I'm Not a Detective

Chapter 146 You must be cautious and cautious again

The success rate of imposters gradually decreases with the development of the times. If the story of Bao Shenghang and Bao Sheng Youmei were placed in ancient times, they would have really succeeded, and maybe it could even become a legend - just like in "Journey to the West", when the boatman killed Tang Sanzang's father. Being able to serve as an official under his own name for more than ten years and enjoying all the glory and wealth has attracted the envy, jealousy and hatred of many people.

But it’s not very practical in modern times. There are too many ways to prove whether one person is another person. Medical insurance records alone are not easy to pass. Takeshi Nanahara, a "blind man", fumbled around with Tomomi Aiyama's medical insurance records and asked random questions. When he asked Tomomi Aiyama, he finally took off the mask of disguise and couldn't pretend anymore - let's not mention who killed Oguri Yinchuan. She cannot escape the involvement in Tomomi's death.

The originally gentle and elegant smile on her face was distorted. Coupled with the fact that Takeshi Nanahara had scolded her one bad thing before, she couldn't bear it anymore, and she was speechless after being asked. She shouted at him: "That's enough, you don't know anything at all." have no idea!"

Takeshi Nanahara immediately shut up, raised his hand and pulled Qingmi Ruri, who was looking dull, in front of him, and then smiled evilly again: "I don't know what?"

Bao Shenghang pulled Bao Sheng Youmei with a sullen face and told her to shut up. The case seven years ago may not be so easy to investigate. They still have the capital to resist, so there is no need to become angry.

Well, at least he still has the capital to resist.

Baosheng Tomomi was not stupid. She threw away his hand and said directly: "Can you still make my appendix disappear? Now that I can't hide it anymore, do you still want to stay out of it?"

She had never had an appendix surgery, and she still had an appendix in her belly. There was no way to hide it. Her fake identity was bound to be revealed, and she had taken over her sister's identity for so many years and occupied her sister's entire family property. She said her sister died of natural causes. That would require prosecutors and judges to eat two kilograms of brain fragments first - this is already factual evidence, at least from a civil point of view, it is inevitable to divest her property.

Even from a criminal perspective, this is quite sufficient factual evidence. After all, from a common sense perspective, she couldn't explain why she took on her sister's identity. Based on this alone, she can basically be convicted.

What's more, the police had on-site records and photos of the traffic accident that occurred back then. At that time, they treated it as a simple traffic accident without going into too much detail. Now if we dig it out and investigate it carefully, it's a matter of two minds whether we can continue to hide it, or at least there are doubts. You can definitely find some that can also form supporting evidence.

The same goes for micro plastic surgery. As long as you are willing to investigate, even if it is a surgery performed in a remote small hospital, you can still find out. At that time, she will still be unable to explain her motives for doing so, especially since she had contacted the doctor before her sister's car accident.

Even if she didn't mention the above, she just said that they were two people who conspired. If they were interrogated in isolation, she couldn't guarantee that Baoshenghang would have moral integrity and would not blame all the crimes on her and give him a light sentence. .

Therefore, no matter what, as long as her identity is exposed, she will definitely not be able to escape, and it feels like there is no point in hiding her anymore.

"That's enough, you idiot, wait until the lawyer comes!" Baoshenghang also became furious, hating his teammates for not living up to expectations. Even though he felt that something was wrong, he would most likely not be able to escape, but Baosheng Youmei also stood up for him. Think about it and don't drag him into the water.

Takeshi Nanahara didn't care at all about the dispute between the dog and the man. If the police couldn't handle it, he wouldn't mind investigating the car accident that year for the sake of being upset. He smiled at Tomomi Hosei with interest and said, "Leave him alone." , anyway, you are already a firm suspect, and there is no way you can get rid of it. The truth will be found out sooner or later, why not simply say what you want to say, what are you dissatisfied with your sister? "

Baosheng Youmei couldn't hide it now, let alone think about Baoshenghang. Looking around the room, she found that everyone was looking at her with shock and disgust. She became even more angry. She threw away Baoshenghang's hand again and spoke word by word. He suddenly said: "Do you think I harmed my only relative? I can tell you that you don't understand her at all. She has never treated me as a family member!"

Qin Yuanwu asked strangely: "Why do you say that?"

