I'm Not a Detective

Chapter 204 Send me to participate in the beauty pageant?

Since ancient times, evil has never prevailed over good. Qing Jian Liuli was not afraid of the revenge of the mysterious person X. He despised Qi Qi Yuan Wu for a while, then turned around and went to study on his own. There were only a few days left for the June monthly exam. She had to sharpen her skills quickly and try to advance four places. She didn't take it too seriously, but she wanted to have a surprise before the exam, especially using the last weekend to have a fierce K. Book, but God did not grant her wish.

"Huh? Did you make a mistake? You finally had a weekend off and you still have to come to school to work?" The next day, Qingqing heard the bad news when Liuli didn't even sit on the chair in the classroom, and she was a little unhappy.

Sawada Yuko didn't care, she was just having fun at school anyway, so she said with an indifferent expression: "We are preparing for the cultural festival. There is nothing we can do about it. Everyone has agreed to come."

Cultural festivals are also called "school open days" and "school festivals." The campus is usually open for one or two days, and various activities are held in classes and clubs so that students can show their creativity, expressiveness, and active interpersonal relationships. The preparation and planning, venue layout, content arrangement and activity implementation of these activities are all completed by the students themselves, and the teacher only plays an assisting and supporting role.

To put it simply, the teacher doesn’t care at all, and it’s all the students’ business.

Under this premise, if the cultural festival is held in a class, the most important project is "preparation for the second classroom decoration".

After intense discussion and even voting, each class determines the theme of the activity, and then immediately begins preparations for the "secondary decoration" of the classroom. Facilities, decorations, props, and costumes related to the theme of the activity must be prepared in advance. As soon as the date comes, the classroom will be transformed into a haunted house, and a coffee shop will be transformed into a coffee shop.

This is a big project with limited funds. Most of the things need to be made by hand, and the whole class needs to work together, and the little time after school is usually not enough - students who join the club have to be busy with the club after school. activities, the class can only work overtime on weekends.

Most people don't have any objections. Students aged sixteen or seventeen are very enthusiastic about participating in similar activities. Even if they can't win a collective honor or win a big prize, at least it is more fun.

Of course, there are still some outliers. Qingmi Ruri doesn't want to participate in this kind of activity. She has already planned on getting a K book. She also ordered honey-glazed barbecued pork from Nanabahara Wu, and plans to continue eating and drinking when she is tired of studying. How come you end up working as a coolie in school when you are so talkative?

But she definitely couldn't escape. If she didn't do the work assigned to her, she might just mess up the class activities, and she would definitely be criticized.

She became more and more unhappy and couldn't help complaining: "I had already thought about what I was going to do on the weekend, but no one even told me and they arranged a job for me!"

Who is the executive committee member of the cultural festival in the class? He's really annoying. If he has to change his primary school, he has to give him a two-punch after school!

"You didn't come when you asked for leave, and no one answered the phone. How can I tell you?" Sawada Yuko explained, and then asked out of curiosity, "What, are you going on a date with Nanabahara over the weekend?"

Maybe it’s time to go on a foursome, maybe at an amusement park for the first time.

"No, I don't have time to talk to him." Qingmi Ruri was too lazy to explain her relationship with Nanabahara Wu, and said depressedly, "What does the class want me to do? Are you assigning me to the props group or the costume group?"

After a pause, she remembered that she still didn't know the theme of the class's activity, and asked again, "What activities are the class going to do?"

Sawada Yuko immediately said excitedly: "Open a cafe!"

Asshole, you have to sew a lot of rags again, can't you open a nature exhibition? Wouldn't it be nice to just put some flowers, stones, and insect specimens?

Qingjian Liuli said angrily: "There is no creativity at all. There were four or five cafes every year when I was in junior high school. Why haven't we opened enough?"

"This time is different!" Sawada Yuko immediately whispered, "This time we have a trump card, we are a cross-dressing cafe!"

Qing Jian Liuli was startled for a moment and asked strangely: "What the hell is a cross-dressing cafe?"

Sawada Yuko's voice dropped even lower, "This is the top secret of our class. Don't talk nonsense when you go out. Everyone has sworn that anyone who dares to leak it will have his head chopped off. Even I only told Yutaro, the most stupid person." I can only talk to Qi Yuan, and outsiders must not talk!"

