I'm Not a Detective

Chapter 100 Murderer-1

Yasuda Eiko didn't expect that after asking, Takeshi Nanahara began to suspect that she was the murderer. He was stunned for a moment and then waved his hands urgently: "It's not me, it's not me, I... why should I kill sir? I... I..."

At first glance, Jin Manxiu was killed at night. After all, he was found lying on the bed wearing pajamas when he was killed, while Yasuda Eiko was sleeping during the night. He couldn't think of anyone who could prove it for him. After saying a few words in a panic, he started to panic. , associate it with some urban legends.

The "salary gang" could not find the real culprit, and it was involved in some dark events in the "other world". If they wanted to close the case quickly, they wanted to take advantage of innocent people. She even thought about the TV series she had watched. , they all suspected that the police had already begun to forge evidence to frame her.

The contents that she could think of in an instant ranged from "The Little Maid Who Was Unjustly Imprisoned", "Tears Behind Bars", "Beauty in Prison", "Prison Break", "Black Peony on the Road" to "Emergency Strike: One Man's Bloody Revenge" "Road", the box office is expected to be high.

Takeshi Nanahara quickly stepped forward to hold her hand and comforted her: "Miss Yasuda, don't be nervous. This is just a routine inquiry. You just need to answer normally."

"It's not me!" Yasuda Eiko said repeatedly, "I respect your husband very much, and I have no reason to kill him!"

"Then who has a reason?" Takeshi Nanahara asked, holding her arm.

Yasuda Eiko was stunned for a while, shook her head and said: "I can't think of it, everyone... usually gets along very well." After a pause, she said anxiously, "It really has nothing to do with me, I just heard from Deacon Itono this morning I rushed over because I screamed, I was in the kitchen at the time!”

"I believe you, I have no problem." Takeshi Nanahara quickly ended the question, reminded him, "You can usually try to engage in literary creation," and turned around to go out.

Qingjian Liuli had already noticed that Takeshi Nanawara had done anything, and asked out of curiosity after leaving the door: "Isn't it Miss Yasuda?"

"No, this case has nothing to do with her at all." Takeshi Nanahara responded casually, but stood motionless at the door, touching his chin and thinking.

Qing Jian Liuli became confused and asked: "What are you thinking? It doesn't matter even if Ms. Yasuda is not the one. At least we have eliminated one suspect."

Well, she will be more confident if she chooses three out of five, which is a good thing.

"It's a strange case." Takeshi Nanabaru muttered, "Miss Yasuda didn't lie. Jin Manxiu didn't eat or drink anything after dinner, and no one went to the second floor - she could hear Jin Manxiu going to the bathroom, and someone sneaked in If you knock on the door on the second floor and go in, she will definitely notice that Jin Manxiu still can't get food and drinks from others, so how did he get poisoned?"

Qingjian Liuli said strangely: "Do you even need to ask? During dinner!" Anyway, according to her previous guess, the cook was the first suspect in the poisoning.

"That's impossible!" Takeshi Nanahara denied immediately, "Jin Manxiu was drugged with some kind of processed ricin. Nowadays, this kind of poison is rarely used in murders because it takes too slow to take effect. It usually takes four It takes more than an hour for the poisoned person to die of cardiac paralysis or respiratory failure, but before the effect takes effect, the poisoned person will gradually feel chest tightness, nausea, difficulty breathing, or even the wrong amount, which may cause the poisoned person to vomit and have diarrhea, making it extremely easy to be discovered. .

Once discovered, as long as they are sent to the hospital in time, the poisoned person has a high probability of being rescued. The murderer cannot have thought of it, so it is basically impossible to poison him during dinner time. The murderer will only think of ways to poison him before going to bed. I hope He could die silently in his sleep. "

Qing Jian Liuli was surprised for a moment, and quickly wrote down the key points in a small notebook, and then questioned: "Are you sure it's ricin? You just looked at it and didn't test it!"

