At this moment, Kakashi felt a chill on his back!

"Tiger Seal, is this guy going to continue using Fire Style?"

"No, at such a close distance, Kakashi can't escape."

The crowd of Jōnin looked shocked.

And Kakashi, instantly felt a chill hit his back, invading his whole body.

This was the first time he felt such a strong crisis since the Third Ninja World War.

I saw Uchiha Qiye put his hands together, his index and middle fingers together, and push forward.

Kakashi: "Oops, it's not ninjutsu, it's..."

By the time Kakashi realized it, it was too late.


A low moan followed.

This is not ninjutsu, but a simple taijutsu.

Thousand Years of Death!

This kind of "body art" Kakashi has only seen in "Intimacy Paradise".

He also wanted to use it in actual combat, but he didn't expect to be used by others first.

And it was you who got hurt.

It's one of the weakest parts of a ninja!

It's sour, I can't imagine it.

Kakashi rolled his eyes and fell to the ground.

The severe pain from his buttocks made him go into shock.

The place was dead silent.

Men will be silent when they watch it, and women will cry when they watch it.

Elite Jōnin, Hatake Kakashi, who holds the title of Konoha's No. 1 Technician, was defeated by this trick.

Guy, Asuma and others all opened their mouths wide, the shock brought to them by this scene was too strong.

That Kakashi actually lost to a Genin, not even Sharingan.

I can't believe it, I can't believe that this scene will actually happen in front of their eyes.

Judging from the taijutsu and ninjutsu just now, this guy is already at the level of Jōnin.

Especially the Thousand Years of Death that stun Kakashi, made them all feel a chill behind their backs.

It's so scary, has this teenager named Uchiha Qiye been hiding his strength?

"Amazing, Big Brother Qiye, he knocked down the white-haired old man with one blow, what is that move called, Thousand Years of Death?"

Naruto was already cheering on the side.

As expected of a descendant of the Uzumaki clan, his physical strength is so good.

He also tried a few moves of Thousand Years of Death and poked forward.

Third Hokage: "..."

This is a really nasty gymnastics.

"The medical class, the medical class, take Kakashi to the hospital for treatment."

Just like that, Kakashi was put on a stretcher by the medical ninja and carried away.

Anko patted Kurenai Yuhi on the shoulder.

He said loudly: "How about it, Hong, this disciple of mine is very interesting. That genius Kakashi was defeated by him."

Although there are many objective factors, such as Kakashi did not use Sharingan, there are still many trump cards that are not used, and so on.

But the ninja battle only depends on the result, who cares if you use it or not.

It's also a skill to be able to get rid of you before you don't have to go out to shoot.

"Yeah, yeah-"

"Brother Qiye won, let's go, let's celebrate for him."

Just like that, a large group of ninja school students pounced on Uchiha Qiye.

These little devils were chatting beside Qiye, did they push him a few times?

Qiye also woke up in the process of falling asleep.

【Ding! Congratulations to Host for completing a sleep in battle for the first time.】

【Chakra Enhancement】

【Side effects of using Mangekyō Sharingan-10】

[The attack power of the Thousand Years of Death is increased by 10%, and it also has a spiritual attack]

Side effects of Mangekyō Sharingan?

Indeed, if the people of the Uchiha clan have activated the Mangekyō Sharingan, using Mangekyō's ability once, their eyesight will be weakened.

If used frequently, it will eventually lose its light.

It's like Tsukuyomi Amaterasu has used it too many times and has become a patient with severe myopia.

Sasuke used it frequently after upgrading to Mangekyō, and it was almost blind at the fastest.

To eliminate this side effect, in addition to transplanting a close relative of Sharingan to upgrade to Eternal Mangekyō, there is also a Hashirama cell.

Kakashi who uses Kamui too much is also short-sighted in the late stage, and Obito can use Kamui unscrupulously because he has First Hokage Hashirama cells.

"Hmph, old Hokage, Brother Qiye defeated the white-haired uncle, how about it, Genin from our ninja school is better."

Naruto was quite proud at this time, as if he had won the battle himself.

The students of the ninja school were also in high spirits.

"Yes, Qiye graduated from our ninja school and defeated Jōnin in just a few months. It seems that the village's Jōnin is not very good."

With that said, which ninja in Konoha didn't graduate from the ninja school?

Guy, Asuma, the Jōnins were shocked by Kakashi's defeat and prayed that Kakashi's ass would sit well in the next few days.

"You little bastards, stop arguing, Lord Hokage, and sit there for me."

Iruka was furious, this class was the worst class of students he had ever brought.

Third Hokage was equally shocked that Uchiha Qiye was able to defeat Kakashi.

And it was full suppression, Kakashi didn't have a chance to show his Sharingan in the end.

The most important thing is that Qiye beat Kakashi with his eyes closed.

It would be unimaginable to be awake the whole time.

They don't know that the sleeping Uchiha Qiye is the strongest.

"The new generation of Konoha is very strong, which is more conducive to the development of the village."

"Uchiha Qiye, it seems that my old man still underestimated him."

"Cough cough..."

The noisy scene was stopped by Iruka.

"Uchiha Qiye, congratulations on passing this test between Genin and Jōnin, your performance is shocking enough."

"So, from now on, you are a special Jōnin!"

Third Hokage speaks proudly.

Special Jōnin?

Naruto and the others looked at the Third Generation old man with dull eyes.

Excited heart, trembling hands.

They learned about it at Ninja School.

After graduating from school, pass the test to become a Genin, and then take the Chūnin exam to pass the assessment to become a Chūnin.

After becoming a Chūnin, it is necessary to accumulate task experience, and only by completing the tasks with outstanding performance at different levels can be promoted to Jōnin.

And Qiye, without these processes at all, went directly from a special Genin to a special Jōnin.

This is an unprecedented scene, and it speaks volumes about the Third Generation's enlightened policy.

Don't stick to the form.

The same is true for Naruto later, when the ninja wars were still Genin.

After the war, it was directly awarded to Jōnin.

You don't have to take any exams.

And now Uchiha Qiye, walking in the forefront, became the first Konoha who was directly promoted from Genin to Jōnin.

"Oh, this kid Qiye is directly at the same level as me, but he is a teacher for one day and a teacher for life. He is still my lovely disciple. No, I definitely want him to treat me to dessert."

Anko on the side pouted and complained a little unhappily.

This move by Third Generation also shocked everyone present.

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