"Top secret?" Qing Jian Liuli became curious and couldn't help lowering her voice, "I will never tell you, how do you disguise yourself?"

Sawada Yuko echoed: "This time in our class's cafe, the girls wear men's clothes and the boys wear women's clothes, and they also provide takeaway service...the boys are responsible for delivery!"

Qing Jian Liuli's eyes widened for a moment and she said in surprise: "Boys agreed? Aren't there two more boys in our class than girls? How did the vote pass?"

It doesn't matter if girls wear men's clothes, maybe it's fresh and fun, but if boys run around the campus in skirts, it's embarrassing... not many of them would be happy, right?

Sawada Yuko raised her head and looked around the classroom, with a slight warning on her chubby face: "It's indeed a bit strange. There are obviously fewer girls than boys, but you asked for leave and didn't come, but you still voted to pass - 18 votes to 16 votes, no way Fortunately, there are quite a few perverts among the boys in our class who have been looking forward to wearing women’s clothes for a long time, so we have to be more careful in the future.”

Qing Jian Liuli also looked around cautiously and felt that there were indeed a few perverts in the class, but this was indeed a trump card. It was estimated that many people would come to watch the excitement or order a cup of coffee, resisting being forced to participate in weekend labor. The feeling is slightly reduced.

Speaking of which, she also wanted to wear a men's suit, a bow tie, and a ponytail. It would look really good.

When the time comes, do you want to walk around in front of the dog twice?

It must make him look dazed, right?

She thought about it for a while and thought it was okay, so she immediately asked: "Then which group am I assigned to, and what do I do during business hours?"

"You!" Of course Sawada Yuko remembered it for her, and immediately said, "Most of the girls have been assigned to the clothing group, and you are also there. When the time comes, you will make a few sets of clothes together, and whoever takes turns wears them, but without you As a result, you have been sent to participate in the beauty pageant, strive to get the title of 'MISS', and advertise our cross-dressing cafe."

The cultural festival has various class-themed activities, such as their E-Class’ perverted... cross-dressing cafe, which is a "simulation shop" themed activity. In addition to classes, the Student Union Cultural Festival Executive Committee will also organize many campus-level activities. , such as auctions, large-scale performances, campus parades, bonfire parties, beauty contests, etc.

As long as you win, you will get the title of "Campus MISS" and become the mascot of this cultural festival. You will have serious bounties and trophies, and you can go to all "simulation shops" for free, sit in the front row of concerts, and compete in competitions. You can be a presenter. Anyway, this title is quite popular, and it looks lively during the beauty pageant.

But Qing Jian Liuli didn't want to go and said in disbelief: "Huh? Send me to participate in the beauty pageant?"

Sawada Yuko said happily: "I can only send you. The only one in our class who has a chance to win is you. As soon as you were nominated, all the girls voted for it, and the boys had no objections. Everyone Take good care of you."

Qingjian Liuli looked at her expressionlessly for a while, "Did you come up with a bad idea? They all voted for me because I wasn't there yesterday. No one wanted to vote for me, so everyone voted for me, right?"

Sawada Yuko's expression straightened and she said seriously: "It's definitely not me!" Then she said with a smile, "Liu Li, this is everyone's trust in you, the whole class is counting on you."

"I don't want to go!" Qingjian Liuli didn't want to be fooled, "It's just a cultural festival, are you so serious? You have to advertise..."

Sawada Yuko immediately said: "It's good. The student union said that if you win the cultural festival, everyone will enjoy VIP treatment during the school trip. There are also a lot of prizes. Everyone has discussed how to use them. You must increase the turnover. All other classes were destroyed!"

Qingjian Liuli looked at her speechlessly for a while, then said unhappily: "I won't go, please find someone else!"

She doesn't like others to praise her for her beauty, and prefers others to praise her for being smart and elegant. Participating in beauty pageants simply lowers her style.

Sawada Yuko immediately said: "But I have already signed up for you. If you don't go now, everyone will think that you are so scared that you ran away and that you are a coward."

"Which bastard came up with this bad idea?" Qingjian Liuli looked at her expressionlessly for a while, "Yuko, it's you, right?"