"I have never felt any warmth from her. She blames me every day, blaming me for not studying hard, blaming me for not getting into a good university, blaming me for spending money randomly, blaming me for wasting time, blaming me for not being punctual, and blaming me for not working part-time. "Seven years is not enough time to eliminate the resentment in Baosheng Tomomi's heart. "If this is a flaw in her character, I can sympathize with her, but she got rich and became the president. Do you know what she did?"

"What did you do?" Takeshi Nanahara became more curious and prepared to supplement his observation sample library.

Baosheng Youmei immediately said: "I wanted to work in her company after graduation, but she refused, saying that I was not qualified; I wanted to start my own business, so I asked her to borrow some money, but she still refused, saying sarcastically that I didn't have that ability. I was assigned to a rubbish company and asked me to work there first and wait until I show up after three years! Why did she say that I have no ability and deny my ability without even giving a little support? Similar things still happen There are many..."

She has been living under the identity of Tomomi, and there are things she has nowhere to say. She has accumulated hatred for seven years, and she can't stop talking about it. Baoshenghang's face is also very gloomy. After marriage, he also wants to work in the company, and even He put aside his pride and considered whether he could become a vice president first or respect his wife Tomomi. However, Tomomi rejected him without hesitation, and he was not allowed to interfere in the company's operations at all.

This is completely wrong and goes against Japanese tradition. Family businesses should not be run like this!

The same goes for starting a business. He wanted to open a chain of bars and hoped that she could provide financial support, but she refused without hesitation and asked him to continue working in an ordinary advertising company, strive to achieve results, and save capital on his own - if If he wants to continue to be an ordinary employee, or to save capital on his own, what's the point of marrying an ordinary-looking, eccentric woman like Tomomi?

It's similar in life. He wants to change his villa, but it won't work; he wants to buy a new imported car, but it won't work; he wants to join a high-end club, but it won't work; even the quality of daily life is very average, and he can't even buy a luxury watch.

To be honest, Tomomi is really difficult to get along with. He can't get any male self-esteem from her, and he can't benefit much from her.

At this time, Baosheng Tomomi also said all the words that had been accumulated in her heart for many years. She said a lot. It seemed that living for others was not an easy and pleasant thing. It is estimated that her mental condition was not very good and she had become seriously blackened. Finally, she looked around , asked with hatred: "I have committed a crime, but do you think this is how she treats her family? She promised her parents to take good care of me, and her company should not be hers alone. The company borrowed her parents’ connections, and she and I share the same parents! As a result, after success, she only has eyes for herself, and she will always only have eyes for herself!”

There was silence in the room for a moment, and everyone was shocked by these resentful words. Takenori Nanahara sighed and said disappointedly: "That's it? I thought I could hear some shocking secret, but in the end there was nothing new at all? Listen to you You mean, Ms. Tomomi should support you for the rest of your life?"

Baosheng Youmei immediately said: "I didn't ask her to support me for the rest of my life, but she should treat me as a family member and give me the minimum support! She shouldn't be so selfish, she is obviously capable of helping me!"

Takeshi Nanahara couldn't help laughing: "Who is being selfish? Don't we live in the same world? Why can't I understand your resentment at all? Are you kidding me by saying so much?

In fact, your sister is already very kind to you. Do you know that her grades are actually very good? She could have gone to Beijing University to study and have a brighter future, but she still chose to stay in Sapporo. In addition to considering the scholarship issue, she probably She is afraid that after she leaves, you will let her go and end up in a terrible state, or she is afraid that she will transfer you to another school, which will affect your performance in the college entrance examination and delay your future.

As for the rest... are you worthy of her support? What support did you give her? She owes you something, isn't it something you owe her? After your parents passed away, wasn't she supporting your studies? To be honest, it's a bit remarkable that two people can go to school together at the age of eighteen or nineteen. People like me have to give her a thumbs up, but you don't feel anything at all? "

Tomomi Hosei looked at Takeshi Nanahara coldly, feeling that the two people's brainwaves were not on the same channel at all, and he didn't understand at all.

This is not difficult to understand at all. Tomomi can easily make her live a good life, and even let her become a lady from a famous family. In the future, she can marry into a rich family and reach the sky. But Tomomi refuses to do that. In her opinion, this is definitely not the case. The way he treats his family is completely unreasonable - in which family doesn't one person expect the other to be better? Why don't you do something that is easy to do? Do you still have humanity?

She said directly: "You are too young and don't understand anything at all..."

