I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1226: Uncommon words

"He is also a grandma, but I am his loyal fan."

At Xiaopozhan, there is a grandma who Zhu Quan worships, right? fan?

Some viewers have not turned the corner yet, but many smart people have already guessed who it is.

"Next, let us have a request, the grandma of station B, who is also the chairman of station B, Jiang Siming, will bring a brand new single of his to this Lantern Festival Gala!"

Before Zhu Quan finished speaking, many viewers even jumped up from their seats in excitement.

"Finally I can hear Myojin's new song again!"

"Yeah, this guy hasn't sang a new song for a long time."

"Unexpectedly, he was the finale at station B, amazing!"

"Since Myoshin's "Wind Up" came out, it has become the most popular Chinese song at station B. N grandma masters used this song as the background sound."

"Yeah, the background sounds used most in station B before were all Japanese songs, and it was finally a game."


Zhu Quan then introduced with a smile: "This song, Jiang Shen told me when I was in the backstage just now, this song is a very interesting song, which is specially given to the netizens of station B. I know you are very skinny, so This song... is also very skinny, it's called... "Uncommon Characters"!"

Zhu Quan left the stage, leaving the audience curious.

Uncommon words? What song is this called...

Also, why does Myojin say they are very skinny (laughing and crying), we are not skinny at all, we are the most honest~

After the host left, a beautiful flute sounded on the stage.

On the big screen, a few lines of small characters floated.

Song: "Uncommon Characters"

Composer: Jiang Siming

Lyricist: Jiang Siming

Singing: Jiang Siming

It is also a rare word. They thought Zhu Quan was talking about a homophonic song title. Rare words can also sing?

Before everyone could react, Jiang Siming had already appeared on the stage.

The cheers and applause in the audience stopped after only a while.

It's not that they don't want to give more applause and cheers, but they are afraid that the loudness will disturb Jiang Siming's singing.

For the welcome applause, listening to Jiang Siming's new song is obviously more important.

"Our Chinese characters

Finished painting leaves five thousand years of history

Let the world know

Our Chinese characters

Every touch is a story


The speech is fast, and there is a feeling of RAP at the beginning. From the beginning of the song, the atmosphere is aroused.

It also broke the cognition of Jiang Siming's traditional style of music. Everyone did not expect that Jiang Siming's song would be expressed in this form.

Anyone who is familiar with Jiang Siming's songs knows that his songs are all mellow and then rise, the front is gentle, and the chorus is amazing.

But now, at the beginning of this song, there is a sense of rhythm that people can't help but shake their heads.

And listening to the lyrics, everyone is sure that this song is really singing Chinese characters.

Songs that sing Chinese characters are too rare, that is, a classic song previously released by SHE.

But that's all in the vernacular, what is the connection with rare words?

"Kneeling and holding a torch is pious like Daoguang

Quartet fields fall into a barn

Ancient Pictographic Sound

魃魈kui 魑魑魑魍魉


The previous ones are okay, but upon hearing the last sentence of this paragraph, all the audience is covered in circles.

who am I? Where am i? What am i listening to?

I don’t understand the lyrics!

Fortunately, there are real-time subtitles on the screen, and the audience hurried to watch it.

魃魈kui 魑魑魑魍魉

Audience: "I...C! What are these?"

That is, very few viewers who like to specialize in rare characters can recognize these characters.

Similarly, everyone suddenly realized that they finally knew what the title of this song meant.

It's really a rare word~

Everyone thought it was just such a sentence, but unexpectedly, this... just the beginning!

"Double 叒叕 again

Huo Yan Yan Yi

Shui Gaomiao?



Looking at the subtitles displayed above, the audience was almost taken aback.

Four, four fires, four waters, four soils, and four golds (bao, because the word cannot be beaten, it can only be replaced by pinyin)

Some viewers with limited literacy couldn't help covering their faces and yelling to disturb. I still stopped watching the subtitles and just listened.

Otherwise, the more I look at it, the more I feel that I am illiterate...

But there are more viewers who have a stronger spirit of not admitting defeat. I still don't believe it. We at least know these words [Shuanghuoyanshui]!

How difficult is it to not believe next! bring it on!

And the chorus followed...

"The long stalks stand alone


Mianmian melons are regarded as the standard

Long Xinglu Lun horns 旮旯


Don't stop



The sound of vomiting blood, one after another.

A large number of viewers counted the lyrics. They knew what they knew. They found that out of 49 words, they knew... not more than 10.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I am so illiterate, I only found out today.

"What's all this, do we have these words in China?"

"My language has always been poor, I said I saw internal injuries."

"Laugh and cry, Myojin, you are real skin!"

"This song is god, it will be hot, I said."

"I said that I don't know a few of the Chinese majors, and I am too ashamed."


Jiang Siming's song has already impressed a large audience before he finishes singing it.

But do you think this is over? The ‘nightmare’ is still going on.

"Duh, yin, gluttonous

Coveted and coveted

Yoke yoke xuan xuan wicked

The sacred worm

To punish Zang whether to pinpoint current malpractices

Row upon row


One song down, sang ninety-nine percent of the audience crying.

Crying, really crying, crying for my illiteracy.

This Nima, a Chinese song, was born in Huaxia, many of whom were college students, but could not recognize a few words.

Can you cry?

Myojin you skin, why don’t we lose, stop singing, headache...

After the concert, there was not much applause since the scene was rare.

Grandma's, I won't applaud you anymore, I told you to respond to us, huh (trideful)~

Zhu Quan returned to the stage and gave Jiang Siming a thumbs up with a big smile.

"Jiangshen, this song is great. It not only sounds good, but also popularizes so many rare Chinese characters for everyone. I listened very comfortably later."

Zhu Quan didn't hesitate to praise him at all, just kidding, who is he, the host of the central station, these rare words are not difficult for him at all.

The reason why he praised it so much was because he knew that Jiang Siming's song was not understood by many audiences at first.

But after listening for a long time, don't you remember these uncommon words?

This is Jiang Siming who has taught everyone so many rare words.

Under normal circumstances, even if someone sees a rare word and checks the dictionary, he knows how to read it.

But such rare words are rarely used and seen, and over time, they are forgotten.

I believe that many people have this feeling. When they saw a rare Chinese character, their heads were stunned. Recalling that they had seen this character before, they also checked its pinyin, pronunciation and even its meaning.

But I just can't remember it, it took too long.

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