Anko smiled lightly and murmured:

"Student Qiye, your way of hiding your breath is not very good!"

On the other side, Third Hokage, Danzo, Homura, Koharu, the big guys had another meeting.

But this time, besides them, there were also some clan representatives and some Elite Jōnin.

Such as Nara Shikaku of the Nara family.

Aburame Zhiwei of the Aburame family.

Akamichi Dingza of the Akamichi clan, etc.

Jōnin is represented by Hatake Kakashi, the son of Third Generation Sarutobi Asuma.

Why not me Guy Might Guy?

I kicked Six Paths Madara, is the man who nearly kicked the finale disqualified?

No, don't get me wrong.

Rare beasts like Guy would not participate in this kind of meeting, and if they did, they belonged to the part that disrupted the meeting.

Third Hokage gave Guy a quest and paid him off.

Otherwise, Guy's application to join Anbu in Third Generation was rejected when he wanted to unravel Kakashi's knot.

That's because too enthusiastic, too hot-blooded minds are not suitable for Anbu!

Kakashi: "Sir Third Generation, several months have passed since the Uchiha incident, and the village has basically returned to its previous stability."


Third Generation smiled gratified, this was the result he wanted.

When the news of the destruction of the Uchiha clan spread throughout the ninja world.

There are many Shinobi villages who want to attack Konoha while the iron is hot, and profit from it.

The Uchiha clan is a very powerful force. Decades ago, their leader Uchiha Madara competed with Senju Hashirama, the god of ninjas.

Konoha, who has lost this power, seems to have lost his right and left arm, and his form is in jeopardy.

Some small ninja villages wanted to take advantage of this to attack Konoha, but none of them dared to come forward.

Teaming up and distrusting each other, this is the end.

Because together there is a high chance of betrayal.

Betrayal can happen at any time if the spoils are unevenly distributed after the fruits of victory are obtained.

This is also the cruelty of the ninja world.

These little ninja villages don't understand Konoha's strength.

Like Sunagakure, Kirigakure, Iwagakure, Cloud Shinobi Village, the ninjas of the four kingdoms of wind, fire, thunder and earth often fight against Konoha in the ninja war.

They know the strength of Konoha Village.

Having lost the fighting power of the Uchiha clan, Konoha just fell from the position of the largest village in the ninja world.

Its strength is not comparable to some small ninja villages.

If you want to annex it, you must join forces with other ninja villages, but also with the Great Ninja Village, which is also one of the five great nations.

Otherwise, the result is only one thousand damage to the enemy and eight hundred to oneself.

After the third ninja war, Konoha and Sand Shinobi concluded an alliance treaty, Sand Shinobi didn't want to go into this muddy water.

Together, there is a high probability of betrayal.

So when they heard that Konoha's Uchiha clan had been wiped out, the other great powers were shocked and at the same time they just gloated and didn't take any substantive action.

The era of mutual understanding between people will eventually come, this is just Jiraiya's ideal world.

It is impossible to exist in the real ninja world.

Because people are selfish.

Iruka also submitted his own report.

"Lord Hokage, Uchiha Sasuke's performance at Ninja School is as usual and everything is back on track."

"Uchiha Sasuke, the only brother Itachi has left."

Hearing the name Uchiha Sasuke, Danzo said softly beside him.

As for another Uchiha clan, Uchiha Qiye.

The performance was mediocre, with Mitarashi Anko as his instructor.

Third Hokage is reassuring.

Danzo cared about Qiye at first, but he was only obsessed with the name Uchiha.

A Uchiha who has no Sharingan and no ninja talent is not worthy of his attention.

After several months of precipitation, the matter of the Uchiha family finally passed.

There was a moment of silence in the meeting, Sarutobi Hiruzen, as the head of Konoha's Hokage, started planning for the future of the village.

"Everyone, now is a time of peace, and cultivating new forces in the village is the top priority, starting with the ninja school."

Third Hokage has issued a new rule that graduating from this class of ninja school must be at least twelve years old.

This completely breaks the previous policy.

The previous policy was that as long as you passed the Ninja School test, you could graduate and be promoted.

For example, Kakashi, who graduated from ninja school at the age of five, is known as a genius.

He became a Chūnin at the age of six, when there was no age limit at all.

And weasel.

Enrollment at the age of six and graduation at the age of seven.

Both are geniuses.

like some ordinary ones.

Red Yuhi, graduated from the ninja school at the age of nine.

Sarutobi Asuma, also graduated from ninja school at the age of nine.

Mitarashi Anko, graduated at the age of 10.


It was a period of turmoil before, and it can be used as soon as you graduate.

It's like Guy and Kakashi who also participated in the third ninja war.

To protect and nurture these powers, Third Generation has extended the age to twelve.

Also because of this.

Naruto, Sasuke and the others have to wait until the age of 12 to complete the graduation test before they can successfully graduate and become Genin.

Of course, this policy is not absolute.

Special abilities can be treated specially.

Obviously, Danzo disagrees with Third Generation's policy.

He thinks this is clearly a waste of ninja's talent, and ninja's time is precious.

Danzo still agrees with the previous practice, as long as you pass the exam, you can graduate regardless of age.

Become a new force among Konoha Shinobi followers.

But a good man can't stand the crowd.

Danzo's reputation is not good in the eyes of other ninjas in Konoha, and most of them are on the side of Third Hokage.

Therefore, this policy of Third Generation has been approved by most of them.

Different periods should be treated differently, which is necessary for the cultivation of Konoha's new strength.

This policy of Third Generation is not unsightly.

While winning the hearts and minds of the people, it also severely dampened Danzo's spirit.

Those elite ninjas and clan members naturally agree with this policy.

No one wants to let their children go to battle early!

In the wild, in the secret base of the root.


A low crashing sound spread through the dark secret room.

Danzo's fist slammed hard against the wall.

"Hiruzen, you're still so naive. Kindness will bring disaster to Konoha."

In Danzo's view, Third Generation's policy is completely unnecessary.

Itachi graduated at the age of seven, joined Anbu at the age of 11, and was promoted to the Anbu sub-commander at the age of 13.

This is an excellent ninja.

"Hehe, that old man from Third Generation is just trying to consolidate his regime and win over people's hearts."

A charming magnetic voice came from the dark corner.

A figure slowly emerged from the ground.

With long black hair and a forty-five-degree smile at the corners of his mouth.

The snow-white cheeks revealed a secret.

Eye shadow to the nose, blue-blue hook jade earrings swaying in the dark.

"Orochimaru, it's you!"


Danzo chuckled, and after decades of friendship with Third Hokage, no one knew Third Generation better than him.

This is indeed in the style of Third Generation.

"How is Orochimaru, First Generation's cell research?"

(PS: A la la, you have one vote, I have one vote, the younger brother is evolving towards hard!)

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