I'm Not a Detective

Chapter 130 I will be your eyes

"Such a beautiful little girl, I didn't expect to lose her memory."

"Yeah, I don't know if I can recover."

Two nurses were pushing a trolley and chatting while walking. Nakano Eri frowned when she passed by them.

There was a big explosion underground, but it didn't cause much damage despite the thick layer of soil. Not counting the dead hostages, there were only two unlucky guys injured at the scene - Takeshi Nanabahara and Ruri Kiyomi. And they weren't bombed. The injury was caused by being thrown away by the shock wave and knocked unconscious.

Nakano Eri had just made arrangements for the follow-up of the case before chasing the ambulance. When she heard clearly that Liuli had lost her memory, she became even more anxious and walked faster. When passing by Takeshi Nanabahara's ward, she checked his condition and found that he was lying down. Sleeping on the hospital bed, his eyes were covered with gauze, and his heart suddenly tightened again. He asked Taiji Okuno, who was sent to accompany him, "How is he doing? What did the doctor say?"

Taiji Okuno noticed where she was looking and said quickly: "It's not a big problem. The concussion in the eye caused congestion and compressed the optic nerve, causing temporary blindness. The doctor said that it will be fully recovered in two to six weeks, and it will not stay. The sequelae.”

Nakano Eri felt a little relieved. At that time, Takeshi Nanahara was thrown out with Qingmi Ruri in his arms, spun around in the air, and his back was flat on the ground. It felt like the fall was not light. If it was just a concussion and a temporary blindness, it would be completely acceptable. ——Not one head was hit on the ground, and his neck was broken after falling. This is already a blessing among misfortunes.

She was about to go and see what was going on at Qingmi Ruri's side. Takeshi Nanahara sniffed, rubbed his neck and woke up. He listened carefully and asked, "Is it Miss Nakano here?"

"It's me, you have a good rest." Nakano Eri quickly supported him and said softly, "How do you feel now? Is it uncomfortable?"

"I feel better after sleeping for a while. I'm not so dizzy." Takeshi Nanahara didn't care about the temporary blindness in his eyes at all and asked directly, "Where is Qingmi-san, how is her condition?"

Nakano Eri hesitated for a moment and felt that there was no need to hide it. She said softly: "She seems to have lost her memory. I'll go check on her right now. You don't have to worry too much."

"Oh, amnesia?" Takeshi Nanahara touched his chin and said, "That doesn't matter. She can't be more injured than me. It should be temporary memory loss caused by the concussion. She will be fine after a while."

"I think so, you protected her very well." Nakano Eri adjusted her glasses and flashed a white light of "envy".

At that time, she saw with her own eyes that Takeshi Nanabahara held Qingjian Ruri tightly in his arms. Not only did he withstand most of the impact damage, but he also acted as a cushion when he fell, avoiding possible harm to Qingjian Ruri as much as possible. Duty to Boyfriend - If I had known that college love was so pure and could be so irrespective of gains and losses, I should have tried it back then. Even if it didn't last long, it would still be a beautiful memory worth remembering for life.

I really should give it a try. Maybe I can meet someone like Takeshi Nanahara. The more I think about it, the more I regret it!

Okuno Taiji also nodded repeatedly. He also saw that scene, and his heart felt sad, almost tender. He took out a handkerchief to wipe his tears - touching, so touching that he wished he could go back to college again.

Takenori Nanabahara didn't take it seriously at all. He opened the quilt and sat on the edge of the bed. He motioned to the two people to bring him slippers and said with a smile: "Of course, she owes me a favor this time. I'll go over and take a look now." She cannot miss such a good opportunity!"


In the ward not far away, Hidakaji sat silently in a corner of the ward, reading a newspaper, while Qingmi Ruri was wearing a hospital gown and staring blankly out of the window. She had just woken up not long ago, and the doctor had just finished the examination and left, but she was fine. She only felt a little motion sick. Now she was recalling the thrilling scene before, which felt a little like a lifetime ago.

"Ruri-chan, are you okay?"

She was in a daze when she saw Takeshi Nanahara coming in with a ring of gauze around his eyes and a solemn look on his face. He was also shouting very affectionately. She was stunned and said strangely: "You..."

What happened? Why did this guy suddenly call my name?

Takeshi Nanabahara could not see, but it did not prevent him from walking short distances. He shook off Nakano Eri's hand and groped to the bedside. He fished twice and found Qingmi Ruri's little hand. He held it tightly and said affectionately: "Yes, that's right. Me, do you still remember me?"

Feeling the heat coming from his palm, Qingjian Liuli's little face turned red instantly, but she was confused - they were obviously just ordinary... good friends, but there were outsiders around. You guys were so affectionate, so it wasn't your head. Was it broken?

