Chapter 17 Open the door to New World! (New book for collection!)


Inside the forest, a full moon-like sword light raged past.

In the area within the reach of the sword light, all the trees were cut down neatly by the waist.

The huge destructive power startled the birds in the forest, making ominous calls.


At this time, Namikaze Minato was watching the movement in the distance from a distance with a solemn expression.

Every time he goes on a mission, he leaves a mark of Flying Thunder God somewhere.

In order to be able to leave the battlefield in time when needed.

So when he sensed the danger just now, he directly chose to temporarily leave the battlefield with the Flying Thunder God Technique.

And the reason is very simple, because the opponent’s strength is really strong.

If I consider the safety of my wife Shanyi, then choosing to leave the battlefield as soon as possible is undoubtedly the best choice.

After all, just what the opponent is showing now makes Namikaze Minato unsure of defeating the opponent.

“One of the winding strings, Black Death Mou.”

Namikaze Minato whispered the name and took it to heart.

But on the other hand, Black Death Mou, who was deeply missed by Namikaze Minato, stood in the middle of the battlefield.

“The Fourth Generation project, it’s still almost meaningless now.”

At the same time, Ye Lin, who was controlling Black Death Mou, was also muttering in his heart.

With the information given by Wuwu before, he can naturally manipulate Black Death Mou to wait here for Namikaze Minato to arrive.

And he is very much looking forward to this fight.

After all, the enemies he encountered before, even the strongest Kusakae and Toshio, were nothing more than Elite Jōnin.

For the first time, control a puppet to fight a real Kage-level powerhouse.

However, the result of the battle undoubtedly surprised Ye Lin.

According to Ye Lin’s original idea, Black Death Mou and Namikaze Minato should both be S-level Kage-level strengths.

Fighting, it should be an evenly divided ending.

But after the actual attempt, Ye Lin realized that he wanted to go wrong.

The current Namikaze Minato has very obvious flaws.

And this defect is also very simple to say, that is ‘blood’.

Namikaze Minato is a genius, yes, but after all, he is not a natural race like Uchiha or Senju, and there is no such thing as Wood Style or Sharingan.

Of course, he is already very strong now. With the help of the teleportation of the Flying Thunder God Technique and his basic Kage-level ninja skills, which is solid to the ultimate, he is a Kage-level ninja.

But this kind of strength was just restrained by Ye Lin.

Flying Thunder God Technique is powerful, but after all, it is just a displacement ninjutsu.

As a ghost, Black Death Mou, born with a powerful body and unique blood ghost art, are the nemesis of this kind of ninjutsu.

How are you getting close?

He couldn’t even break the defense, and he had to be careful of the ghost blade of the blood ghost technique, and whether it was strength, physical strength, sword skills, as a ghost, Black Death Mou was far superior to Namikaze Minato.

Not to mention that Ye Lin himself knows how to use the Flying Thunder God Technique, while Namikaze Minato doesn’t know anything about Black Death Mou.

For these reasons, Namikaze Minato was completely suppressed by Black Death, and he even had to use Flying Thunder God to run directly in the end.

“However, it’s the Fourth Generation after all.”

But Ye Lin also knows that Namikaze Minato’s growth rate is definitely at the protagonist level.

Don’t look at his current strength, it seems that he is still too tender, but with the start of the third battle, his strength is definitely one step a day!

Learn celestial arts, develop a Rasengan, and even eventually become a Jinchūriki.

“The next time we meet, maybe we can let Black Death Mou let go of the fight.”

Ye Lin was also looking forward to it.

In just this battle, his Black Death Mou proficiency jumped to 13%.

That’s higher than Enel’s 9% and Byakuya Kuchiki’s 7%.

This is enough to show that the battle with such a strong person is extremely important for improving proficiency.

But soon, Ye Lin didn’t think too much about the issue of Black Death Mou.


“Fool people, of course you have to fool the whole set.”

Whispering in a low voice, Ye Lin also turned his attention to his other puppet.

“you’re awake?”

Finding that the blond boy he had rescued had woken up, Namikaze Minato looked at him.

“You….I remembered, you saved me?”

Ye Lin, who was controlling my wife Shanyi’s puppet, showed a slightly puzzled expression, and then he seemed to suddenly realize something.

“Well, that’s it.”

Namikaze Minato gave a sunny smile.

“Thank you!”

My wife Shanyi also expressed her gratitude after hearing the words.

“You’re welcome, no matter what you say, you can’t sit back and watch that monster kill you, right?”

Namikaze Minato shook his head: “My name is Namikaze Minato, the ninja of Konoha.”

“Uh, I…I call my wife Zenitsu, yes…”

When my wife Zenitsu said this, there was a pause in her words.

“If it’s inconvenient to say, don’t say it.”

Namikaze Minato also liked the boy in front of him who was firmly facing the monster, and laughed at this time.

However, my wife Zenitsu seemed to have made up her mind after hearing this.

“No, grandpa said to repay the favor… I call my wife Shanyi, a reserve member of the Ghost Killing Team!”

“Ghost Squad?”

Although he had already guessed part of it from the previous conversation between Heishing Mou and my wife Shanyi, when my wife Shanyi really said it, he couldn’t help but move in his heart.

“Can you tell me the Ghost Slayer and what that monster is?”

And the curious Namikaze Minato did not hide his curiosity at all. He looked at my wife Zenitsu sincerely.


After hearing his words, my wife Zenitsu seemed to hesitate again.

But in fact, Ye Lin, who was controlling the puppet, was overjoyed.

“Laozi knew that when these two played, the Fourth Generation would have to be fooled by Laozi!”

But on the bright side, my wife Shanyi thought hesitantly for a while.

After a long time, he finally nodded.

“That guy is a ghost of the ghost family…”

So, the door of a New World slowly opened in front of Namikaze Minato! *

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