I'm Not a Detective

Chapter 180 Sowing evil causes leads to evil consequences

Tategawa Yoshiko explained everything she could remember clearly, and was chased by Takeshi Nanahara to ask questions. As soon as it came to an end, she became more impatient and urged: "I have said everything I can say, and I really want to say nothing else." If you can’t get up, that’s enough, it’s time for you to leave.”

Takeshi Nanahara nodded, feeling that he really couldn't ask anything new. He stood up and said with a smile: "Okay, let's say goodbye first, but what are you going to do about Yukimae Yum? I can tell you clearly that those two He didn't kill the rabbit. If you don't believe it, I will find out the real culprit in a few days and show it to you. Then are you going to help him restore his reputation, apologize to him in person, and give him compensation?"

Yoshiko Tategawa held back her anger and said, "Didn't you promise not to pursue this matter again?"

Takeshi Nanahara smiled and said: "I always mean what I say, don't worry. I'm just curious about what you plan to do."

Tategawa Yoshiko hesitated and whispered: "I was too young at the time..."

"Wait a minute." Takeshi Nanahara stretched out his hand to stop her and said with a smile, "You were in your second year of high school, either seventeen or eighteen, and you can bear most of the criminal liability. You can no longer be considered a child. Please find another excuse."

Yoshiko Tategawa said with an unhappy face: "It's not an excuse. I won't frame him because he didn't get a recommendation from a club. That's just your guess! I just said it casually at the time, and I didn't expect that things would turn out like this. Da, now that Xing Qiangong has become mentally ill, do you have to blame everything on me?"

Takeshi Nanabaru touched his chin and smiled: "So, you still don't plan to admit your mistake, restore his reputation, and compensate him, right?"

"I've told you everything you want to know. You promised not to have anything to do with it anymore."

Takeshi Nanahara nodded and smiled: "I just want to advise you. You should be kind. If you don't listen, forget it. Let's leave now."

Yoshiko Tategawa breathed a sigh of relief and quickly told these plague gods to go away. Just as he sat down to sort out his mood and was thinking about how to eliminate the negative effects, the phone on the table rang, and a slightly embarrassed male voice came from it, "Foster son, something suddenly happened in my hometown. I may not be able to go to the date on Sunday. I'm sorry."

Yoshiko Tategawa was stunned, and immediately said: "Is it because of what happened just now? Mr. Rikawa, that was a misunderstanding. The detective and the police just came to ask about some past things. I was just assisting the police in the investigation. The matter has nothing to do with me. , they won’t come again in the future.”

"Ah, is that so? I really had something unexpected happen on Sunday." The man named Liuchuan explained again, but immediately sighed, "Yoshiko, don't hide it. The detective just walked and talked to the police. Someone passed by and heard a few words. They were arguing about whether the existing evidence was enough to be sent for inspection. The police wanted to force it to be sent for inspection, and the detective wanted to continue looking for more evidence. You... better make plans in advance!"

After providing this information, he was completely benevolent and hung up the phone directly. He probably didn't want to develop a relationship anymore. Yoshiko Tategawa held the phone and was stunned for a while, then slowly put it down, pulled the table with a swipe, and put the drawings, desk calendar, The furnishings were thrown all over the floor, and his face was blue with anger.

Back then, she just wanted to take revenge on Xing Qiangong, so what if she lied? It wasn't her who forced Xingmae Gong to push the person down the stairs later!

In the end, it was all her fault, and even the people she had a crush on began to suspect that she had really done something shameful back then?

As far as she knew, there were several people who spread rumors about others behind their backs. Why should she be the only one unlucky?

She was angry, holding the phone and thinking about finding a lawyer. Maybe suing Takeshi Nanahara and others could eliminate the bad influence in the publishing house, but before she could decide whether to do so, the phone rang again. She picked up and listened. I heard a stern voice, "Is it Tategawa? Come to my office!"

"President, please listen to my explanation. Just now..."

"Come to my office and talk about it!"

The call was immediately hung up. Yoshiko Tategawa's face turned blue and white, and she felt that her promotion and salary increase would be in vain, and she might end up being benched.


"Are you going to let her go just like that?" Qingjian Liuli sat in the back seat of the small car, holding her chest and feeling depressed, "She ruined a person's life just for a club recommendation for college admission, and in the end she just wanted to scare her. Just spread some rumors to her and that’s it?”

Takeshi Nanahara was sitting next to her wearing sunglasses, with his face facing forward, stroking his retractable blind cane and smiling: "Otherwise, what else can we do? Arrest her? In what name?"

Qingmi Ruri didn't know what to do with Tategawa Yoshiko, but she just felt aggrieved.

Yuki Yuki didn't do anything, but he was wrongly accused of being mentally ill. In the end, he dropped out of school and went to a mental hospital for hurting someone. He was actually treated for mental illness and hid in a cellar for more than seven years without even daring to see anyone. However, Yoshiko Tategawa actually I went to college and found a good job. I seem to have become a middle-level cadre. I have a small office and live a good life. How can I think this is unfair!

But Nanabahara Taketo promised not to pursue Tategawa Yoshiko for spreading rumors, so she could only pout and be unhappy.

Takeshi Nanahara glanced at her through his sunglasses and scolded her with a smile: "You pig-brained person. I promised her that I wouldn't pursue the case any further, but you didn't agree."

Qingjian Liuli tilted her head and looked at Qi Yuanwu, and asked strangely: "What do you mean?"

me? What can I do? I'm not as capable as you...