Takeshi Nanabahara was still thinking about various possibilities and said casually: "Of course I am sure that castor is not a rare plant. You can sometimes see it on the roadside. The method of collecting and refining the seeds is also very simple. It was a commonly used murder drug in ancient times. There are dozens of books Symptoms of poisoning have been recorded in books, so there is no way I could be mistaken about this."

Qingjian Liuli quickly circled Jin Manxiu's appearance after being poisoned in the small book, so that next time someone was poisoned by castor seeds, she could see it at a glance, but after finishing the circle, she said strangely: "This time Why are you willing to tell me the name of the poison? Last time you refused to say anything."

Takeshi Nanahara looked at her speechlessly and said angrily: "Because castor seeds are poisonous, it is written in the appendix at the back of our textbook! You are a 300% student scumbag. It is common knowledge that castor seeds are poisonous and is not kept secret at all." It is necessary, and as long as the poisoning is detected in time, the success rate of rescue is very high with modern medicine. I am not worried about you accidentally eating it or touching it, nor am I worried about you going out and talking nonsense!"

Xue Zha Liuli had nothing to say and whispered: "I'm just asking, why can't I ask if I don't know? Why are you so mean..."

Takeshi Nanahara was too lazy to argue with her, and muttered to himself: "I felt a little strange when I saw it. This kind of poison is really not suitable for murder. It fails too easily. But at the time, I thought it was just a novice who had no experience in committing crimes, or the murderer had no channels. In order to obtain a real highly toxic substance, I had no choice but to use ricin, which is the easiest to make at home. But let's look at it now... the poisoning method is so clever. The murderer obviously had a careful plan. He should have determined that Jin Manxiu would sleep to death. , if you don't react, you will die silently if you are poisoned, but it is more difficult to poison in this way, how did the murderer poison?"

Qingjian Liuli also thought for a moment, and suddenly her eyes lit up: "Is it time to take a shower? Lawyer Jin Man took a shower around nine o'clock!"

Takeshi Nanahara shook his head and said: "Probably not. Judging from the residual symptoms in his mouth, he drank or took ricin. He can't drink the bath water. If he only inhaled the powder through his nose, the onset time of the toxin would be longer. Even longer, you may not be able to die in one night.”

Qingjian Liuli felt that this judgment seemed to be correct, and she lowered her head and pondered for a moment. She felt that injection was unlikely. The murderer could get in and inject. Wouldn't it be easier to stab Jin Manxiu to death with a knife?

Or did the murderer suffer from haemorrhage?

She hesitated and said, "It's impossible for Lawyer Jin Man to be poisoned. He took a shower around nine o'clock and obviously didn't feel uncomfortable. It certainly didn't look like he was poisoned at dinner, but he didn't eat or drink after that, and there were no tableware in the bedroom. There were three people guarding the cup on the first floor, which proves that no one had been up there before he went to bed, and the doors and windows were locked and there were no signs of damage. It was like he was in a secret room at that time..."

At this point, she was stunned and became excited, "Is this a secret room poisoning case?!"

Takeshi Nanahara nodded: "If there are no second or third murderers who come to cause damage, it is indeed a secret room poisoning case, but the name is not important. As long as we find out how he was poisoned, the first murderer can be found. come out."

After a pause, he looked at Qingjian Liuli, "What was the smell like in the bedroom at that time?"

He didn't dare to smell carefully at that time, and basically held his breath when he entered the door. Occasionally, he took a small breath to catch the breath of Jian Liuli, otherwise he was afraid of spitting it out on the spot, and even went to the West with Jin Manxiu.

Well, in fact, in daily life, he spends 99% of his time breathing carefully and never distinguishes the smell carefully, otherwise he will be easily passed away. After getting to know Qingjian Liuli, he can breathe easier after hanging out with her.

Qingjian Liuli recalled for a moment, and said slightly disgusted: "There is no special smell, it's just smelly... that kind of sour smell overnight, right? It's a bit like the smell that my dad carries when I occasionally meet him in the morning. picture."

