I'm invincible In Demon Slayer

Chapter 19 - eliminate The ghost of the swamp (for evaluation and collection)

Chapter 19 – eliminate! The ghost of the swamp (for evaluation and collection)

Seeing this, Tanjiro wanted to step forward to help. Just two steps away, a black whirlpool appeared on the ground. A ghost jumped out of the black whirlpool and threw Tanjirou to the ground.

Zhang Qingshan took the girl, jumped up and down, and kicked the ghost on Tanjirou’s body.

The ghost was kicked out and slid on the ground for a certain distance, and finally fell into a black whirlpool.

Tanjilang quickly got up from the ground and glanced at Brother Qingshan thankfully.

“Stay steady! Don’t panic, you protect these two people and leave the rest to me.”

Zhang Qingshan pushed the girl in his arms to Tanjirou, standing alone in front of the three of them. These swamp ghosts had no strength.

The only damn thing is that he didn’t dare to fight head-on, Gao attacked, and then immediately sank into the swamp and hid if he couldn’t win.

“Brother Qingshan, these ghosts are the supernatural ghosts mentioned by Mr. Lintaki?”

Tanjirou spoke vigilantly while watching his surroundings.

“It’s a supernatural ghost, a swamp ghost, but also a low-level character.” Zhang Qingshan said in a relaxed tone.

In front of them, two appeared, and another appeared on the wall next to them. Tanjirou’s eyes were wide, and it was really hit by Senior Brother Qingshan, not one ghost, but three! ! !

The three swamp ghosts bared their heads, and they made a harsh grinding of their teeth in their mouths. This sound was very disgusting to most people.

Zhang Qingshan took a deep breath and focused! Breath of water! One type, water surface slash.

The three swamp ghosts were fairly quick to move, and when Zhang Qingshan’s knife was about to touch their heads, they quickly dived under the swamp.

The black whirlpool still remained on the ground, and Zhang Qingshan suddenly jumped underneath without delay.

Since they like to sneak below so much, letting them die below is the last kindness to them!

“Brother Qingshan!!!” Tanjirou shouted loudly.

The faces of Mr. Kazue and the girl behind Tanjirou changed.

A ghost sprang out on the ground and giggled. He was laughing at Zhang Qingshan who had jumped down.

They have always dragged people down the swamp, but today someone jumped into it on their own initiative. Isn’t this seeking a dead end!

Mr. Heji, who plucked up the courage, shouted at the swamp ghost, “Give me back my lining!”

The swamp ghost stopped laughing and finally spoke.


Open the clothes at the xiong mouth, there are always girly things side by side inside, and in the middle, there is a pink hair band.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

Mr. He already recognized at a glance, that was what was in his fiancée.

“Have you seen it? Everything here is eaten by us. A sixteen-year-old girl, just right, with delicate skin and the best taste, hehe.”

Tanjiro was furious when he heard this, and his mind sounded like Senior Brother Aoyama said to calm down. He suppressed his anger and calmed himself down.

Zhang Qingshan below the swamp, letting his body fall freely, the two timid swamp ghosts should


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It’s time to hide at the bottom.

“He’s down, let him die!”


Zhang Qingshan heard their conversation clearly, and couldn’t help but sneered in his heart. He didn’t even know it was the time of his death.

A dark shadow sneaked towards Zhang Qingshan’s back. Zhang Qingshan had already expected that they would only dare to sneak attack, so the attention was all behind him.

Focus on breathing! Breath of Light! One type, flash.


The blade slashed across the swamp ghost’s body, all hands and feet were chopped off.

“Oh, I didn’t hold the knife firmly, I didn’t cut my head directly!”

Zhang Qingshan said in a regretful tone, but he did it on purpose, and let them die at once, which was a bit cheaper for them.

The other swamp ghost was even more violent, and immediately rushed forward to tear the boy apart with his sharp teeth.

Zhang Qingshan’s eyes narrowed slightly, his expression became serious, and his eyes fixed on the swamp ghost who was leaping over.

Full focus! Breath of Light! The type of three, the dance of light.

The type of three, the dance of light. It has a unique step that can confuse the enemy’s attack. The state it presents is seemingly random, but it has a secret secret. When the body falls, it is as light as a dancer, so it is: a dance of light.

The knife in Zhang Qingshan’s hand gave out a faint light, and his body moved quickly, causing the swamp ghost to pounce in the air, then pounced on it again, still empty.

“Ah-damn it!”

“Damn it’s you!”

Zhang Qingshan’s voice appeared behind him, and when his head turned 180 degrees to face Zhang Qingshan, a knife light flashed quickly.

The head slipped from the neck.

Another swamp ghost saw this scene and hurriedly fled.

“Don’t worry, you will be the next one!” Zhang Qingshan said.

Full focus! Breath of Light! One type, flash.

The tip of the knife in his hand left an ‘S’ shape on the swamp ghost’s body, and his head was divided into two.

Little by little, their bodies were turning to ashes.

Zhang Qingshan quickly went up to the upper swamp mouth, the swamp mouth, because they were beheaded, it was closed little by little.


Fortunately, catching up, Zhang Qingshan’s feet fell on the solid ground.

Tanjirou was fighting the remaining swamp ghost, and Nidou opened his arms to protect the two people.

It’s just that there are three bloodstains still bleeding on your bean’s forehead.

Zhang Qingshan is completely angry! Actually hurt You Douzi.

PS: Xiao Mengxin will say hello to the family every day! Don’t sell cute, don’t act like a baby, please ask for support from flowers, collections, evaluations and more!

Someone asked if you want to build a qun, Xiaomeng asked everyone, do you want to come in? If you don’t enter, you won’t build.

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