101 – 33. The sky has fallen.(3)

“The prophecy did not go wrong. See Aren’t the demon king and the hero still existing over there?”

Rupert, who borrowed the eyes of a familiar and peeped at the scene from inside the dark stone chamber, shuddered.

His snake-like eyes were bloodshot to the point of never being seen again.


Heukgwangseong has been resurrected.

At first, as a hero and demon lord, I thought he would be perfected as Grandeus’ successor.

It was completely unexpected.

However, when a boy who didn’t know anything about a sword pulled it out, even the sense of despair was heightened.

When Kariel, whom she considered her successor, fell into a dying state, her sense of despair deepened.

But why is Elbat scattering light like a holy sword?

Isn’t that a perfect holy sword?

Where did I go wrong?

There’s no way a prophecy or example could be wrong.

All sorts of doubts soared.

As a result, they only misinterpreted the prophecy, but the result came back with more than what they hoped for.

“Before that, why did he unilaterally intervene in that fight?”

Usuf, who was observing the scene with the same perspective, presented a different opinion.

“What was the author thinking to stop the fight between the two? And… I wonder if it will ever end like that.”

“What do you mean, Usuf?”

“… It’s nothing special. If our intervention is delayed, things might go awry. I just wanted to say that.”

Aside from the fact that the black light has reappeared.

Wasn’t the owner who showed me that just now, dying in a moribund state just a moment ago?

By the way, it’s strange if you think that your condition has suddenly improved now, isn’t it?

… Perhaps.

I thought that might be the last torch I light before I die.

Usuf was only expressing his anxiety.

The colleague in front of me was chasing the prophecies and peeking at examples, so my sense of reality was somewhat out of sync.

At least Usuf himself was different.

Within the Relief Knights, the only one who can properly face reality is Ussuf himself.


Who did that?

A miracle begins with the first step taken vigorously.

The moment you are about to give up, the last step you take is said to be completed.

“… ….”

The sight of the great cataclysm that engulfed the world and turned it upside down in an instant.

To everyone who witnessed this.

It gave me an indescribable sense of awe.

But the next thing that came to my mind was a question. Doubts. Suspicion.

Why did he block that? Did you block it?

Isn’t this the appearance of trying to dissuade him?

If only he had actually leaned towards one of the two.

And if I had used that miraculous power I just showed off, whether pouring it on my opponent or using it in some way.

Whether it’s a hero or a demon king, one of the two must have met its end without exception.

However, the development predicted that the two would be destroyed together or that one side would suffer a disastrous defeat.

He intervened and twisted it.


The sight was so hateful.

There was one person here who could never be forgiven.

All sorts of emotions were swirling in her steps toward Kariel, who was staggering but still sitting upright.

His well-groomed face was ruined by the uproar.

Nonetheless, her blonde hair and well-built face showed off her presence in her still distinct features.

With those neat eyes.

But what was in her eyes.

Chaos, a mixture of obvious resentment and indelible hatred.

The sight of him walking out holding a sword gave off a very hostile aura, to the point of being dangerous for anyone to see.

“If it was hypocrisy, I wouldn’t even say anything. Are you real If you live like that, you won’t be able to survive.”

Looking at the way he spoke, his worried attitude was evident.

Why is she approaching him, who is crouching down, holding her sword with both hands?

As if.

As if they were going to hit something right away.

With anger and sadness.

She raised her sword.

Beneath it, Kariel was looking up at such a seth with her dim eyes.

“Then it doesn’t matter if I die right now? If you’re going to die like that somewhere anyway, is it okay for me to die?”

The yearning in his blue eyes was colored with unknown madness.

How should I explain that?

I don’t know with what emotions, with what thoughts, and with what determination I made this decision.

What is certain is that she was not in her right mind right now.

“You crazy b*tch!”

Even if it was just a little bit late, the dying guy would surely have become a corpse.

Thanks to Venus somehow pushing away the sword and pushing Athe with her body, luckily the damage wasn’t spread to Kariel.

“When are you going to get rid of the habit of getting irritated and angry for unknown reasons?”

“What are you? Do you want to die why are you touching me Is this a problem between me and Kariel? Why are you interfering?!”

“Shut up. Did you think I would agree to every b*tch’s mischief? It wouldn’t have been this horrible to be a kid.”

“Hey. What’s the matter? Still, it’s not even one or two years since I taught you and guided you. Are you planning to repay the favor with an enemy?”

“… What about letting go of trying to kill a useless person? Was it to repay the favor?”

“Hey?! You don’t fit in?! Aren’t you, like me, a guy who enjoys killing and destroying people? Why are you acting like a good person all of a sudden? Are you really a hypocrite?”

“I can’t understand the language.”

Out of nowhere, Ases and Venus prepare themselves to fight among themselves.

“What… How are things going?”

Coughing and clutching at her stomach, Lucyri took a breath while drinking the potion Ruirin handed her.

What’s going on?

Why is Leo so dumbfounded?

That damn witch? Devil?

Anyway, that damn woman… Why are you so flustered again?

At the end of the gaze of the two, the figure of someone struggling to hold on to the lying sword came into sight vaguely.

“What happened… Did you see what happened?”

“Well, I just woke up too.”

Anyway, Dake’s condition was also critical, and I had just handed the potion to him.

At least he was injured in the lower half of his body, so he was not in a position to move properly.

Instead, he seemed to be watching the whole situation because he was conscious.

Dake stumbled over to the side of the two of them and sat down.

“I don’t even know what I saw.”

The sky split, and light filled the world, but a storm raged as if to swallow even that.

And the moment they are about to collide.

No, right after the collision, a black pillar suddenly rose up, and everything that had been swirling around as if shaking and destroying the world was swallowed up in an instant.

… What the hell do you mean by this?

