The guests in the hotel were still coming in and out, and some people were talking to their companions from time to time. They had no idea what happened here just yesterday evening.

Jerry Fu and his secretary personally sent Chu Feng and Shamo to the parking lot outside the hotel, where the car that brought them there was already waiting.

This time, Jerryfu was willing to send us off, and the smile on his face definitely came from the heart, with incomparable sincerity.

"Master Chu, Miss Chu, thank you for your hard work, and I hope there will be a chance to meet again."

Chu Feng and Summer sat in the back seat of the car and waved their hands:"You're welcome, Jerryfo, your check can express your gratitude better than your words.

Also, we'd better not meet again, because that means something happened to you again."

The smile on Jerry's face froze slightly, and then he smiled awkwardly:"I hope we can meet again if nothing happens."

"That requires fate."Chu Feng said with a smile.

"fate?"Jeriver didn't quite understand the meaning of this word.

Chu Feng didn't look like he wanted to explain. He just waved his hand and told the driver to drive.

As he watched the car slowly start and finally leave the hotel, Jerryfer couldn't help but sigh.

"Mr. Ullmann, why do you sigh? The secretary asked from the side:"Is the matter not resolved yet?""

Jeriver said:"No, the matter has been solved very well. No one will die here again unless some accident happens.""

"why?"The secretary was even more confused.

Jerryfu sighed again:"Because my attitude in the past two days was too bad, I lost the opportunity to become friends with Master Chu Tian."


The luxury car belonging to Wangyuan Hotel was driving on the mountain road.

Chu Feng took out the check he got from Jerry Ford, handed it to Summer and said,"Here it is, you have worked hard on this trip, and you also officially killed one."

Summer curled his lips and said,"I don't want it. When will I want what I earned after becoming an official exorcist?"

"you sure? This can buy a lot of beautiful clothes and a lot of things.

Your car can also have some top-notch modifications, and you can also buy a better car."

Chu Feng is like a big bad wolf tempting a lamb.

Summer said:"If I really need it, won't I get it from Baopuzhai?

Now the money in Baopuzhai's books is many times that of yours, okay?"

"All right. Chu Feng sighed:"Really, I can't even give away the money.""

Listening to the conversation between the two people behind, the driver in front quietly took a look in the rearview mirror and happened to see the long series of"0" s!

The driver couldn't help but apply the brakes, causing the car to make an unpleasant sound and make an emergency stop. Get off.

Before Chu Feng could question him, the driver turned around and stared at the branch.

After carefully identifying it, he was sure it was right. It was a long series of"0"s, with a"7" in the front and a full 6 in the back. Oh my

God, 7 million US dollars.

The driver’s heart was pounding, and his eyes were shining green, like a hungry wolf that saw a lamb.

With his income, he would never earn so much in his life even if he worked hard to death. Money.

In his heart, there is something called greed, which is growing rapidly and may occupy his entire brain at any time.

"what you do?" Summer asked dissatisfiedly.

If they hadn't had good balance and strong control, they might have flown out just now.

The driver turned a deaf ear and just asked:"Is this your income for this trip?"

"Yes, what are your thoughts?"Chu Feng stopped Summer from continuing and asked.

At the same time, he put the check into the check holder and put it back in his pocket.

The driver's eyes followed the movement of the check until the check was no longer visible. He Then his eyes moved to Chu Feng's face.

The income this time alone was 7 million US dollars, so how rich would these two people be?

All kinds of crazy ideas popped up in the driver's mind involuntarily.

"If these two people are kidnapped, I won’t ask for more. It only costs 20 to 30 million US dollars. It will definitely be very easy for these two people."

"No, kidnapping is too risky. Not only will it alarm a lot of people, but it's also a waste of time."

"I simply kill them, and I only need to take away the seven million dollars they have, and I don’t need to continue living the miserable life I am now in the rest of my life."

The driver kept making various assumptions.

But as he thought about it, the picture of his wife and four-year-old son popped up in his mind.

"No, it can't be done. If this happens, I will spend the rest of my life in prison.

I will never see them again.

Serena will definitely remarry, and Jack will become someone else's son.

No, I can't do this."

The driver's eyes gradually sobered up again.

Thinking of the crazy idea he just had, he couldn't help but shuddered:"I don't have any ideas.

Sorry, I just lost my temper."

The driver turned around again and continued to let the car drive smoothly.

A smile appeared on Chu Feng's face. He knew very well what the driver was thinking just now.

The look in his eyes was so obvious, how could he hide it from Chu Feng.

Chu Feng Feel lucky for him.

If the driver had really done something just now, he would have become a corpse by now.

At the same time, Chu Feng also blamed himself for not letting the money be exposed.

Greed is the essence of most people.

And for an ordinary For a driver, 7 million US dollars is definitely a fortune that is difficult to earn in a lifetime.

Therefore, it is only human nature for drivers to be greedy.

Chu Feng and Summer looked at each other, and then smiled knowingly.

Several An hour later, the car stopped smoothly outside the airport.

The driver took out the symbolic suitcases of Chu Feng and the others. Chu Feng took out a thousand dollars in cash and handed it to the driver:"Thank you for your hard work, driver." sir, here's your tip"

"Not so much."The driver was shocked. One thousand dollars was his salary for more than a week.

"Take it, you deserve it. Chu Feng put the money into the driver's hand:"You have defeated your own evil desires. You are a hero to yourself and your family."

Heroes should be rewarded"

"You know everything, Master Chu."The driver was startled, and then his face was full of shame._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu

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