"It's really not me!"

"Who is that?"

Sawada Yuko said with a serious face: "I can't say, all the girls have sworn that whoever said that their boyfriend will be hit by a car. If you don't have a boyfriend now, if your boyfriend is hit by a car in the future, one of you will die anyway."

Qing Jian Liuli was completely speechless, rolled her eyes and ignored her.

Damn the cultural festival. Not only do you have to use your personal time as a coolie, but you will also be used as a monkey. Hurry up and the earthquake will collapse the school!


The division of labor for the cultural festival had been determined by the voters yesterday. Qingmi Ruri was unlucky for not coming when she asked for leave. She couldn't change it now no matter how much she wanted to. She was too embarrassed to go against the whole class - she still had to stay in this class for almost three years. , and she had at least a sense of collective honor, but she couldn't push it out, so she had no choice but to bite the bullet.

She was not able to leave directly after school in the afternoon, but was forced to stay and participate in the "Dress-up Café Uniform Preparation Meeting". She and ten girls in her class flipped through magazines, decided on clothing styles, sizes, budgets and working hours, and made secondary allocations. Work - who goes with whom to buy clothing materials, who goes to relevant societies to help with pattern making, who is responsible for pattern making and cutting, who participates in sewing work, etc.

Well, don't underestimate these girls. Activities such as cultural festivals are actually quite training. They all have relevant experience in making props and costumes, and they can really make decent costumes with some help.

Even Qingjian Ruri was involved in sewing props and costumes when she was in junior high school. I can’t say how good her skills are, but at least she won’t be a hindrance.

Of course, she asked questions such as "Does a white shirt look better with a vest or a tuxedo?", "Should the skirt be lace, should the boy wear garters?", "How to put a boy's thick legs into pantyhose?" She was not interested in discussions such as "Inside", so she listened to the results with open ears, and she did not object to the work assigned to her. Anyway, no one was specifically targeting her. The division of labor was very fair, and she even got some points. Cheap - all these girls are very motivated, and many of them don't mind doing more.

Come on, a group of naive little girls are so happy just making some clothes. They probably only have this much success in their lives. From now on, they will only be used to do housework!

Let's all get married after graduating from high school. Then I will become a detective or a criminal police officer. I will envy you to death!

She muttered in her heart, flipping through fashion magazines, bored to death, waiting to go home after the meeting, and while she was absent-minded, she suddenly felt silence around her, and then a girl touched her elbow.

She looked up in surprise and found that several girls were looking at the door and snickering. She turned around strangely and saw Takeshi Nanahara leaning in the corridor and looking at the playground with his head tilted, obviously waiting for her.

A blush instantly appeared on her little face, and she subconsciously wanted to get up and kick him to Pluto, but her butt was already off the chair, and she was too embarrassed to rush out just like that. She froze there for a moment - you guy? Are you crazy? Why are you running to the door of my classroom?

We have been spreading rumors all over the place, wouldn't it become more true if you come here again?

The bitch has no idea at all. I'll kill him when I get home!

The girl who was the leader of the clothing group coughed dryly and said happily: "Qingmi-san is mainly responsible for the later sewing. If you have anything to do, just leave first. It's okay!"

Qingjian Liuli was also someone who had seen big scenes, so she forced herself to calm down and said: "I have nothing to do, let's finish the discussion and let's go together!"

"We've almost finished the discussion." Another girl glanced at Takeshi Nanahara and smiled enviously, "Mr. Nanahara may have something to do with you, so you'd better go ahead and get busy. We'll tell you the details tomorrow."

Takeshi Nanahara is quite famous in the first grade. He is the first in his grade, a pretty boy, and a famous detective who has made newspaper headlines. Now he is looking for girlfriends. They don't want to be evil people and insist on holding people captive - Chang There are advantages to being beautiful. Qingjian, this girl who usually keeps quiet, finds a boyfriend very quickly.

Qing Jian Liuli hesitated for a moment, feeling that it was the same with or without her. It was not impossible to leave at this time, but going out at this moment... I was embarrassed! But it was quite embarrassing to have Takeshi Nanahara standing at the door of the classroom and waiting for her!

