I'm Not a Detective

Chapter 120 The black-hearted crow disguised as a beautiful JK

At around eight o'clock in the evening, it really started to rain lightly. The cold air mass heading south ended the rainy season in the Kanto area ahead of schedule, but it was immediately flanked by the warm west Pacific current, defeated, and pushed back, forming a wave of real spring rain.

Thin raindrops were falling, but the temperature was rising, and the weather in Hirano was really getting warmer.

Nanahara's house is also warm. In the baking pan on the small square table, the tender and juicy grilled fish is covered with lemon slices, lying on the baked potato cubes, enoki mushrooms, cherry tomatoes and peppers. It is steaming with rich flavor. The Mediterranean flavor made people salivate, while Qingjian Liuli was sitting on her knees, shaking her head, bulging her little cheeks and playing the recorder hard to perform her talent.

In order to buy back the excessive and over-issued Tibetan Fox coins, she proposed to provide talent show services. As the "richest Tibetan fox coin" in the world who holds the largest number of Tibetan fox coins, Takemasa Nanahara thought it was raining outside and the noise caused a headache. , immediately agreed, saying that there was no shortage of money, one yuan per piece, just play it.

At the end of the song, there was a faint lingering sound. Qingjian Liuli put down the recorder and hummed with a slight blush: "I haven't practiced for a long time, and my playing is not very good. I will practice more when I go back."

She is also very professional now and feels a little ashamed for not being able to provide quality services. Takeshi Nanabaru held his chin in his hands and thought deeply: "It's not just that you haven't practiced for a long time. After graduating from the third grade of elementary school, you didn't do it at all." Let’s get through it!”

After a pause, a rare look of confusion appeared on his face, and he subconsciously knocked on the table and said, "It's strange. I'm fairly well-informed, but after listening to it for three or four minutes, I just couldn't hear what you were playing... There's a little bit in front of it. It's like a mix of "Red Dragonfly" and "Goodbye, Our Kindergarten", and in the middle it's a bit like the third verse of "Hello Elephant, Elephant", and finally the broken tail sounds like "Good Morning" "The middle part of the song", so what exactly did you play?"

He was really confused. It was the first time he had seen children's songs played like this. It was also a bit fun to see Liuli standing there and playing the recorder hard. He could take a "photo" and put it in "Hidden Fox Observation Diary" 》, the money was not wasted.

"You idiot, you are mocking me again. I am obviously playing very seriously." Qingjian Liuli sat down at the table and said unhappy, "How could you not hear it? What I am playing is "Song of the Flower Fairy", which is "Song of the Flower Fairy". The theme song of "Flower Fairy"."

Takeshi Nanahara looked up at the ceiling for a while, recalled for a moment, shook his head and said: "I really didn't hear it. It's unbelievable. Not a single note was in tune. How did you do this?"

"Then you have to pay too." Qingjian Liuli looked at the grilled fish, already swallowing, and hummed softly.

She felt that singing children's songs would not save her face. After all, she was also a young lady in college, which would be too embarrassing. But playing an instrument made her look much more elegant. She thought it was okay and worthy of her style and status, so she planned to make money quickly through this. With the speed of "Hidden Fox Coin", we strive to rebuild currency confidence as soon as possible. If we have money next time when something goes wrong, we can turn Qiyuan Money Fans into Qiyuan Justice.

There was nothing he could do about it. Thinking about it now, he lost a lot last time playing mahjong. No wonder he refused to take it and had to earn some back.

It doesn't matter to Takeshi Nanahara. Anyway, he is just idle and having fun. He originally printed the Hidden Fox Coin with radish. Isn't it easy to forge it?

You can really print as many fingerprints as you want. Anyway, Qingjian Liuli can’t tell whether the fingerprints were made by her or not.

As for Qingjian Liuli taking back too many hidden fox coins, and then looking for him to buy services...

When the Tibetan Fox Coins are almost spent, prices will skyrocket and the Tibetan Fox Coins will be turned into waste paper!

In order to encourage employees to be more proactive, he served them better and was not stingy. He took out a ten-yuan bill and slapped it on the table. He smiled super generously and said: "Although the performance is messy, the spirit is still there." Commendable, I will pay ten times the price this time and keep working hard next time. If there is an improvement, I will pay double the price!"

Qingjian Liuli quickly grabbed the ten-yuan note in his hand and hummed proudly: "I've earned it. Playing the recorder is equivalent to earning a thousand yen. I've really made a lot of money. I'll play it for him after dinner." .

Well, I will develop new projects in the future, strive to empty his pockets as soon as possible, and focus on turning against customers. Then I will also use Tibetan Fox coins to let him play the recorder!