Takeshi Nanahara took out a piece of paper from his pocket, opened the list, and said with a smile: "It was Yoshiko Tategawa who spread the rumors to frame Yuki Komae. She was the mastermind. The remaining seven were the most active in spreading rumors and were accomplices. Including some of the people who fought with Yuki Yuki in the past. You can take some time in the evening to send Yuki Mae to Yuki's house and ask the Yuki and his wife to find a good lawyer to sue them for defamation. You can make them pay a large sum of money - I will bear witness. Find them for them, the address is on the back of the list, just go to the lawyers one by one according to the address."

Qingjian Liuli looked at the list and didn't mind running an errand, but he hesitated and asked carefully: "It won't... won't kill anyone, right?"

She was afraid of creating another serial murderer. To be honest, she thought it was reasonable to go back and kill Yoshiko Tategawa.

Takeshi Nanahara said with a smile: "No, as long as the lawyer is not stupid, he will definitely win this case and seek justice through legal channels. They don't need to go to extremes. And you can go to Sanae Tamakura later. She is a criminal reporter. For those who are interested in this case, once they read the newspaper, Yuki Yuki's grievances will be completely cleared. If Tategawa Yoshiko is dead, they will not have much hatred after reading the newspaper. Maybe Yumi Yuki You can still have the courage to try again and start a new life.”

It's safe, this guy is reliable in his work.

Evil causes reap evil consequences. Yoshiko Tategawa did no good deeds nine years ago, and she deserved the retribution she received nine years later. It was fair.

Qingjian Liuli felt that this was very good and felt relieved. She reached for the list and was about to go back to run errands, but Takeshi Qingyuan retracted his hand and said with a smile: "Wait, I can't give it to you directly. After all, I have to keep my word. Say no. If we pursue her, we will not pursue her again. If I give you the list now, I am suspected of breaking my promise."

Qingjian Liuli said in confusion: "Then..."

Takeshi Nanahara rounded up the list, threw it on the floor, and said with a smile: "But I can throw garbage anywhere, and I don't care who picks it up."

Qingjian Liuli looked at him speechlessly for a while, picked up the list as if accepting her fate, and muttered: "You are a liar to begin with, and you still have so many things."

This guy took off his pants and farted. He was just bored all day long.

Takeshi Nanahara laughed softly and said: "You know what the heck, only the lowest liar will tell lies. The top liar will be honest all his life and only lie once in his life. I want to maintain my style."

Qing Jian Liuli was too lazy to pay attention to him, picked up the list, flattened it, folded it and put it away, and then curiously asked: "What should we do next?"

Takeshi Nanabaru sighed: "We can only go back to the tall and skinny guy in the first grade who carries a bucket bag. I hope he is the murderer of the rabbit, otherwise it may be in vain for several days."

He initially suspected that the person who spread the rumors to frame Yuko Maegyu was the murderer, or that someone had a close relationship with the murderer and wanted to protect the murderer. However, he followed the clues and finally found out that it was Tategawa Yoshiko who was a big loser and hadn't recalled much yet. Maybe the "rabbit murder case" nine years ago will become an unsolved case - the first grader she saw may not be the murderer, but the matter is at this point, she can only continue to investigate and find the tall and thin guy. , see what he is like.

Taiji Okuno and Hidakaji who were sitting in front shook their heads in disapproval. This is how investigating a case is, sometimes running around asking a lot of people and taking a lot of confessions, but it's not common for them to be useless in the end. This only took two days. Time doesn't matter at all.

It took nearly two years to search the headquarters last time. In the end, not even a suspect could be found. They could only check everywhere and desperately search the trunk of the taxi. At least Takeshi Shichihara was able to find a more suspicious person here, and even... Having some results, clearing an innocent person's wrongdoing, is already considered good.

Well, defamation is generally a private prosecution case. They didn't take advantage of Tategawa Yoshiko, but people have their own reputation. They also disliked Tategawa Yoshiko and were happy to see her die. Before leaving, they even cooperated with Qi Yuan Wu disgusted her, which was enough to explain the problem.

Okuno Taiji was also afraid that Takeshi Nanahara would be discouraged at this moment. They were still counting on Takeshi Nanahara to lead the two brothers to make meritorious deeds. He immediately turned around and said: "Classmate Nanahara, if we try it again, it shouldn't be difficult to check."

First, find a first-year student from that year. He must know the phone numbers of several classmates. Follow the clues and find more and more. In a blink of an eye, you can find them all, and then pick out all the thin men among them.

"Okay, let's check again!"

Takeshi Nanahara had no objection. The four of them returned to Shotang High School and made a request to the female teacher Izumi Hayakawa, asking her if she had any junior students she was still in contact with. Japanese universities have a pretty good community system, and Izumi Hayakawa was still in contact. There are really a few students who are familiar with me from the same club, and they even singled out one person in particular: "You can ask Qingtian-kun for help. Well, it's Qingtian Xingrong. He is now a policeman."

Did any of the first-year high school students from nine years ago become police officers?

Taiji Okuno was very interested when he heard it and asked quickly: "Where does he work?"

"We will meet him at Songtang." Hayakawa Izumi immediately said, "I met him on the street the day before yesterday. He is now a patrol officer."

That would be very convenient. Taiji Okuno and Hidakaji looked at each other and felt that he could be temporarily seconded to join the search headquarters as an errand boy, specifically responsible for finding old classmates.

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