I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 277 The Food That All Dragons Love (For Subscription, For Support)

Basically, Li Xuan is making noodles now. If he has no special requirements for noodles, he uses chewy guoshi no double-sided noodles. No one can refuse the noodles that are so springy.

"Okay, bring the noodles out!""

With Thor's help, Li Xuan finished the Milky Way face in a short time, and asked Elma and the others to help carry the face out. Li Xuan packed up and walked out.

"This face is so dark!"

Li Xuan didn't cover it with a lid, so when she came out from one end, Kang Na saw the appearance of the Milky Way. To be honest, the first impression of the Milky Way was not very good.

If it weren't for the fragrant smell of Milky Way noodles, I would have thought it was some kind of dark food.

"This recipe is not that simple, turn off the lights!"

As soon as Li Xuan's voice fell, all the lights in the restaurant went out, and everyone was attracted by the Milky Way in front of them.

The originally dark Milky Way surface, in the dark, in the eyes of everyone, presents the scene of the universe, and countless stars are constantly twinkling, allowing people to overlook the universe, giving people a vision full of arrogance and dreams.

"It's so beautiful! I didn't expect this dish to be so beautiful.

Li Xuan smiled, he didn't expect it, that's why he didn't tell Thor in advance, after all, it would be boring to think about the Galaxy.

"Do you know why this dish is called Milky Way noodles? It's because this dish can make people see the Milky Way. If you pay attention, you will find the two brightest stars on both sides of the Milky Way, Altair and Vega.

In mythology, the Weaver Girl is a god, and the Cowherd is a mortal. Once, Zhinu was playing in the world, and after splashing in the lake, her clothes were picked up by a cowherd who passed by.

The two fell in love at first sight, got married, and gave birth to a boy and a girl. But the love of human beings and gods is against the rules of heaven, and the Jade Emperor ordered the Weaver Girl to leave the Cowherd.

After the Cowherd saw his wife being taken away, he immediately picked up a pair of baskets with a pole, put a pair of children into the baskets, and went after the Weaver Girl. Seeing that he was about to catch up, a big river suddenly blocked in front of him. This was the Milky Way drawn by the Queen Mother. When the Queen Mother saw that their relationship was sincere, she made an exception to let them meet once a year on Qixi Festival.


Li Xuan briefly told the story of the Cowherd and Weaver Girl, and only said it on the bright side. After all, we should not talk too much about this romantic moment.

For example, the Cowherd is actually not that good. After all, a person who stole the clothes of other girls under the sway of a scalper can't seem to make sense if you say that he is very good.

But the love story of two people should not be mixed with too many conspiracy theories, it would be nice to be able to move others.

"The Milky Way noodle dish is a congratulatory dish that prays for the eternal love of the two. Like the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, the love will last forever!"

Thor heard Li Xuan's words and immediately said loudly: "Then I have to eat more, my love with Ah Xuan will last forever!"

Turning on the lights in the restaurant again, Li Xuan stretched out his hand and touched Thor's head, and glanced at her with a smile, who could refuse such a cute girl?

"Okay, everyone, let's eat!"

Li Xuan also brought a bowl of Milky Way noodles in front of him. The vast starry sky just now was made of cuttlefish juice and pearl powder.

If it weren't for a bit of money, this dish wouldn't be possible.

In the original book, the small and medium-sized masters still borrowed other people's pearls to destroy and grind them into powder, otherwise the twinkling stars would come, and there would be no lighting effects at all.

"Lord Li Xuan, Kang Na wants to see the stars!


"There are you two everywhere, right? 35

At this time, everyone has finished eating, and there is no one in the store. Let's just go upstairs and watch the stars together. How good is this kind of life?

It should be said that instead of going to the top of the building, it flew directly into the air. In the city, all kinds of neon lights illuminate the night sky. Want to see the stars? That is simply impossible.

So I just flew straight up, and later found that the higher it was, the colder it was, so I simply changed a place and found an uninhabited desert island, where I could see the twinkling stars in the sky very well.

After watching the stars and returning home, Li Xuan did not go to bed immediately, but entered the world of food. After the last time he conquered the Ice Hell, he unlocked the next area, which is Berry Forest Island, which looks like a beef burger. of small islands.

The area is not large, but this undeveloped desert island floating in the far sea grows a special sweet fruit that gathers all the sweetness of berries, earthberry!

This earthberry is really interesting. It fully absorbs the nutrients of the earth. It has a unique shape and looks like a giant dragon. It can be said that it is the favorite of all dragons.

Li Xuan guessed that the earthberry is not only very suitable for the taste of dragons in taste, it is very likely that the earthberry can promote the growth of dragon creatures, otherwise it is impossible for all dragons to love it.

But I just don't know if this earthberry has any effect on Kona and the others, and it needs to be eaten to know.

Berry Forest Island is not that big anyway, so Li Xuan plans to spend some time tonight to guide it.

However, Li Xuan still has something to do before attacking Berja Forest Island, that is, it is time to donate blood again.

In fact, according to Li Xuan's plan, it should not be so frequent. It should be a few days and a few months in the food world.

But the last time Nezha crossed the catastrophe, Li Xuan's inventory was directly reduced by half, so now it needs to be replenished.

However, Li Xuan also started a lot lighter, charging only half of the usual amount.

".~ The weather is great! 35

Entering Berja Forest Island, looking at the blue sky, Li Xuan exclaimed. The business is important, let's hurry up the strategy, after the strategy is over, go back to hold Thor and sleep well, Joe?

If there is no accident, the earthberry should grow in the center of the berry forest island, and it's fine to move toward the center of the island.

Li Xuan just came in alone this time, and didn't bring Lenileira with them, after all, the Raspberry Forest Island is not that big.

As I walked, countless sparkling powders suddenly floated down from the sky, smelling like a delicious seasoning.

Li Xuan looked up and saw a butterfly flapping its wings in the air. The four wings were purple, blue, green, and red, and the whole body was colorful.

It turned out to be Mei Butterfly, catch level 5, and the glittering powder that fanned out between the wings smells like a delicious seasoning, which will make people addicted without realizing it.

In fact, this butterfly uses its delicious seasoning-flavored phosphorous powder and beautiful appearance to confuse creatures that see it, and if you keep staring at it, you will be introduced into the habitat of ferocious beasts.

Unfortunately, this little trick doesn't work for Li Xuan. With Li Xuan's current mental resistance, it doesn't work at all.

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