I'm Not a Detective

Chapter 111 Gold cannot be exchanged

The weather in Hirano this year was very unfriendly to the Golden Week. The cold wind blew more and more fiercely. Takeshi Nanahara stayed at home without moving, and Ruri Qingmi could only study by himself for three days. The level of improvement is gratifying - it was too far off originally, but if you really don't know how to do it, you can ask Nanabahara Wu, and you can improve your score by studying hard, which gives you a sense of accomplishment.

May 5th is the last day of the Golden Week holiday. It is also the legal "Boys' Day" in Japan and the traditional "Dragon Boat Festival" - the Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional Chinese festival celebrated in Japan according to the Gregorian calendar, and Boys' Day is the traditional Dragon Boat Festival. After arriving in Japan, he was brutally changed by the devil.

Because there is a custom of hanging calamus leaves during the Dragon Boat Festival in China, the Japanese were called "Tang Fen" at that time, so they copied it of course. The pronunciation of calamus in Japanese is similar to "Martial Arts", and the shape of the leaves is also like a sword, and then Chinese carp is added. According to the legend of Dragon Jump, the Japanese samurai class associated the Dragon Boat Festival with the growth of their boys. They would offer sacrifices to the gods on that day, praying that their boys would be healthy, strong, and prosperous in martial arts. In the future, they could transform into dragons and shock the world.

Therefore, on this day, Japanese people will make mochi cakes wrapped with oak leaves for consumption - the old leaves of the oak oak have not yet fallen but new leaves are growing, which means the prosperity of future generations. In the past, it was specially used to worship gods and pray for the family. The prosperous sacred plants are wrapped in mochi cakes in theory as offerings to the gods, but now they are eaten directly by themselves - they also eat rice dumplings and hang carp streamers, so it's like celebrating two festivals together.

Today, the Hirano City Hall raised a string of huge carp streamers on the top of the Hirano Radio Tower. Looking from a distance, seven giant carps made of silk breathed in the cold wind, as if they were rushing forward bravely in the rapids. They were really ready to jump over the dragon gate. The meaning is very inspiring.

Qingjian Liuli finished her morning exercise and stared at the carp streamer for a while. She suddenly felt sympathy for Takeshi Nanahara, an "orphan", and decided to be nice to him today. Then she went to take a shower and change clothes, and went there by herself without waiting for Takeshi Nanahara to ring the bell.

Takeshi Nanahara hadn't gotten up yet. She walked into the kitchen and looked at the note on the refrigerator. Then she opened the refrigerator door to look for the corresponding ingredients. She began to preprocess the ingredients. By the way, she prepared the rice according to the note and found out the designated ingredients. She started cooking porridge in the "thin-tied earthen jar fired by the ancient Echizen kiln" - Takeshi Nanahara also drew a line underneath with a red pen, indicating that the earthen jar was an antique and asked her to be careful and careful. If she dared to break it, her salary would be deducted. .

Of course, Qingjian Ruri couldn't see anything about this broken earthen pot that looked like an antique, so she secretly sighed and cursed Takeshi Nanabahara for being crazy. The weirder the rags, the more he likes to scratch them at home. There are these everywhere in the house. Broken stuff.

More than twenty minutes later, the insane Takeshi Nanabahara came down listlessly. He took one look and said listlessly: "I asked you to cut all the lettuce into pieces, not to cut it into pieces. The shrimp shells are okay, the shrimps are fine." The threads are also gone, but the shrimp tails are not neatly cut. The carrots are also uneven in size, and there is a little too much water in the porridge..."

Qing Jian Liuli opened his mouth and wanted to talk back, but immediately turned his lips in disdain. Seeing that today was a holiday, he didn't share the same level of experience with him, and Takeshi Qingyuan was habitual of nagging, and if he didn't say a few words to help the cook, how could he show off that he was a chef? sharp?

He muttered and opened his arms, Qingjian Liuli immediately put an apron on him. He raised his head slightly again, and Qingjian Liuli put the chef's hat on him again. He shook his hands again, and Qingjian Liuli immediately put the sleeves on him.

Armed neatly, Takeshi Nanahara finally became more energetic. He nodded lightly and said: "But overall, it's not bad. It's a little better than yesterday. My eyesight has also begun to improve. Now I'll go to a first-rate small restaurant and work as a waiter." It's basically enough for a handyman job, and I won't get scolded much, so I deserve praise."

Tsk, I have done a good job, do you need to praise me?

I don’t know anything about it in my heart. Even if you praise me, I won’t be very happy!

Qingjian Liuli snorted secretly, a little happy, but kept a calm expression on her face, lest Takeshi Nanahara start to feel proud again and say nonsense like "I taught you everything well, please thank me".

After finishing his talk, Takeshi Nanahara took over the work of making breakfast. He marinated shrimps in sauce, blanched mixed vegetables, took out the dough that had been made last night, peeled off the plastic wrap, pulled out a piece, and kneaded it gently on the chopping board to remove the gas. Then cut into rectangular slices and stack them two by two for later use.