Takeshi Nanahara was too lazy to pay attention to her, interrupted her directly, and said with a smile: "Maybe I really don't understand, as long as you like it."

As for Bao Shenghang, people like him hate him. He should not deceive his feelings by cheating anything. He didn't bother to talk to him anymore. He directly said to his employer Oguri Kamino and the landlord Kenji Tagiri: "Oguri Police Department, Tagiri Police Department, what's next Things..."

Oguri Police Department stared at Bao Shenghang and Bao Sheng Tomomi with a gloomy face, and said softly: "Thank you very much, Nanahara-san. I can handle the rest by myself."

To figure out the motive for the crime, the murderer is also in front of him. He really doesn't need Takeshi Nanahara to do anything more. He can slowly collect evidence or create a prisoner's dilemma to obtain a confession. It is not difficult for him or the Asahikawa Police Station.

Takeshi Nanahara didn't want to worry about those trivial things, so he stood up and said with a smile: "Then let's go back first." Then he turned to Akira Kosaka and said with a smile, "Kosaka-san, please send it to me. I happen to have something to tell you. .”


Takeshi Nanahara didn't let Akira Kosaka go far, so he whispered to him in the corridor for a while. The expression on Akira Kosaka's face was very wonderful. Sometimes he turned pale, sometimes he was moved, sometimes he frowned in thought, and finally He hesitated and went back.

Qingjian Liuli quickly helped Qiyuan Lafayette and asked curiously: "Are you talking about Ms. Bintian?"

Takeshi Nanahara smiled and said: "No, I just reminded him that he has been plagued by bad luck recently and has committed a crime. If he doesn't get married quickly, his life will be at risk within three months at most, and he will die without a complete body."

"Tch, you're talking nonsense again, can't you talk to me properly? Damn it, you were obviously talking about Ms. Bintian protecting him." Qingjian Liuli snorted dissatisfied, and asked curiously, " What is he going to do?"

Takeshi Nanahara said nonchalantly: "Then I have nothing to do with it. Marriage is not a trivial matter. He needs to think about it carefully. The most I can do is tell him the truth and let him know that there is someone who is willing to protect him regardless of right or wrong. "

"What do you think, can they make it?" Qingjian Liuli did not give up and was very interested in this topic. She is relatively innocent and kind, and hopes that everyone can be safe and happy, so she is a fool.

Takeshi Nanahara thought for a while and said with a smile: "I think it's 80% possible. That person in Kosaka is good, at least he values ​​feelings. Ms. Bintian has a good character and she also values ​​feelings. These two people should be happy living together."

Qing Jian Liuli was relieved. She believed in Takeshi Nanahara's judgment and sighed: "It's just that Ms. Tomomi's matter can't be undone. It's such a pity and pitiful thing for her that she was killed by her husband and sister. Otherwise, she might become a strong woman and achieve great things."

"It is indeed a pity. She should be with Oguri Yinchuan. Their two personalities can get along well." Takeya Nanabahara sighed, "She concentrates on her career, and Oguri Yinchuan works hard to be his detective. She will not look down on Oguri Yinchuan. , Oguri Yinchuan will not make any demands on her in the name of family. Fortunately, it is hard to say whether she will be happy or not, but the two of them should be able to live a good life."

"Yes, it would be great if that were the case, Oguri-san wouldn't die." Qing Jian Liuli also sighed slightly.

"This shows the importance of marriage!" Takeshi Nanabahara couldn't help but exclaimed, "Marriage is no child's play. You must pay special attention to the character and personality of the other person, and you must not take it for granted. Otherwise, you are guaranteed to be unhappy for life, and the worst is... It is possible that the outcome is in jeopardy, so we must be cautious and cautious again.”

Fortunately, he is a celibate and cannot get married in his current state. Otherwise, he would have to be on guard to avoid being suffocated with a pillow while sleeping at night and taking away all his bottles and cans.

Qingjian Liuli could not help but nod in agreement again. Marriage must be extremely cautious, otherwise you will be killed one day without knowing why. If you want to get married in the future, you must carefully study the suitor and get him to take an X-ray first. .

Well, this is very important. I should write it back into the novel to remind everyone that it must be done!

It was quite late, and there were people setting off firecrackers and kicks outside all the time. A sudden sound scared me and I ducked under the table. It was so inefficient.

Finally, for the sake of being scared all night, please ask for a monthly ticket, and I will work hard.

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