She struggled for a while, apologized politely, and left first with her schoolbag. When she was out of sight of her classmates, she said angrily: "Why are you here? If I have something to do, can't you go home by yourself?"

Takeshi Nanahara glanced at her sideways and said angrily: "Who will carry my schoolbag when I go home alone?"

"You're the only one with a lot of things to do all day long!" Qingjian Liuli wanted to give him a kick in the butt, but he didn't dare. No, it wasn't very ladylike. It was inconvenient to kick his ass. She grabbed his schoolbag and said, "I'll throw your schoolbag into the fountain when you turn around!"

"Remember to pay for it after throwing it away." Takeshi Nanahara didn't care and walked ahead, letting her follow behind.

"Tch!" Qingjian Liuli snorted disdainfully, followed him downstairs to change shoes, and asked casually, "Have you been waiting for a long time?"

This group of girls discussed something special, and it took almost an hour just to determine the style. She estimated that Takeshi Nanahara came to him because he was impatient with waiting, which was understandable - she had always been waiting for Takeshi Nanahara in the past. She thought he would go home by himself if he couldn't see her when he went downstairs, but he didn't expect that he could wait until now.

This piece of shit is becoming more and more inseparable from me. It’s so annoying!

Takeshi Nanahara glanced at her sideways: "What are you thinking about? I was also called to a meeting. Your class is not the only one who is holding a cultural festival."

Qing Jian Liuli became interested: "What are your classes going to do?"

Takeshi Nanabaru said helplessly: "They want to open a ramen shop."

"A ramen shop?" This is common, but Qingmi Ruri asked curiously, "Is it an ordinary ramen shop? Is there any gimmick?"

Takeshi Nanahara shook his head and said: "Yes, but I can't say it. It's the top secret in the class. Everyone has sworn an oath. Whoever says it is a bad ass."

Qing Jian Liuli was suddenly enlightened. It seemed that all the classes were fighting for VIP treatment on the school trip, and they all wanted to play new tricks. But Takeshi Nanabahara asked with a smile: "What are your classes doing?"

"They plan to open a coffee shop." Qingmi Ruri replied, and hummed a little sheepishly, "I may even participate in the beauty pageant and compete for the title of campus MISS."

Takeshi Nanahara was startled for a moment, then laughed and said, "Are you going to be sent to the beauty pageant?"

Qingjian Liuli said unhappily: "What do you mean, can't I go to the beauty pageant?" What kind of vision is this? I am the class beauty of the full-ticket class, and the whole class's hopes are pinned on me. Do you understand? Understand the gold content inside!

A guy with no sense of aesthetics at all, no wonder he pretends to be blind!

Takeshi Nanahara leaned back and looked at it, shook his head again and said with a smile: "You can't choose, so don't bother."

Qing Jian Liuli became increasingly unhappy and said in dissatisfaction: "Why do you say I can't be chosen?!"

Takeshi Nanahara smiled with interest: "Do you want to make a bet? I bet you can't choose. If I win, you can take care of me for another month like before. Do you dare?"

Qingmi Ruri admits that she may not be as smart as Takeshi Nanahara, but when it comes to appearance... speaking from a young age, she really doesn't believe that any girl in the first grade can definitely beat her, so Takeshi Nanahara dares to look down on her like this. ?

She had no interest in beauty contests at first, but now of course she wanted to compete even if she didn't steam buns. She immediately said, "Okay, I'll make a bet. If I get selected, I'll order the dishes for another month!"

Takeshi Nanahara stretched out his hand and said with a smile: "Okay, it's settled!"

Qingjian Liuli high-fived him vigorously and said confidently: "That's it, whoever cheats will be the puppy!"

This time she was ready to fight. She dared to say that she couldn't be chosen before she even entered the competition. This was so insulting. She wanted to come back with a win!

She suddenly became interested in participating in the competition and wondered how she could train so that she could be so cute. She didn't think about it until she got on the train and asked, "By the way, what are you responsible for during the cultural festival?"

Takeshi Nanabahara was casually observing the surroundings to prevent being attacked. He had just received a threatening letter. He had to be careful in the past two days, otherwise he would not have asked Qingmi Ruri to go home with him. After hearing her words, he casually said: "I am a beauty contestant." Judge of the competition.”

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