At this moment, over Germany, a fighter plane is flying rapidly.

At this moment, a red spark circle suddenly appeared over the fast-flying fighter plane, and a man in a red cloak suddenly jumped out of it.

Boom! ! !

The originally calm night sky also suddenly flashed violent lightning one after another at this time, the surrounding dark clouds began to gather, and a thunderstorm soon formed.

Loki, with his hands tied, was obviously a little nervous after feeling the thunder.

"Why, are you still afraid of thunder and lightning?" Captain America asked when he saw Loki's expression.

"No, I just hate the accessories brought by lightning." After he finished speaking, everyone felt something at the moment.

"...Bang!" Suddenly, everyone felt that a heavy object fell on the top of the plane, and the fighter plane shook. Swinging everyone in the cabin a few steps.

The fighter quickly stabilized.

Tony Stark put on his steel helmet at this time, then walked to the rear cabin and opened the door.

"Click!" The button was pressed, and the iron door behind it slowly opened with the sound of hydropneumatic.

The moment the door opened, a figure wearing a red cloak and silver soft armor appeared in front of everyone.

Tony raised his arm and began to condense energy to blast it down, but while he was condensing, Thor smashed it directly with a hammer.

"Boom!" After smashing the iron man in front of him, he came directly to his brother Loki, and then angrily pinched his neck and lifted him up.

Under everyone's attention, Thor took Loki and flew out from the exit of the fighter plane.

"...An Asgardian again?" Natasha, who was sitting in the co-pilot, looked behind her and asked.

Just when they were still in doubt, a man wearing a black battle suit with a knife on his back, with scarlet energy light on his neck, chest, back knuckles, knee joints, etc., appeared in front of several people. It's like a knight's helmet.

"Yes!" The helmet slowly disappeared, revealing Bai Yang's face.

"Who are you?" The captain looked suspiciously at the person who suddenly appeared in front of him.

But Tony knew the person in front of him, but he didn't dare to recognize each other for a while, and asked uncertainly, "Are you Bai Yang?"

"Yes. You don't recognize me anymore, it's so sad." Bai Yang shook his head sadly.

"Who knew you've changed so much? Where have you been in the past two years?" Tony said silently, because the poplar in front of him has changed too much.

In the one year in Asgard, Poplar's hair did not seem to have been cut, and he was brought with a group of young ladies and sisters. The hair was a little long, so he tied a ponytail at the back of his head.

Hmm... To be honest, it's a bit girly, maybe it's related to age. The skeleton is not yet fully developed.

"I think we should talk about the two Asgardians..." Natasha suddenly reminded silently at this time.

"Let's talk later!" Tony quickly put aside the poplar when he heard the words, and flew out towards the exit of the fighter plane.

Bai Yang glanced at the confused captain, "The clothes are very handsome!"

"Oh, ... yours is also very handsome!" The captain was stunned and then quickly responded.

"Then I'll follow first, bye!" After speaking, the knight-like helmet appeared again, and Bai Yang turned around and jumped out.


On the other side, Thor dragged Loki directly by the neck and landed in a desolate mountain range.

"Where is the Cosmic Cube?" Thor asked in a deep voice, looking at Loki lying on the ground.

Loki didn't answer, but said with a smile, "...I miss you!"

"Do I look like I'm joking with you?" Thor didn't like him.

"Haha..." Loki slowly got up, "You should thank me, if I hadn't destroyed the Rainbow Bridge, my father wouldn't have gathered an unknown amount of dark energy to send you to your lovely Earth. Come."

"Dark energy? What dark energy?" Thor was a little puzzled.

Loki became puzzled when he saw his expression, "Didn't you get sent by your father?" Gu

Just when Thor wanted to answer, a portal suddenly appeared beside the two.

"The space bridge I made sent the two of us here." Topol came out under Loki's surprised gaze.

"...Mage of Earth?" Loki suddenly felt a little miscalculated.

"Yes, but I don't represent the temple." Bai Yang once again pulled back his head armor to reveal his face and smiled.

"And this is your Asgard business. Normally, our temple will not interfere."

"Then what are you doing now?"

"Follow me down along the way. Let's see if anything can help."

"It should be gone now." Loki glanced at Thor in front of him and spread his hands helplessly.

Thor looked at his younger brother in a fit of anger, picked up the hammer and pointed at him: "Listen to me, brother, I..."

But before he finished speaking, a white light flashed instantly and knocked it out.


Bai Yang and the two looked at Thor who had suddenly disappeared, raised their eyebrows in surprise, and then looked at the light in the distant jungle.

The sudden light just now was Tony.

At this moment, the two began to confront each other.

"I'm being touched!" Thor warned in embarrassment.

"Then don't you take my things?" Of course Tony didn't give You don't know that the sky is high! "Thor was furious at the moment.

In the face of the other party's warning, Tony continued provocatively: "Are you an actor in the Shakespeare Theater?"

"Your mother knows you're messing around in his red cape...?" Before he finished speaking, Thor flew over with a hammer.

"Bang!" Tony was smashed and flew out again.

"What kind of onion are you, Tin Woodman." He retracted his hammer and said disdainfully.

Bai Yang instead sat down at this time, watching them fight with interest on the stone wall in the distance.

When Thor turned the hammer and was about to hit the opponent again, Tony suddenly shot a burst of energy and knocked him out.

"Bang! Bang!...Kacha!..." The sound of collision and tree breaking continued to sound in the jungle, and the two behind them even flew into the air to fight.

"Your brother's fighting style is really tough!" Seeing the scene where Thor knocked Tony who was wearing iron with his head, the corner of Bai Yang's mouth twitched slightly.

"He always does!" Loki was obviously used to it.

However, after fighting like this, it was clear that Thor was victorious in the end.

The two fought together again, but at this time, a shield suddenly flew over, interrupting the attack of the two.

"Enough is enough!" The shield returned to the captain's hands contrary to common sense at this time.

Then he jumped off the broken trunk.

"I don't know why you came to Earth."

"I'm here to solve my brother Loki's conspiracy," Thor replied.

"Prove it...for example, put down the hammer in your hand," the captain suggested.


"That hammer is your brother's treasure, it feels more important than you..." Bai Yang said quietly beside Loki.

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