It's getting more and more lively!"

And Kimimaro came to the barrier through a special technique.

Kimimaro's indifferent eyes surveyed the Konoha crowd outside the lower barrier.

He said respectfully, "Lord Orochimaru, what should I do next?"

"The mission has been completed, let's go back."

Among the Konoha Shinobi on the periphery, Orochimaru glanced.

Finally found the figure of Uchiha Qiye.

An inexplicable smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Qiye-kun, thanks to you this time!"

Third Hokage will never think that it was Uchiha Qiye who pushed him to hell.


Suddenly, a thick fog rose inside the Four Purple Flame Formation.

The two zombies, Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama, have returned to the coffin.

Orochimaru drank it, and the two coffins sank into the ground.

Thick fog shrouded the forest created by First Hokage.

"No, that bastard Orochimaru is going to run away."

"Never let that traitor escape."

"We attack together and pay Hokage-sama."

Some of these ninjas have lost their minds, swooning over their heads with rage.

“Fire Style, Great Fireball Technique!”

“Water Style, Water Dragon Bomb Technique!”

"Earth Style, the soil base is wood!"


Numerous ninjutsu smashed towards the four purple flame formations.

It's as if you don't want money, although it's still right.

Kakashi raised his eyebrows, realizing the consequences of the attack.

"Everyone, get out of here quickly."

The enchantment of the Four Purple Flame Formation suddenly dissipated, and purple flames erupted.

Some ninjas who couldn't react were hit hard by the purple flames.

There was wailing at the scene.

"Quick, go and call the medical team here to stand by."

Nara Shikaku immediately gave an order, and some of the medical ninjas were already waiting here.

The thick fog dissipated, and the enchantment disappeared.

There is no sign of Orochimaru and others inside.

All that's left is the old corpse of Third Hokage.

Kakashi, Sarutobi Asuma, the many ninjas present looked sad and bowed their heads in silence for Third Hokage.

In this battle, Konoha injured 18 people, all of them ninjas.

No villagers were injured or killed.

There is only one dead ninja, and that is Third Hokage.

Uchiha Qiye has returned to his room through Mangekyō.

Third Generation is dead, and the plan is halfway through.

Next, find Tsunade and make her the Fifth Hokage.

Outside Konoha Village, inside Root's Secret Base.

A root member gets down on one knee.

Danzo, sitting on the stone chair, looked melancholy.

"Lord Danzo, there is news from my comrades in the village that Third Hokage is dead, and Orochimaru has successfully escaped from Konoha."

"Third Generation, is it dead?"

Danzo groaned, not knowing whether he was mourning or rejoicing.

That face can't be deceived, it's real sadness.

Competitors who came all the way, just left.

"Hiruzen, you should go ahead of me!"

In just a second, Danzo's sad face gradually became contorted and hideous.

Hissed loudly:

"Now this Konoha Village is my Danzo's."

He didn't expect Orochimaru to have such ability.

When Orochimaru told Danzo to kill Third Hokage, Danzo was skeptical.

He promised not to shoot, this kind of thing, Danzo would love to see it.

Today, however, convinced that Third Generation is dead, Danzo is finally relieved.

Konoha's defense was like an impregnable wall, and Orochimaru really pierced it.

The strength of Third Hokage Danzo knows nothing better. A Kage-level powerhouse is enough to support a ninja village.

However, Orochimaru did it anyway, not only killing Third Generation, but also escaping Konoha.

However, what that Anbu said next, Danzo immediately became restless.

"Danzo-sama, Orochimaru used the Forbidden Technique Impure World Reincarnation during the fight against Third Hokage."

"Really, that kid Orochimaru has learned the Forbidden Technique of Second Generation!"

"Not only that, but he's also featured First Hokage and Uchiha Madara in Impure World Reincarnation!"

“First Hokage and Uchiha Madara?”

These two names alone are enough to make the ninja world feel terrified.

Danzo immediately stood up from the stone chair.


He directly smashed the stone chair with one palm, and the deep shock on his face could not be concealed.

"Orochimaru, I didn't expect you to hide such a trump card."

Facing both Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara at the same time, it is inevitable that the Third Generation will die in battle.

Danzo would be surprised if he won.

However, how did Orochimaru sneak into Konoha quietly?

Danzo is curious, the Konoha perception barrier has always been controlled by the people of Third Hokage.

Even he, Danzo, failed to obtain an accurate enchantment technique.

Because the enchantment technique changes from time to time.

Let Rebel quietly sneak into the village, and then kill Hokage.

If this matter spreads in the ninja world, it will definitely be a shame for Konoha and the country of fire.

Konoha Village will become the biggest joke in the ninja world.

In the land of fire, one of the five great kingdoms, Hokage was assassinated by Renin.

Not only did the villagers doubt whether Sarutobi Hiruzen had the strength to serve as Hokage, but also the daimyo of the Ninja World, the Kingdom of Fire, could not hold his face.

Moreover, the other party escaped unscathed.

As soon as the news spread, the Fire Nation couldn't even hold its head up in front of the other five major countries.

"Lord Danzo, Third Hokage is dead, so you must be the Fifth Hokage."

Danzo nodded with a smile and nodded.

He is indeed the most promising successor to Fifth Hokage right now.

However, this is not a good time. He has been with Konoha for many years, and he knows how to judge the situation very well.

Now that Konoha Village is on the cusp, it's not the best time for him to be Hokage.

Also, he hasn't fully mastered the power of Sharingan and First Generation cells.

Orochimaru's research continues, and Danzo feels he hasn't gotten to the point of frequent publicity.

When he mastered the powers of Senju and Uchiha at the same time, even if Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara stood in front of him, Danzo was completely unafraid.

"Go on, you don't need to be the fifth Hokage for me, the root members will continue to carry out their usual tasks as usual. As for the affairs of the village, they will be handed over to Homura and Koharu."

"Yes, Lord Danzo."

"Strange, it's already this time, Xin, Mingzhi, Jiachen, Jiashu haven't come back yet?"

Danzo felt a little uneasy in his heart, and the four Jōnins went to invite a special Jōnin and they couldn't return.

It is also a great shame for the roots.

"Did that kid Uchiha Qiye escape, or was he not found?"

Yamanaka letter is a perceptive ninja, Aburame Mingzhi is an Aburame clan, his bugs are very good at reconnaissance, it is impossible to find.

"Could it be that things changed at Third Hokage tonight?"

Just as Danzo wondered, Yamanaka Shin had arrived at the base.

"Lord Danzo!"

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