On the evening of May 6, 1991, the construction of the Tibetan Fox Coin economic system was a great success!

As soon as she was in a good mood, her appetite immediately increased. She smelled the rich aroma of grilled fish, and had a meal with Takeshi Nanabaru. Apart from anything else, her knowledge really increased a lot, and she immediately smelled the Mediterranean flavor. The dish has a unique aroma of parsley, rosemary, black pepper, sea salt and lemon. I also recognized it as fresh large-mouth sea bass, with less spines and tender meat, perfect for grilling.

Another great meal!

She immediately stretched out her fork and carefully poked the fish belly a few times, letting the parsley-mixed side dish soup in the fish belly flow onto the roasted potato cubes. Then she carefully peeled off the fish skin with the fork and soaked it in the soup. In the middle, the white and tender fish meat is exposed, then pick up a piece of lemon and squeeze it hard, and then squeeze a little fresh lemon juice on the fish meat.

After Takeshi Nanahara nagged her all day long, she now knows a little bit about the different ways to eat various cuisines. She won't just stuff them into her mouth like before. She has begun to pay attention to how much she eats, but she doesn't like the sour taste so much. She just wants a little less. Just the refreshing scent of lemon.

Takeshi Nanahara picked up his fork and took away the piece of fish. He also scooped out a full spoonful of roasted potatoes, rolled away a lot of the brown and oily fish skin, and began to happily enjoy the food.

Qing saw that Liuli had been busy serving him for a while, so she rolled her eyes at him unhappily, but she was more or less used to it and didn't take it seriously. She continued to toss in the grilled fish, get her own portion, and then taste it gracefully.

Needless to say, the grilled fish is also delicious. The fish has the unique sweetness of seafood, and it seems that the fish juices are locked in by the first quick grilling. Even though it is grilled, the fish meat is so full of juices.

The taste is also rich. The roasted peppers give the fish a subtle, roasted spiciness, but when it is grilled for the second time, it seems that a little bit of red crushed millet chili is added, and it has a very spicy taste. The spiciness is very direct, with two levels of spiciness alone.

Rosemary, parsley, and lemon are mixed together to give a bright feeling like the summer sun. Coupled with coarse sea salt and butter, the roasted salty and glutinous potato cubes have a really rich texture. Layer by layer, continuously.

Qing Jian Liuli was very satisfied with the meal, her eyes were bright. She ate a piece of fish, dipped a roasted potato in the soup, stuffed it into her mouth, took a bite from the left and a bite from the right, and ate until she was seven-tenths full in one breath. Only then did she have time. After talking, he began to ask Qin Yuanwu how things were done, and hummed: "Have you found Miss Guduo?"

Takeshi Nanahara gave her the tail of the fish. He didn't like the dry part at the back of the fish. There happened to be a guy at home who was not picky about food, so he fed it to her. He ate the fish belly absentmindedly and said casually: "I don't need you to do anything." Don’t worry, just do your housework.”

He was very efficient in his work, and had basically made arrangements. However, the sound of rain outside made him a little upset. He didn't want to talk about business at the moment, so he casually said something and looked at Qing Jian Liuli's feet. Although Bai Shengsheng was quite beautiful. , but still said angrily: "You guy, why are you taking off your socks again? I've told you several times to put your socks on next time you eat!"

It's not that she smells bad. Qingmi Ruri still loves to be clean. She always smells good. At least he thinks she smells good. She is one of the very few people he can keep by his side. Now he is looking for trouble.

Kiyomi Ruri now understands Takeshi Nanabahara a little bit. This bitch will be in a bad mood when it rains. He will be in a bad mood when his clothes are dirty. He can even be in a bad mood when someone secretly farts around him. He just gets nervous every day!

But she didn't tolerate him, and immediately retorted: "You have arranged so many housework for me, do you want to heat me to death if you don't take off your socks?"

Takeshi Nanahara immediately said in a bad tone: "If you feel too hot, quickly change into cotton socks. Your sloppy socks have long been displeasing to me, so I'll change them tomorrow!"

Qingjian Liuli snorted disdainfully, scooped out a spoonful of very thick potato soup, poured it on the rice, and enjoyed the rice.

This is awesome. I often don't wear socks when I eat at home. You mind me!

I love wearing it or not!

She was having a delicious meal and was in such a good mood that she didn't want to spend time arguing. She just let Takeshi Nanahara get nervous and didn't bother to pay attention to him.

It's delicious. The Mediterranean grilled fish is also delicious. I really like using fish soup... Well, the mashed potato sauce with fish flavor should also be considered fish soup. I really like using fish soup with rice. It's really delicious.

