Just like the Celestial Master, the reason why he is known to so many ordinary people is because he has the corresponding position.

Normally, he is also responsible for subduing demons and eliminating demons.

The Heavenly Lord is stronger and has a higher level than the Heavenly Master, so he must also bear these responsibilities.

Once the Heavenly Master encounters something that cannot be solved, the Heavenly Lord will take action.

The reason why ordinary people only know the Heavenly Master and not the Heavenly Lord is simply because the Heavenly Lord is too high-level.

Many things can be solved by the Heavenly Master. The Heavenly Lord does not appear frequently, so he is not known to everyone.

The reason why Rem called Chu Feng Lord Tianjun was just based on ancient respect.

At the same time, he also respects Chu Feng’s strength.

Chu Feng asked:"What kind of existence is your God of Death?

Why do so many countries have Gods of Death?

And they do different things."

Rem said:"This is the secret of the God of Death. Please forgive me for not telling you."

Chu Feng was speechless.

In many movies, there are too many gods of death, including all kinds of gods.

There is a grim reaper wearing a black hooded robe and holding a huge scythe.

There are also people like Rem and others.

Chu Feng also watched a movie. The God of Death looked like an ordinary person. If he hadn't said it himself, no one would have known that he was the God of Death.

Moreover, they do different things, so Chu Feng is very curious about them and wants to see what kind of existence they are.

As a result, Rem didn’t say anything at all

"All right. Chu Feng said:"What do you want from me?""

"I want to ask you to do me a favor."Rem's consciousness came

"tell me the story."Chu Feng took a sip of coffee.

In the eyes of others, Chu Feng was just drinking coffee very normally and did nothing.

He neither opened his mouth nor spoke. He was completely communicating with his spiritual consciousness.

Ordinary people like Rem He couldn't see it, so no one regarded Chu Feng as a lunatic talking to himself.

Rem said:"I want to ask you to help me protect Mihai Sha.""

"Um?"Chu Feng was both surprised and expected by this request.

Apart from creating the Mihai Sand, Chu Feng couldn't find anything that Rem needed his help for.

Chu Feng said:"But I'm very busy. , I'm protecting the people I'm supposed to protect.

Rem said:"I can guarantee that they are fine and that no one or other existence will disturb their work and life.""

Chu Feng believed this.

For a god of death, there is no problem in doing this.

As for Mihaisha, the situation is different.

But Chu Feng deliberately asked:"Since they, why can't they protect Mihaisha?

Rem said:"Haisha is different. The person who wants to harm him is the owner of another note."

As for the owner of the note, only Correspondence can kill him, I cannot kill him."

"death Note?"

"Yes, Death Note, this is a notebook with mysterious power……"

Rem started talking.

Chu Feng did not interrupt him and let him continue speaking.

After a while, Rem finally said everything he needed to say:"That boy Yagami Yue is not trustworthy.

And we, the God of Death, can't save people, so I would like to ask you to help take care of Haisa, can you?"

Chu Chu Ask:"What will I get if I agree to help you?"

"I can add 100 years of life to any person I choose."

100 lifespan!

Chu Feng was immediately moved.

Lifespan is not that easy to increase.

Although Chu Feng has a life scythe.

However, when the life scythe harvests lifespan, there is too much loss.

Only one tenth can be harvested. About a lifespan.

Regarding the lifespan of a normal person, Chu Feng definitely cannot harvest. If he harvests livestock, harvesting too much is against the harmony of nature.

After all, livestock are also in the six realms of reincarnation.

This leads to the fact that although Chu Feng There is a life sickle, but it is rarely used.

The last time Bai Cloak was killed, Chu Feng wanted to use it to harvest the longevity of Bai Cloak.

But unfortunately, Bai Cloak was directly killed by the formation and was not given to Chu Feng at all. Feng has the opportunity to harvest longevity.

And the longevity pill that Chu Feng wants to refine has not yet found the main material.

It is precisely because life is so rare that it shows the value of life.

Chu Feng has already moved in his heart, and on the surface But he didn't show any expression:"A life span of 100 years is too short.

Nothing works for me.

Rem said:"Master Tianjun, I know that your life span is as long as 1,000 years, but that is only your own life span and cannot be given to others."

But in my 100 years of life, I can give you the ones you need most."

"That's not enough either. Chu Feng said:"I have many ways to extend my life, but 10 years is too little." Rem looked thoughtful.

After a while, he gritted his teeth and said,"Okay, up to 150 years. This is the maximum lifespan I can give."

If you still can't agree, forget it"

"make a deal. Chu Feng said:"But I need to give this life span separately, not to the same person all at once."

Rem said:"This is just a small matter, there is no problem.""

"Then it's settled."There was also a smile on Chu Feng's face.

In other eyes, Chu Feng saw something interesting, so he smiled.

"Sign a death contract."When Rem saw Chu Feng agreeing, there was a little joyful expression on his face.

Then another piece of consciousness was transmitted to him.

"Death contract, what is it?"This was the first time Chu Feng heard this name.

Rem explained:"Don't be nervous, this is a unique contract signed by the God of Death when he cooperates with other beings.

Once signed, both parties can no longer renege.

Once violated, you will be punished by the Death Realm.

This punishment, Lord Tianjun, please forgive me, you can't bear it."

Chu Feng understands, isn't this a contract?

If the contract is violated, there will be legal punishment.

This is the punishment of the Death God Realm.

"How to sign?"Chu Feng asked

"Very simple."Rem closed his eyes and concentrated, and stretched out his hands.

After a moment, a light shone in his hands.

Then, an illusory piece of paper emitting gray-white light appeared in his hands.

"alright."Rem spread out the illusory paper, we imprinted our spiritual power on it, and the contract came into effect.

"I'll take a look first, but don't let you fool me."Chu Feng said.

Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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