After all the preparations for breakfast were completed and the shrimps were slightly pickled, he turned on the heat and sauteed the shrimps with minced garlic and ginger until fragrant, then poured in the mixed vegetables and stir-fried vigorously, causing a big ball of flames to burst out. The sound was amazing, and then he and Pour the romaine lettuce into the earthen pot and cook together with the porridge.

The aroma started to come out a little bit. Takeshi Nanabahara then heated the oil pan and fried the small fried dough sticks. After they were fried and set, he took them into the frying pan and fried them until they were golden and crispy. He drained the oil and put them on the chopping board and cut them into small pieces.

At this point, the shrimp and vegetable porridge and crispy fried dough sticks are all completed, and you can start eating with some refreshing pickles.

While Qingjian Ruri was helping, she swallowed her saliva and listened to his casual chatter, learning some cooking tips. When the porridge was cooked, Takeshi Nanahara took out a large jar from the corner of the kitchen and fished out a few tea eggs. Put it in a bowl and immediately seal the jar carefully and hide it back in a corner of the kitchen.

Qing Jian Liuli also laid out breakfast at this moment. Takeshi Nanahara came out and took one look and pointed out her mistake. He said dissatisfiedly: "I told you last time that porridge should be served in flat bowls with shallow bottoms. This is easier. It contrasts with the colorful ingredients and stimulates appetite. Why did you use a large painted bowl? The colors are so bright and complex. Serving mixed porridge is like adding more mixed ingredients. How can you find the word "color" in the color and fragrance? - You You don’t have to pick a big bowl just to get one more bite, just quantity and not quality!”

"I know, I know. You are the only one who has a lot of things to do all day long. I will use the right bowl next time." Qingmi Ruri felt that Takeshi Nanahara was such a busybody. When it was time to eat, he was like a bitch and kept nagging.

"You really worked hard to get one more bite. You must have this spirit in your studies. Second place in grade is not a dream." Takeshi Nanahara sat opposite her, put the tea egg in the middle, and continued to sigh.

You bastard, I'm not like you, sitting still like a turtle all day long. I exercise so much, what's wrong with eating too much?

Is it the same if you eat three bowls of a small bowl or three bowls of a large bowl?

Don't think I'm a fool!

Qingjian Liuli continued to complain in her heart, but Heshi saluted and said quickly "I'm starting", took the spoon and went to scoop the porridge. As soon as it entered the mouth, it felt fresh, fragrant and slightly salty. The freshness was the taste of shrimp. , the aroma is a pure rice aroma, and the mixed vegetables have been stir-fried over high heat. It is very salty and delicious, and it is cooked very small. It is mixed with the rice aroma and eaten together, and the tongue is very satisfied.

I have to say that Takeshi Nanahara is really good at eating. He does all kinds of nonsense one after another, but the food he makes is particularly satisfying to the tongue and is really comfortable to eat.

Qing Jian Liuli drank two mouthfuls of the porridge and felt that it was salty, warm and fragrant, and felt very comfortable in her stomach. She couldn't help but hummed twice, and immediately picked up the fried dough sticks with great interest. When she took a bite, the outer layer was crispy and the inside was soft. The noodles are very fragrant and have a good texture. They go well with the porridge, and I couldn't help but hum.

She took a bite of small fried dough sticks and a bite of warm porridge. They ate very deliciously. She also went to eat pickled cucumbers. She felt that this was also salty and sour and refreshing, and it went very well with the meal. Soon the bowl of porridge reached the bottom, and she took another helping herself while humming. bowl, and then saw Takeshi Nanabahara carefully peeling tea eggs.

She is not good at cooking, but is very good at eating. She took the tea eggs and rolled them on the small square table. She easily peeled off the shell and stuffed one into her mouth. After chewing hard, she felt that the tea was very fragrant and delicious. She touched it again easily. I rolled one up, peeled off the eggshell and bit off half of it in one bite. I felt that eating was the most enjoyable thing in life.

Well, I had so much fun eating this holiday, with new things to try every day. Fortunately, I insisted on not going to Sapporo.

Takeshi Nanahara glanced sideways at her and took a small bite of the egg with a look of disdain on his face, squinting his eyes slightly to savor the taste.

Qingjian Liuli noticed it, looked at him, then looked at the small half egg in his hand, and asked curiously: "Do you have so much trouble eating an egg?"

Takeshi Nanahara said calmly: "Zhu Bajie is really eating ginseng fruit. You have ruined all the good things."

Qing Jian Liuli felt strange, and followed his example, taking a small bite of the egg, tasting the taste, and hesitated: "Why do you say that, isn't this an egg? It smells like tea, have you boiled it with tea? The way to eat it is quite fresh and delicious, but it’s still eggs, you can easily buy a dozen in the supermarket..."

Takeshi Nanahara glanced at her helplessly: "This is no ordinary egg, this is gold."

Qing Jian Liuli became curious and immediately asked: "What is gold that cannot be changed?"