What will you eat tomorrow?


It didn't rain for long, maybe the rain clouds were passing by and we followed the road to Sapporo overnight. The rain stopped early the next morning.

Nothing special happened at school today. After school in the afternoon, Takeshi Nanabahara and Ruri Qingmi still went home together. When Takeshi Qingmi changed his shoes, Ruri Qingmi took a special look at his shoe cabinet and didn't see the second letter. In the confession letter, I couldn't help but laugh at him.

Sure enough, he was just puffy and fat, and his true shape showed up within a day.

The air after the rain was very good, and Takeshi Nanabahara was in a good mood now, and he didn't care about such things. However, he refused to suffer, so he and Qingmi Ruri happily started to quarrel, arguing all the way home.

But as soon as they reached the Higashi Tamaki Small Park, a small figure hurriedly passed them from behind, and a crisp slap came from the way.

Qingjian Liuli had not made any noise today, and was pouting angrily. She was startled by the crisp slap. Hearing the sound, she thought that Takeshi Nanabahara had been beaten and that someone was attacking her secretly. Suddenly, her mind suddenly thought of the mysterious person X. He pulled him behind him and looked at the little figure warily.

Kakumaru Yuki turned around, faced them face to face, rubbed the back of her red right hand and said angrily: "It turns out it's really you, give me the money back!"

Only then did Qingjian Liuli see who she was, and she was immediately surprised and said: "It's you, that little liar? How dare you show up?" Then she asked strangely, "What are you talking about, and why do you want me to pay you back?"

Kakumaruyuki had a gloomy face and gritted his teeth and said: "Stop pretending, you are not good people either. Return the money to me quickly, otherwise this matter will never be over!"

"We haven't settled the accounts with you for cheating money, but you still ask us for money?" Qingjian Liuli didn't understand and was confused for a moment.

Strange, why is this little liar not afraid of people? If she just ran out like this, wouldn't she be afraid of being turned over?

When did the security situation in Hirano become so poor that criminals dare to be so rampant in broad daylight?

Kadomaru Yuki hesitated for a moment, then swallowed her anger and said: "Okay, this is my fault. I didn't know there were crows settled here. It's my fault that I do business on your territory. I can hand over half of it, and you can give me the other half." Give it back to me!"

After a pause, she thought that all her wealth would be lost in half, and she couldn't help but said angrily, "At least half of it must be returned to me. You can't not follow any rules!"

As soon as she got the money, she hitched a ride and left Hirano. The security here was really bad. Even thieves wanted to steal. Is there any law for this? !

"What are you talking about?" Qingjian Liuli became even more confused. What does this have to do with crows? My Chinese language test score is over 80, why can’t I even understand people’s words now?

Seeing her confusion, Takeshi Nanahara whispered behind her: "Crow Head, she still knows some rules. She is still a child. I have taught her a lesson, so let's forget it!"

Qingjian Liuli turned to look at him again and asked strangely: "What nonsense are you talking about again?

Takeshi Nanahara's face straightened, he lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry, I made a mistake." After saying that, he stood behind her with a straight face and remained motionless.

Kakumaruyuki's pupils shrank, his eyes focused, and he stared at Qingmi Ruri firmly. The expression on his little face became cautious, and he gritted his teeth and said: "I didn't expect you to be the leader of the crows in this area. You are hidden deep enough! Indeed!" Awesome, I’m convinced, if you pay me half of the money now, I’ll leave immediately and will never come here again.”

It's really amazing. She disguises herself so well. Such a beautiful and delicate girl is wearing a beautiful private school uniform. Even if she is caught, no one will believe her. Hirano is really evil. The masters here are so scary, even worse than in Tokyo. sharp!

Qingjian Liuli's eyes also turned back to her. If she couldn't figure it out, she stopped thinking about it. She walked directly towards her and said angrily: "I don't understand what you are talking about. I don't have any money to pay you back!"

Kakumaru Yuki was stunned for a moment, and immediately began to retreat quickly. She was so angry that she said with a black face: "Okay! Okay! The crows in Hirano Higashi Tamachi don't follow any rules. I will take note of this grudge. You guys Just wait for me!"

She was only in her early ten years, and she was still cute and short. Looking at Qingjian Ruri's posture and height, she knew that she had no chance of winning. What's more, Qingjian Ruri also had a younger brother, so she would be 100% sure in a fight. Suffering a loss, seeing that the money was secretly not coming back, or not coming back, without hesitation, he turned around and hid in the bushes.

Black-hearted crow disguised as a beautiful JK, you are cruel, this matter is not over yet!

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