After all, she is just a Tibetan fox, not a professional police dog. This is basically the same as saying nothing. Takeshi Nanabahara hesitates whether to go up and press the news again, but the sacrifice is too great. You have to suffer this to make some extra money, so it is better not to do it. It's better to do this business.

Or continue to question the suspects one by one to see who poisoned them? But it's useless to ask like this. If you don't find out how the other party injected the poison, the murderer will admit it only if he is sick.

He weighed the pros and cons there, turned around and sighed: "Let's go, go back to the bedroom on the second floor and have a look."

The forensics department is searching the villa for the murderer who stabbed someone with an arrow, looking for where the arrow came from. There is no news yet, so we can only wait a moment. The murderer who strangled his neck with his hands did not leave any traces, so it was the hardest to investigate. However, as long as the other two murderers can be eliminated, this one will come out naturally, so there is no need to rush.

Therefore, it is better to check the poisoned person first. In theory, he should leave the most traces, so it is best to check, but you have to smell the smell.

Unfortunately, I thought I could get free money and just ask a few questions about who the murderer was, but I ended up suffering this crime.

Nanabaru Wuxin went upstairs reluctantly, stood at the door of the bedroom and smelled it for a while, sighed, and turned around to smell Qingjian Liuli again.

The body was found early in the morning. The door was always open. People in the villa, the criminal police and the people from the forensics department all came in and out. After a long time, I couldn't smell anything anymore. Bai was disgusted. .

Qingjian Liuli saw him approaching her, still sighing, and asked strangely: "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Takeshi Nanahara came in and politely asked a blue hat from the forensics class, "I'm sorry, where is the victim's body? Has it been sent away?"

The blue hat replied: "Yes, Miss Nakano has ordered it to be sent to Sapporo for autopsy."

Well, Takeshi Nanahara didn't ask for the body to be brought back, just brought it back... To be honest, he was really not sure he had the courage to smell the mouth of the deceased, and if he couldn't smell any clues, it would be a big loss.

He began to wander around the bedroom, and Jin Manxiu was a famous lawyer with a very high income. The bedroom was quite luxurious and was divided into two parts. On one side is a large soft bed, with a bedside table on each side; on the other side is an easy chair, a set of fabric sofas and a standing lamp. It seems that he usually sits here and reads some recreational books.

Qingjian Liuli followed Nanabaru Takeshi around, paying special attention to the windows and found that they were all locked. After all, it was the cold spring, and it seemed that Jin Manxiu had no intention of opening the windows before going to bed.

She was worried, so she went to ask the staff in the forensics department to confirm that she was right. The crime scene was like this when it came out, and no one had touched it.

There are people guarding the first floor, and the windows on the second floor are locked. Is it really a secret room?

Or maybe the murderer waited for the butlers and maids on the first floor to go to bed, then sneaked in secretly, woke Jin Manxiu up to chat and eat, and took the opportunity to inject the poison? But the butler maids obviously waited for Jin Manxiu to go to bed before going to rest. The murderer came to chat with the boss at this time, and even invited the boss to eat and drink. It was not normal!

However, this seems to be the only way to explain it.

Qingmi Ruri was about to explain her reasoning to Takeshi Nanahara when she found Takeshi Nanahara carefully looking at the position of the bedside table. She quickly went over to look at it together, but found that it was just a small record player and a small lamp placed on the bedside table. It is nothing special.

She asked strangely: "What's wrong? Is this related to the case?"

Takeshi Nanabaru muttered: "You said that Jin Manxiu's mouth tasted like your father before?"

"Yes." Qingjian Liuli asked confused, "What's going on? Middle-aged sloppy uncles are like that..."

Takeshi Nanahara straightened up and looked away, thinking thoughtfully: "Then I can probably guess how he was poisoned. This guy drank the poison himself, and the murderer didn't need to come in that night to poison him."

Qing Jian Liuli was shocked. The murderer was found to be -1 at the beginning of the case. Did the victim commit suicide or was stabbed during the suicide process?

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