Or maybe you were too worried about me and suddenly showed your true feelings?

Tsk, this guy, even if we both survive the disaster, there is no need to be like this, it will make others feel embarrassed.

She couldn't understand it for a moment, and it was the first time someone held her hand like this. She was a little shy, and her heart was beating a little fast. She forgot to say anything for a while, but Takeshi Nanahara didn't hesitate, held her hand and continued to say affectionately: "Okay Recall, you can’t forget me, I am your boyfriend, think about it again!”

Qing Jian Liuli was even more stunned, why did we suddenly date? Have I lost my memory? I don’t think so. I can remember everything I had for breakfast today.

She didn't understand it even more. While trying to break away from Takeshi Nanahara's hand, she said confusedly: "What are you talking about? Are we dating?"

"Sure enough, you have lost your memory, but it doesn't matter. You will recover slowly." Takeshi Nanahara sighed sadly and took out a stack of newly written documents. "You don't have to think so much now. Just believe that I will never harm you." Just come and sign these documents."

Qingjian Ruri looked down at the document and saw that the first document was the "Letter of Commitment". The first item below was "I, Qingjian Ruri, pledge with my personality that I will always obey all orders of Takeshi Nanabahara." Finally, he came to his senses, with a small face. The blush slowly subsided, my eyes narrowed, my eyebrows flattened, and I looked at him expressionlessly - Very good, I was a little worried about you just now, but it was a bit unnecessary. I should have thought of it earlier, a dog like you How could something break your brain and reveal your true feelings?

Takeshi Nanahara was still putting the pen into her hand, and said gently: "I am your most trustworthy person. Your brain is confused right now, so you don't need to look carefully, just sign it. Sign this first, and then you can also sign it." There are six copies, you just need to sign them, it’s quick!”

Qingjian Liuli took another look at the "Deed of Prosecution", raised her hand and pulled them aside, grabbed his neck and started shaking him desperately, saying angrily: "You bitch, we were almost blown into the sky by the explosion. You lied to me right after you woke up?! Are you still human? Die, die!"

"Wait, wait!" Takeshi Nanahara was pinched so much that his tongue stuck out, and he quickly declared, "I just saved your life, and I'm still blind!"

Qing Jian Liuli was stunned and looked at the gauze around his eyes. The strength in his hands suddenly disappeared, while Takeshi Qingyuan rubbed his neck and asked strangely: "You haven't lost your memory?"

Qing Jian Liuli didn't do anything again. After all, Nakano Eri and the others were present. It was not good to expose his true nature in public. However, he still said angrily: "You just lost your memory. Why should I lose my memory when I'm fine?"

Takeshi Nanahara turned his head in the direction of Nakano Eri, and Nakano Eri looked at Hidakaji. Hidakaji also looked puzzled: "The doctor said that there is nothing wrong with Qingmi's classmate, and he only needs to stay in the hospital for observation for a period of time. Amnesia... uh, the ward next door. It seems that a little girl suffered temporary memory loss due to a traffic accident. Did you ask the wrong person before?"

It turned out to be an inadvertent incident. Takeshi Nanabahara immediately put away the "Protection Contract" and said sincerely, as if nothing had happened, "Qingmi-san, I'm relieved that you're fine. It was just a joke, don't take it to heart."

When Qing saw Liuli, she looked at him expressionlessly, not even bothering to answer the question.

I believed your ghost. If I really lost my memory, you, this piece of shit, would have tricked me into signing an unequal treaty. Then you would use it to hold me hostage and force me to listen to you in everything, right?

She wanted to pinch Takeshi Nanahara's neck and shake it twice more, but when she looked at the circle of gauze around his eyes, she suddenly felt a little distressed, so she didn't lose her temper and said hesitantly: "Your eyes..."

"It's a small problem, it's just blindness. Under the circumstances, this was the best choice I could make. I was mentally prepared." Takeshi Nanahara smiled, "Although I lost my sight because I saved you, you are completely Don’t take it to heart, don’t have any psychological burden.”

Listening to his words, Qingjian Liuli's heart ached. She reached out to touch the gauze on his eyes but didn't dare. She said in disbelief: "Permanently... permanently blind?"

Takeshi Nanahara's smile was as refreshing as the bright moon: "I've already said it doesn't matter, don't mention it again."

"But...but what will you do with your future life?" Qingjian Liuli couldn't believe it for a moment, and felt very distressed. Why did he become blind in a small accident? He obviously has a great future!

Takeshi Nanahara smiled faintly and said: "For someone like me, it's just a simple blindness, which will not affect my normal life at all. You really don't have to feel guilty."

