Chapter 85

Two days later.

Konoha Research Institute.

At this time, Kakuzu is undergoing a comprehensive inspection. A ninja dressed in white is under the command of Tsunade, using various instruments to collect various data of Kakuzu.

next to.

There are also various storage glass instruments, which contain the flesh and blood of Kakuzu, which can also be said to be grieving flesh and blood.

Under the action of different culture fluids of various colors, these flesh and blood are constantly growing, producing various aberrant reactions and becoming strangely shaped.

Just in front of the distorted flesh and tissue block, Orochimaru was carefully observing it with interest. While observing, his eyes flashed with the brilliance of thinking and analysis.

As for Baixuan.

The reaction to Orochimaru is similar.

“Although Kakuzu’s body structure has become a humanoid life form whose main body is alienated blood vessels due to ground grievances.”

“But these alienated blood vessels also have many qualities that ordinary blood vessels do not have.”

“The cells that make up these alienated blood vessels are more versatile.”

“With a little induction, it can differentiate into other cell forms and form other tissues and organs.”

“And these complete tissues and organs, which are differentiated from alienated vascular cells, are not ordinary tissues and organs.”

“These tissues and organs are all tissues and organs with a certain nature of resentment and alienation.”

“Sure enough, I didn’t guess wrong.”

“Greetings can not only use Chakra to alienate blood vessels, but also use Chakra to alienate other tissues and organs of the human body.”

“In that case.”

“With Sage Body and Blood Succession: Magnet Style·Life Magnetic Field.”

“You can use the grievances to create other secret techniques that use Chakra to alienate your own tissues and organs.”

“for example.”

“Earth resentment·Dragon heart, earth resentment·tiger lungs, earth resentment·phoenix liver, earth resentment·ant muscle, earth resentment·devil bone, earth resentment·sacred blood, earth resentment·chalcedony… ”

“Finally, these tissues and organs are being combined into a whole.”

“Maybe it created an extremely terrifying special physique, and thus also the Master has extremely powerful strength and special abilities.”

Just as Baixuan was conceiving the development and prospects of the grievances, after silently watching Orochimaru of all alienated organizations, he seemed to have come to some interesting conclusions, and suddenly said:

“Baixuan -kun.”

“If you say that the aging of human beings is the aging of countless organs and tissues, then will the constant replacement of various tissues and organs in the human body be able to achieve immortality?”

After hearing Orochimaru’s words, Baixuan naturally understood Orochimaru’s thoughts.

Orochimaru thought.

I can take advantage of the grievances and develop a complete tissue and organ transplantation technique without any side effects.

And try to use this technology to gain immortality.

“I think this method will greatly extend the life span of human beings.”

“As for whether you can get eternal life.”

“A lot of experimental data is needed to prove it.”

“But it’s enough to extend the lifespan by a large margin.”

“In this way, mankind has more time to explore and pursue truth and eternity.”

After getting Baixuan’s reply, Orochimaru nodded thoughtfully.

It is true.

If time is sufficient.

I don’t seem to have to be so eager.

It can be explored slowly, and pursued slowly.

“Baixuan -kun, you are right.”

“Since talking to Baixuan -kun.”

“I suddenly found that what I wanted, what I was looking for, was not so far away.”

“The wisdom of Baixuan-kun.”

“It’s really as deep as sea water.”

Orochimaru’s compliment made Baixuan a little surprised, but looking at Orochimaru’s face that didn’t seem so gloomy, Baixuan’s heart was also a little bit dazed.

Orochimaru who saw hope.

Naturally it is no longer the original Orochimaru.

“Senior Orochimaru is a metaphor.”

“My wisdom has not been proved by any scientific research results.”

“But the wisdom of Orochimaru-senpai.”

“It is the proof of numerous scientific research results.”

“Scientific research this time.”

“I am still looking forward to seeing the wisdom of Orochimaru-senpai.”

Listening to these words also made Orochimaru feel more fond of Baixuan.

Compliment with justification and evidence.

It’s not flattering.

It’s true identification.

But at the next moment.

…… …….. …

Both Baixuan and Orochimaru came to the front left in a tacit understanding.

Tsunade, dressed in white, walked towards Baixuan and Orochimaru at a relaxed pace.

“All the data of Kakuzu and the ground complaint have been checked out.”

“The result was much better than I thought.”

“Maybe we can obtain perfect organ transplantation and organ regeneration technology without conducting a lot of human experiments.”


“Those disabled ninjas, those disabled people, can be reborn.”

Tsunade’s tone was very joyful, excited, and sublime.

“This is really great.”

Baixuan’s smile also seemed to be a smile from the heart.


“This is really good news.”

By observing those alienated organizations, Orochimaru, who already knew this, also responded to Tsunade in a tacit understanding with Baixuan.

“starting from tomorrow.”

“We will start the scientific research mission.”

“Strive to perfect this technology as soon as possible.”

“Okay, Mrs. Tsunade.”

“no problem.”

Baixuan and Orochimaru replied very tacitly.

PS: The big guys who send flowers, give rewards, and comment, one by one are more handsome than Tianle, and whiter…a few.

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