cough..." ·

The old Third Generation coughed a few times.

"O Orochimaru, the old man's head is not so easy to hold."

"Mr. Sarutobi, you are still stubborn, you should have chosen the fifth Hokage, because you are going to die here today."

The four Jōnin who maintained the Four Purple Flame Formation breathed a sigh of relief.

After waiting for so long, this moment has finally come.

"Four purple flame formation, seal!"

This barrier can only be destroyed from within.

But now the four Elite Jōnin also covered their bodies with the enchantment.

This time, after all, no one bothered Orochimaru and Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Konoha Village, Department of Perception.

"Mr. Haiyi, several different Chakras are perceived on the Hokage Rock, among which the Chakra of Lord Hokage is also inside."

Yamanaka Kaiichi, Ino's father.

He is currently the captain of the Konoha Perception Department.

"What, a few powerful strange Chakras?"

Yamanakakai's expression froze, and there was an ominous premonition in his heart.

Stretching into the water polo with one hand, he immediately sensed it.

"This, this Chakra is...",

A terrifying and sinister aura spewed from the depths of his heart.

He was familiar with this evil and strange Chakra.

Cold sweat broke out from his back.

His hands clenched into fists, sizzling.

Word by word: "It's him, Orochimaru is in the village."


Everyone was shocked, they couldn't believe that S-class rebel was actually in the village.

The title of Konoha Sannin is unknown to everyone in the ninja world.

Orochimaru is a Sannin with the same name as Jiraiya and Tsunade.

In terms of ambition and strength, the most terrifying is undoubtedly Orochimaru.

The entire perception department fell into silence.

According to legend, the power of Sannin is not something they can compete with. In the entire Konoha Village, I am afraid that only Lord Hokage is the only one.

"Konoha's perception barrier is still there, didn't you sense it right away?"

"Captain Haiyi, we are not aware of the barrier all the time, but the Chakra of Orochimaru suddenly appeared in the village, and we also thought it was very strange that the barrier did not move at all."

Yamanaka Kai gritted his teeth.

Now blaming is useless, the most important thing is to come up with countermeasures.

Judging from the perception results just now, there are only seven unfamiliar Chakras.

In other words, only seven people sneaked into Konoha quietly.

Orochimaru did not lead a large group of ninjas to attack Konoha.

If many unfamiliar Chakras appear in the village at once, it will definitely cause chaos.

Not the worst outcome yet.

This is the case inside Konoha Village, and the situation outside the village is known.

The area covered by the enchantment is limited to Konoha Village.

There was no strange news from the ninjas on duty outside the village, and there were no large numbers of ninjas gathered in Orochimaru who wanted to come outside the village.

Yamanaka Kai made a decisive decision and issued an order.

"Notify Anbu's people, let them go to Hokage Rock to support Lord Third Generation, and let the villagers evacuate and enter a safe area."

"Not only Anbu, let some Elite Jōnin follow them to Hokage Rock, and the rest of the ninjas will do the border defense work of the village."

"Yes, Captain Haiyi."

"Call me Mr. Lu Jiu immediately."

With Nara Shikahisa as his partner, Yamanaka Kaiichi believes he can take better measures to deal with it.

Nara Shikahisa, who was resting with his eyes closed in the Nara clan, suddenly opened his eyes.

Yamanaka Kaiichi's voice appeared in his mind just now.

"Is this a hallucination?"

The Nara clan, the Yamanaka clan, and the Akamichi clan have been the Ino–Shika–Chō squad for many years.

Hallucinations should also occur.

"Hey, Lukisa, are you there? Hey, Shikaku, please answer if you hear me."

"Damn it, here it is again, Hai Yi, we just met yesterday, don't you let me go to bed, this damn auditory hallucination."

Yamanaka Kaiichi, who was far away in the Konoha Perception Department, had a black line on his face.

He was all too familiar with his partner.

In addition to being afraid of women, the second thing is that you are afraid of trouble.

"Hey, Lu Jiu, this is not an auditory hallucination. There is a big incident in the village. I am trying to change my mind to Technique and talk to you again."

"Hey, it's really you, Haiyi, what's the big deal, just don't be too troublesome."

Judging from Yamanaka Kaiichi's urgent tone, Shikahisa knew that things were not easy.

Based on his understanding of his partner, this is definitely a matter of urgency, and it is impossible not to be troublesome.

"Listen, Lu Jiu, don't be too troublesome to say what I'm going to say next."


"Orochimaru is in the village now, and with Lord Hokage in the clearing above the Hokage Rock Statue, I am afraid that the battle has already started."


Hearing the name Nara Shikahisa was startled.

Konoha has not heard from Orochimaru for a long time, but he suddenly appeared again at this time.

"It's still too much trouble, Haiyi."

Yamanaka Kaiichi: "..."

Yamanaka Kaiichi told Nara Shikahisa about the battle plan he just issued.

Kakashi smiled reassuringly.

"Your partner really didn't disappoint me. Another important point is that when you transfer the villagers, you should calm their minds and not cause panic, especially the children in the ninja school. They are the most troublesome."


Although it was just dark, some villagers fell asleep very early.

Getting them to transfer is a real hassle.

Konoha has experienced the Nine Tails Rebellion, and these villagers still understand the danger.

On the Hokage rock statue, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Orochimaru are still facing each other.

At this time, Orochimaru had tears in his eyes.

"Orochimaru, are you shedding tears of remorse for the pain of fighting the teacher?"

"No no, teacher Sarutobi, these tears are for you who are about to die."


A light wind blew by.

Sarutobi Hiruzen took off his Hokage robe and wore a black ninja battle suit.

"Orochimaru, are you still the same, still so obsessed with the village, what is your purpose?"

"Ha ha......"·

Looking at the serious Sarutobi Hiruzen, Orochimaru couldn't help but smile.

"Mr. Sarutobi, I'm not obsessed with Konoha, the ninja world is too peaceful now, I just want to kill you and a gust of wind blows, the wind makes the wheel of ninja history turn, and I just want to see this turn the result of."

"As for the purpose you said, maybe there is, that is Uchiha's body!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Orochimaru's neck instantly stretched.

As light and agile as a snake, it instantly pounces on Third Hokage.

This Orochimaru, actually took the lead in launching the attack.

In the distance, Uchiha Qiye, sitting on an eaves, carefully observed the battle.

In the original book, Orochimaru played against Third Hokage in Naruto's Chūnin exam.

And now Naruto they are still in ninja school.

How would the outcome of this fight be different, Orochimaru said he had absolute confidence in killing the Third Generation.

Since ancient times, those who set up flags could not escape the fate of slap in the face.

But he is different, he is Orochimaru.

Qiye is also looking forward to this.

Meanwhile, the quiet and peaceful Konoha Village has become restless._

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, recommend, and share! ·

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