To call it a miracle is bizarre.

To say a miracle is astronomical.

No, is this correct?

From noble mtl dot com

“… Those weird relief knights bastards, why are they fighting all of a sudden?”

Lucy Li, who was lying on Rui Lin’s knees and stomach as if leaning on her neck, raised her doubts as she watched the two of them riot so much that they were afraid to erect her upper body.

Even now, the two were fighting a battle that was somewhat different from what ordinary swordsmen and gladiators looked like.

It is said that they can do that because their swordsmanship is so unique and special, but is it because they use the same special technique?

It’s bloody when they fight fiercely, but when they stick together, it’s like swords with swords, hands, legs, and torso intertwined alternately, which is very unusual.

To the extent that I wondered if they would have wrestled while standing with their bare hands.

However, the superiority in skill seemed clear.


The one who lost the sword first and was thrown on the floor was Venus.

“It’s out of order to get tangled up with me, who is a senior, a teacher, and a teacher. You ungrateful bastard.”

“… ….”

“Are you older than me, and like a boy, why don’t you use the strength you used to suckling? What can you do with that strong body? Are you going to have children later?”

“… A crazy b*tch anyway.”

“Your sense of language is also poor. The things you can say are always at that level, so you can’t get along with other guys. You’re an asshat.”

“Crazy b*tch. Are you in a position to say something like that when you hang out with children’s pranks?”

“It happens again.”

However, victory or defeat is already decided.

Even though there seemed to be no injuries, it was Venus who couldn’t control her body.

After sneering at him like that, Ashes headed towards Kariel with the sword in his hand again.

What kind of English?

“Are you awake?”

Although she was staggering, Kariel was pulling her body up on her own.

The point of view was very coincidental.

If it was delayed by a few seconds, I was just about to blow my throat.

“Did I tell you before? To live selfishly Don’t live altruistically. Don’t hang yourself over devotion.”

“…… Was it?”

“Don’t say you forgot. Isn’t it just by looking at the eyes? You remember There’s no way I’ll forget it with that nice head. Cancer yes! Who knows your lies I was confused when I was younger, but what about now?”

Anyway, I thought Ashes and Kariel were still overestimating themselves.

Her overestimation isn’t just her problem.

Everyone who dealt with him… Because it was

I still don’t know.

“… I don’t know what to complain about.”

“I told you. Don’t do nice things to others!”

“Why are you even angry about that… Are you meddling?”

“What about getting angry?!”

I was angry like a girl with a temper, but the intention and purpose were very impure and opaque.

It’s definitely out of sync.

Since ancient times, the people of genius have been in an area that is difficult to understand when judged by common sense.

That must be the same category.

This is not a problem that can be easily grasped by peeking into her memories.

No, it’s actually not difficult if you want to understand.


Even if I can understand and sympathize with you.

Accepting and following that is another matter.

“As me, I said I would do it, what’s wrong with that?”

“… It’s still tyrannical logic in this way. If you’re okay with yourself, it’s other people’s thoughts, and your mind is useless. That’s why, isn’t it?”

“Why do you talk like that?”

“Kariel! Look! The two men and women standing there stupidly! One is a warrior who has just pulled out a holy sword! On the one hand, the demon king is determined to walk the path of blood on his own! But what have you done now? Didn’t you just pour muddy water into both of their mouths? You have now created a new myth for the two of you to write, and with your huge presence, you have completely destroyed that myth. Do you think this makes sense? What do you view human history as?”

“…… He still talks about things that are hard to understand.”

The initial topic that followed was off at some point, and the point of getting angry was off again.

“A crazy b*tch is talking nonsense like a crazy b*tch.”

Venus finally started to control her body, but it seemed like she was only standing still.

Even so, the fighting spirit was still there.

… Is that immortal? Or is your guts like a monster?

Kariel had no choice but to admit that.

Even that, after all, is due to his natural body and his well-developed will and potential.

“Hey?! You two! Are you going to end it like this?! Let’s live and die risking each other’s lives. There’s a reason to fight excitedly, right? Can you come and let go now? So why not?!”

Ashes shouted, Minnes and Leo, who were in panic, suddenly regained their senses.

For those two of them, the miraculous result that Kariel performed a while ago must have been more surprising than they could have imagined.

However, the battle wasn’t over yet.

“… ….”

Do something useless.

Kariel narrowed her eyes.

“It’s a once-in-a-lifetime battlefield. How do you know the feelings of a warrior who was deprived of it?”

“… Okay. You are definitely selfish.”

You judge other people’s circumstances as you please, no, you just see what you want to see and crush it.

In the end, that tenacity and stubbornness to make a game of your own accord.

What made that woman look like a monster?

“Then, as you said, I will try to live a little selfishly.”

Two swords in Kariel’s hands.

But at some point.

It turned into a single sack.

“…… That one?”

Venus saw.

A sword but not a sword.

As if not a single bit of light could penetrate, that black and dark shape, as if it were made by gathering only jet-black essences.

And when it formed the shape of a sword.

Venus finally realized.

Elbat is not the holy sword that was stuck there.

… That it was that

That’s what he was holding in his hand.

That something equivalent to what Grandeus held.

However, it is different from that of Grandeus.

I don’t know why.

For Venus, that felt rather plausible.

… There was no reason, no basis whatsoever.

He’s been watching it for a long time.

Inadvertently, I had no choice but to accept it that way.

“Yes. Is that, Elbat or something?”

Asses, of course, I heard it often, but I knew it.

Is that, such an abomination? Ghost? Monster?

Anyway, I couldn’t even imagine something unknown.

However, it was clear that it was the same form as he had heard.

That’s it.

Borrowed the shape of a sword.

It was darkness, it was darkness.

In other words.

I didn’t have time to explain anything.

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