Takeshi Nanahara said with a look of fascination: "The so-called golden egg refers to the first egg laid by a free-range chicken. Each hen can only produce one golden egg in its lifetime, also called a newborn egg or a smart egg. The legendary golden egg The lecithin content is much higher than that of ordinary eggs. In the mouth of a connoisseur, it has a wonderful taste and is worth savoring.”

Qing Jian Liuli looked at the tea egg cautiously. Is this egg so famous? It actually contains the chicken essence of a little hen?

Takeshi Nanahara took another small bite of the egg, took a sip of the porridge, ate slowly, and continued: "It's worth tasting just the Jinbuhuan, not to mention that this is the Jinbuhuan that I carefully and secretly prepared."

"How is it secretly made?"

Takeshi Nanahara had already finished the one he had just finished, and he touched another and ate it slowly. While eating, he said: "First cook the jinbuhuan until it is six ripe, then crack the shell gently, and then add the ingredients of Dendrobium officinale, Tianshan Snow Lotus, Cordyceps Sinensis, Centennial It is soaked in a soup made from more than ten kinds of precious herbs such as Ganoderma lucidum and Thousand-year-old Polygonum multiflorum for one day and one night. Then, the top-quality lip hair tips picked by girls with their mouths and the top-notch Yunwu tea picked by monkey slaves climbing cliffs are poured into the concoction. Finally, the lake bottom red is poured into the soup. Clay furnace, deep mountain fruit trees as firewood, cooking on a low fire for three days and three nights, forcing the medicinal tea soul into it, and sealing the altar for seven or forty-nine days, only then can such a magic stone be produced that can block a person from killing a Buddha or block a Buddha from killing a Buddha. Without exchanging the gold, the cost price of a single piece is as high as 30... cough, 30,000 yen."

Thirty thousand yen for an egg? No, 30,000 yen will not be exchanged for a piece of gold that can block a person from killing a Buddha or block a Buddha from killing a Buddha?

I almost ate 60,000 yen in two seconds?

Qingjian Liuli looked at the small half egg in her hand and became more and more cautious. She forgot to eat for a moment. She only felt that the egg white was indeed extraordinary white, tender and smooth, and the yolk was even more shining like gold. When she looked closely, the white on the egg was even brighter. The tea pattern on the egg yolk seems to be extraordinary, resembling a snake slithering around and a dragon swimming around, and also like clouds and mist, making the egg yolk look like elixir, with a hint of medicinal fragrance.

She took a small bite and savored the taste. The more she tasted it, the more she felt that it was indeed the case. The essence of the sun and moon was indeed contained in this Jinbhuan. After eating it, she felt like she was in heaven, and almost wanted to ride the wind back home.

After all, it's 30,000 yen a piece, even if you don't want to become an immortal...

Takeshi Nanahara took away the last tea egg, peeled the shell and put it into the porridge to eat together. Qingmi Ruri tasted the "elixir" for a while, came back to his senses, and hummed in a low voice: "Only a lunatic would cook it like this." An egg, right? This is actually an ordinary egg. You think I ate it too fast and you are afraid that I will eat your egg too, so you are lying to me, right?"

Takeshi Nanabahara suppressed a smile and said, "But don't eggs taste better?"

Qingjian Liuli snorted and did not refute his words.

Listening to him making up nonsense stories, about century-old Ganoderma lucidum and thousand-year-old Polygonum multiflorum sprouting up, and other anecdotes about girls’ lip tea and monkey slaves picking tea. Then he ate the eggs in small bites, sipping them bit by bit. The aroma of the tea seems to be stronger. It's really delicious. It's much better than stuffing it into your mouth in one gulp. This guy has to resort to tricks to get a meal, for fear that others will eat his share. He's really mentally ill. .

If you rush to eat, the food will taste better. This is an eternal truth.

She couldn't get angry after being cheated, so she hurriedly went to drink porridge again. When she was serving the porridge, she scooped out more shrimps in retaliation and left all the vegetable leaves for Takeshi Nanabahara. She also wanted to hear stories and how the monkey slave picked them. Of tea.

Takeshi Nanahara liked to chat while eating, so he told her random related anecdotes. At the same time, he was a little regretful that he was living in the wrong place. Otherwise, he could train Tibetan foxes to go up the mountain to pick tea, so he wouldn't have to spend high prices to buy tea from China. Boiled eggs can save a lot of money.

During the holidays, both of them went to bed late and got up late. They had breakfast and then washed the dishes. It was almost ten o'clock. Qingmi Ruri listened to stories and ate. She was very satisfied with the meal. She opened the book and continued to study on her own. Nanabahara Takeno felt dissatisfied. Feng Da didn't want to set up a stall, so he lay down and read a book.

At this time, the doorbell rang, and there was a "ding-dong-ding-dong" sound, but it was intermittent. It seemed that the person who rang the doorbell at the door of the courtyard was hesitant and relaxed after pressing it.

Qing Jian Liuli's eyes lit up and she instinctively deduced that this was a stranger. Then she felt slightly surprised. She didn't expect that she could react so quickly, and she almost cried with joy.

My intelligence has finally improved!

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