"How could I not feel guilty?" Qingjian Liuli recalled the scene when she was held tightly by Takeshi Nanahara. Her eyes were a little red for a moment. She really didn't expect Takeshi Nanahara to have paid such a heavy price to protect her. Price, Super said sadly, "Don't worry, we will treat you well, there should be a way to cure it, even if it can't be cured, I..."

She hesitated slightly before making up her mind, and said with a firm expression, "I will always be with you in the future and be your eyes!"

Takeshi Nanahara smiled brightly: "Stop talking such big words, do you know how hard it is to take care of a blind person for a long time? There is no filial son in front of the bed for a long time, how can you stay with me all the time."

"I'm not boasting, I can do it!" Qingjian Liuli insisted, "I will shoulder my responsibilities, I am not afraid of hard work, and I can take good care of you."

Takeshi Nanahara shook his head and said in an indifferent tone: "I told you not to say such big words and empty words. If you regret it in the future, it will only affect our friendship."

"That's not a lie!" Qing Jian Liuli was willing to take care of Takeshi Nanahara for the rest of his life. She really looked into his eyes, sniffed and said, "Where are those documents just now? Take them out and I will sign them now. I will definitely listen to you in the future. Take good care of you."

"Isn't that good?" Takeshi Nanahara immediately took out the document, touched the handwriting on it and said enthusiastically, "Sign here, just sign your name, there is no need to press a few more fingerprints until you can't regret it at all. "

Qing JianRuri picked up the pen and signed, but Nakano Eri couldn't bear it anymore.

She originally didn't want to get involved with the young couple's play, but Qingmi Ruri was too innocent and easy to deceive, and her naivety was really heartbreaking. She adjusted her glasses and said calmly: "Qingmi-san, Nanahara-san is the most Your vision can be restored in six weeks, so you don’t have to sign up for that long.”

Qing Jian saw that Ruri had already written half of her name. She paused when she heard the sound. Takeshi Nanahara turned around helplessly and smiled: "Miss Nakano is going too far. I'll wait until she signs the first one. I'm blind and can't gain anything." nor."

Then he turned back, looked at Liuli and smiled sincerely, "Okay, okay, stop puffing. I'm afraid you will have psychological shadow in the future, so I just joked to liven up the atmosphere... Okay, don't pinch me, count me You’re not permanently blind. Isn’t the purpose of being blind for six weeks to protect you? Why do you treat your savior like this?”

Nakano Eri shook her head and left with Taiji Okuno and Hidakaji who were speechless. These two guys were lively and joking around. They were in good spirits and didn't need her to worry about them.

Qing Jian Liuli also stopped. After all, it was true that Takeshi Nanahara had protected her. Now that he was blind, it would not be appropriate to strangle him to death. She pouted and was angry for a while, then looked at the gauze on Takeshi Nanahara's eyes, and asked hesitantly: "Can it really be okay in six weeks?"

She didn't want Takeshi Nanahara to go blind, even if he was a piece of shit.

"Probably!" Takeshi Nanahara doesn't care. His five senses are extremely sharp. It would be nice to experience a dark life.

At this moment, they were the only two people left in the ward. Qingjian Liuli hesitated for a while and asked softly: "Why did you do that then? Shouldn't you be the first to escape, or use me as a shield?"

She was in a daze thinking about this before. Takeshi Nanahara's reaction at that time was a bit surprising. It was completely different from his usual behavior, which was a bit heartwarming.

Takeshi Nanahara picked up a banana and smelled it. He felt that after losing his eyesight, his sense of smell seemed to have improved again. He said nonchalantly: "I can't help it. The way you were at that time, there was more than a 70% chance that you would plunge into the banana." On the ground, the lightest thing is also a disfigurement, and you are my friend. I have always believed that friends are creatures that can be betrayed or let her take the blame. It doesn't matter, but when necessary, you still have to sacrifice for your friends. All awareness.”

After a pause, he put down the banana and couldn't help but laugh, "You don't have to doubt anything. If a piece of stinky shit flew up at that time, I would definitely run faster than you. If I look back at you, I lose, but the explosion really doesn't count." Oh, I don’t want to see your head hit the ground and make a big hole."

"Tch!" Qing saw Liuli dispelling her doubts and snorted disdainfully, believing that he could do it.

If shit were really flying from the sky, even if Takeshi Nanahara wouldn't be the first to run away, he would definitely lift her up and stop her. When he turned around, he would clean her up and leave her with a stink. She completely believed this.

However, this bitch usually has no conscience, but at a critical moment he has a little bit of conscience, so that's okay, at least he's not so kind to him in vain.

Then he has some conscience, then in these six weeks... his eyes will be healed, after all, he can't be ignored.

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