li adjusted his black-rimmed glasses and continued: In this operation class, everyone is free to move around, find the ingredients you need and make them. The food you make will be judged and scored as today's cooking homework.

For the sake of fairness, the dean stipulates that your daily cooking assignments will be graded and evaluated separately. Students who rank first in cooking assignments three times in a row can get the opportunity to be tutored by the dean alone, Director Li's voice turned cold as he spoke. However, the student who ranks last in cooking assignments three times a week will not be able to participate in Friday's cooking competition.

Director Li said it for the sake of fairness, but this approach actually puts all players in a position where they need to compete with each other.

No one yet knows what the dean’s individual counseling means.

However, finishing last means going to the psychological consultation room to accelerate the body's mutation.

More importantly, not being able to participate in the cooking competition means not being able to get a ranking, and it also means failure of the copy.

What little alliance existed between the players was faintly broken.

Watching Director Li walk out of the classroom, Jiang You opened the card in his hand. The card had the name and pattern of the dish, the required ingredients were written on the back, and the location of the ingredients was thoughtfully marked.

As expected, her card said Couple's Femoral Slices.

Husband and wife lung slices are made with beef as the main ingredient, braised, sliced, and mixed with various auxiliary ingredients to make red oil and pour it on top.

Zhao Kai came over to look at Jiang You's card, but she didn't cover it.

Jiang You didn't care and let Zhao Kai look at it, and even handed the card to the side so that he could see it more clearly.

During last night's trip to the psychological consultation room, Jiang You had already determined that she would not turn into a cow just because she ate a few plates of husband and wife's beef slices.

Want to change? That was also done by the doorman. Jiang You blinked and scratched his nails on the table a few times.

I just don’t know if, as a catfish guard, there is still a chance to mutate into a cow.

Brother Zhao, what's yours? Jiang You asked.

If someone looked at the reciprocity of courtesy, she would naturally look back.

Zhao Kai didn't avoid her. Jiang You saw Dongpo Cuttlefish written on his card.

Dongpo cuttlefish uses cuttlefish as the main ingredient, remove the bones and cut it with a flower knife, then marinate the cuttlefish with salt and cooking wine for half an hour. Put the marinated cuttlefish into an oil pan and fry until golden brown, then pour the prepared soup on the cuttlefish.

The players in the classroom left one after another, but the NPC uncle at the front desk sat still. Jiang You couldn't help but attract his eyes to his flat-topped head.

Our ingredients are basically the same, why don't we go together? It's more efficient for two people, and I can protect you better. Zhao Kai said.

Jiang You didn't refuse. She automatically ignored the second half of Zhao Kai's sentence and said, Okay, let's go to the planting area.

Jiang You walked in front, her black curly hair spread on her back, and her figure was tall and slender.

From last night to today, Zhao Kai found that Jiang You's attitude towards him had changed, and his skills no longer seemed to have an impact on Jiang You.

The trust level stops at forty, neither increasing nor decreasing.

The dungeon officially started, and he couldn't keep burning points to use skills on a new person.

The NPC uncle also stood up as the two of them started.

After walking some distance, Jiang You found that the NPC uncle was still following them.

The two of them speed up, and the NPC uncle also speeds up. They slow down, and the NPC uncle also slows down.

This was an obvious follow-up. Jiang You didn't know when he became so hot again.

Could it be that Zhao Kai provoked the hatred of the NPC?

Her teammate Zhao Kai blinked, not bad, he is indeed an old player, so brave.

Facing Jiang You's suspicious eyes mixed with a little admiration, Zhao Kai almost jumped up and said, I didn't do anything! Who knows why he keeps following us.

How about asking? Jiang You suggested. She turned to the back and said, Uncle, you...

Before he finished speaking, a tentacle covered his head and face and hit him head-on.

Jiang You's expression changed and she dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the attack.

The tentacles hit the ground, creating a deep pit.

After missing a hit, the NPC uncle waved his arms, and his head slowly became larger, like a balloon being inflated.

In front of Jiang You, several thick tentacles appeared at the same time. There were white suckers on the tentacles. The suckers squirmed, opening and closing like a mouth.

The morning sun was bright, making the shadows long and thin.

Both of them were attacked at the same time, but Zhao Kai's tentacles were obviously fewer than hers.

Zhao Kai held a thorny cane. Jiang You saw that after the cane was pulled up, the tentacles would become stiff for a few seconds.

Is this the strength of veteran players?

Jiang You's eyes lit up. She also wanted this kind of prop instead of holding a trash can with unknown function.

The NPC uncle found that Zhao Kai's side was difficult to win, so he withdrew his attack on Zhao Kai and concentrated on dealing with Jiang You.

Eight tentacles swung over at the same time, and the dense attacks left her nowhere to dodge.

Jiang You's heart skipped a beat. She stepped on the two tentacles under her feet and raised her hand to grab the top one.

The tentacles were sticky and soft. Jiang You endured the nausea and grabbed the white suction cups with her fingers. She exerted force on her waist and her whole body started to swing.

She stepped on the NPC uncle's enlarged head, and the touch under her feet was actually very elastic.

Jiang You couldn't help but grind the soles of his feet, then took off with the help of elasticity, looked in the right direction, and jumped towards Zhao Kai.

Brother Zhao, help! There is a monster! Jiang You turned around, lowered his head and hid behind Zhao Kai.

Ahhhh! You must die!

There was a roar, and the NPC uncle's body mutated again. This time, there was no human shape at all, and a large octopus appeared on the spot.

The whole body of the big octopus seemed to be inflated, but the top of its head was flat with a familiar shoe print on it.

Jiang You suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and a small memory flooded into his mind.

Last night in the psychological consultation room, maybe, maybe, maybe she stepped on something she shouldn't have stepped on.

Jiang You turned around and ran away, running wildly.

Sure enough, the big octopus passed Zhao Kai and came straight towards her.

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